Top 5 christopher columbus american more than 500 years ago in 2023

Below are the best information and knowledge on the subject christopher columbus american more than 500 years ago compiled and compiled by our own team laodongdongnai:

1. Christopher Columbus – Facts, Voyage & Discovery


Date Submitted: 01/06/2020 10:04 PM

Average star voting: 5 ⭐ ( 50139 reviews)

Summary: The explorer Christopher Columbus made four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain. His most famous was his first voyage, commanding the ships the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria to the Americas.

Match with the search results: , but he did not know this. He started regular contact between Europe and America though and introduced tomatoes and potatoes into Europe….. read more

Christopher Columbus - Facts, Voyage & Discovery

2. Vikings were in the Americas 500 years before Christopher Columbus, study claims | Daily Mail Online


Date Submitted: 12/26/2019 04:22 PM

Average star voting: 3 ⭐ ( 42637 reviews)

Summary: Archaeologists from the University of Iceland analysed wood samples from Norse sites in Greenland, and found they came from tree species that were grown in North America.

Match with the search results: Christopher Columbus American more than 500 years ago. A. discovered B. has discovered C. had discovered D. had been discovering….. read more

Vikings were in the Americas 500 years before Christopher Columbus, study claims | Daily Mail Online

3. Vikings reached America 500 years before Christopher Columbus, study claims


Date Submitted: 05/19/2022 01:18 AM

Average star voting: 4 ⭐ ( 32371 reviews)

Summary: Scientists looked at chopped wood in L’Anse aux Meadows, which has been linked to a Nordic settlement dating back to c 1000AD

Match with the search results: People with careers such as : ENGINEER, RESEARCHER, BIOLOGIST VETERINARIAN, DETECTIVE and LAB TECH have what personality trait? A. Realistic. B. Artistic. C….. read more

Vikings reached America 500 years before Christopher Columbus, study claims

4. The Real Story: Who Discovered America


Date Submitted: 11/25/2021 08:55 PM

Average star voting: 3 ⭐ ( 15344 reviews)

Summary: America was really discovered a people known as Pre-Clovis who crossed a land bridge between Asian and America 15,000 years ago

Match with the search results: Christopher Columbus ______ America more than 500 years ago. A. discovered. B. has discovered. C ……. read more

The Real Story: Who Discovered America

5. What Came to Be Called “America” – 1492: An Ongoing Voyage | Exhibitions – Library of Congress


Date Submitted: 09/26/2022 04:45 PM

Average star voting: 4 ⭐ ( 57229 reviews)

Summary: By 1492, millions of people had lived in the Western Hemisphere for tens of thousands of years across an area five times the size of Europe with distinct languages and cultures.

Match with the search results: Christopher Columbus has long been exalted as a heroic figure in American history: the first explorer to establish a European presence in the New World….. read more

What Came to Be Called

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