gaps – Page 2

Quote Originally Posted by olgaa

Originally Posted by

there is

In the first few years at school all appears to 1 very well. There is much concern, 2 the part of the teachers, with high educational standards and the children, even those who are 3 from being socially privileged in other ways, seem eager and happy. However, by the 4 they children reach adolescence, the promise of the early years frequently remains unfulfilled. Many leave school 5 having mastered those basic skills which society demands, let 6 having developed the ability to exercise any sort of creative intelligence.

There is 7 denying that, in spite of the enlightended concern of our primary schools with happiness, schooling 8 or other turns into a distinctly unhappy experience for many of our children. Large 9 of them everge from it well 10 that they are ill-equipped 11 life in our society. So then they either regard 12 as stupid for failing or else, quite understandably , they regard the activities at 13 they have failed as stupid. In 14 event they want no 15 of them . How can we justify a long period of compulsory education which ends like that?

and my thoughts:

1 go/be
2 on
3 far
4 time/moment
5 without/not
6 without, not (again!)
7 sth like point…
8 something somehow
9 amount
10 enough
11 for
12 themselves
13 which
14 any/either
15 sth connected with feelings?