at a price | meaning of at a price in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE

at a price

But early

at a price


But early admissions come

As so often in life, the best comes

at a price



at a price


But convenience comes

Shakespeare market a very good one through dealers

at a price

that will not break the

Shakespeare market a very good one through tackle that will not break the bank


at a price

of £16,524.

In April of that year the contract was awarded to H Lyttle and Son of £16,524.

They have a stock

at prices

way below the small independents.

They have a competitive edge in larger buying power, enabling them to acquire way below the small independents.

It is

at a price


It is successful because it produces a high quality product on timethe customer can afford


at a price


More choice for viewers