Why We Struggle to Express Emotion

By FoundCare’s Behavioral Health Team

Adults who struggle to express their emotions have one thing in common; as children, they learned it was not safe to do so. Although most adults were not intentionally taught to hide or withhold their emotions as children, parents often taught this lesson inadvertently, modeled by the generations before them who did not know better.

You may have learned not to express your emotional needs when your feelings were frequently dismissed. “It’s not that bad” or “you’ll be fine” are responses that teach children to ignore what their mind and body are telling them. If you were teased or made fun of for showing emotion as a child, you may struggle to express emotions today for fear of rejection. Adults who tend to hide or withhold emotions may recall a time when their parents dismissed their feelings or told them to stop being so emotional. No matter how you or a loved one were molded as a child, acknowledging, addressing, and expressing your emotions as an adult is vital to improving the ability to connect with yourself and others.

You have a highly-sensitive personality. Highly sensitive people are often negatively described as being too sensitive because they experience the world with greater emotion. Being a highly sensitive person comes with its own challenges because it is easy to show emotion but not easy to explain why they feel the way they do. Those with sensitive personalities can be deeply affected by other people’s moods, become distressed easily by normal experiences, tend to easily withdraw when criticized, judged, or lied to, and are very empathetic towards humans and animals. Those with sensitive personalities were most likely taught at a young age to ‘toughen up’ leading them to feel ashamed or embarrassed by the emotions they feel. If you or a loved one have a highly sensitive personality, it is important to give yourself time to adjust to change, create a quiet and calm environment that you can retreat to, allow yourself time to unwind after a busy day, and give yourself the freedom to express emotions without fearing judgment.

You avoid conflict at all costs. Conflict avoidance is a type of people-pleasing behavior that typically arises from a deep-rooted fear of upsetting or disappointing others. Changing the subject to avoid an argument, agreeing when you disagree, and not expressing your true feelings are all forms of conflict avoidance. These tendencies can be traced back to growing up with parents who were overly focused on small faults, complained a lot, or were dismissive, distracted, or uninterested during interactions. When you hide your emotions because you fear how others will react, you deny your own experience. Conflict is an opportunity to speak your truth and does not always have to be resolved when it happens. It can help to create a plan before confronting someone about an issue by clearly defining what you would like to resolve and writing down key facts you want to cover.

You feel like you should be happy all the time. Emotional perfectionism is when you set an impossible standard to have complete control of your feelings, often disguising all emotions perceived as negative in an effort to not appear weak or pathetic. Growing up with parents that had unrealistically high expectations or in an environment where you were taught that feelings should be kept to yourself could play a role. The truth is, we cannot always be rational and in control of our emotions, nor can we be expected to always put on a positive show. Learning how to express your feelings appropriately, embracing them with compassion and patience, and allowing yourself to really feel is the key to good emotional health. Negative emotions will always point to a problem that needs your attention. Suppressing these emotions will only cause physical and emotional damage to your health.

You hate being vulnerable.  The fear of vulnerability is ultimately a fear of rejection or abandonment. If you grew up with parents who spent very little time with you or were neglectful, you most likely learned early on that distancing yourself from others helped you avoid being hurt. As an adult, you may find yourself intentionally buried in work, school, or other activities and find it difficult to emotionally connect with others. Being vulnerable is the only way to connect to yourself and others. You can practice being vulnerable by asking for help when you need it, sharing your feelings with others, giving and receiving feedback without being overly defensive, and learning to be present and in the moment with those you love. It will be difficult at first but will become easier with practice.

Fear is often the reason why people find it hard to express their emotions openly and honestly. We can learn how to express difficult emotions to others by first learning how to be emotionally vulnerable with ourselves. Practice labeling the different emotions you feel and allow yourself to feel those emotions fully and without judgment. Journaling is a great way to write down the emotions you experience and can help create a habit of thinking about how you feel and why you feel that way.

At FoundCare, our providers understand the importance of a comprehensive approach to care that includes the mind, body, and spirit, which is why our behavioral health services are integrated with our primary care (not offered as a standalone service). If you are experiencing mental health challenges, it can be beneficial to see a doctor to find out if any underlying health issues are causing you distress before being referred to a behavioral health specialist. Call 561-432-5849 to schedule a primary care visit today.