One share of Amazon stock at $1,780 joins other mementos inside Space Needle time capsule

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The Space Needle has stood the test of time as Seattle’s most iconic landmark. Will stuff placed inside a time capsule on Monday, to be revealed 43 years from now, stand up for the sake of nostalgia?

Alongside baseballs autographed by Seattle Mariners legends, rare Nirvana records, a concrete chunk from the demolished Alaskan Way Viaduct and much more, one particularly geeky item stood out in terms of tech history. The 42-inch tall, 16-inch wide, 160 pound stainless steel and aluminum capsule also contains one share of Amazon stock.

Plenty of stuff being locked away until April 21, 2062 — the 100th anniversary of the Needle — has sentimental value, such as Lenny Wilkens’ Seattle SuperSonics NBA championship belt buckle from 1979. But the tech giant’s stock, valued at about $1,780 after trading on Monday, could reach quite a price tag with 40+ years of potential Amazon innovation still to come.

Originally priced at $18 a share when Amazon went public in 1997, the one share of stock — based on fuzzy journalist math — could be valued at more than $5,300 if it maintains a similar trajectory. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos will be 98 years old and probably have a net worth around $9 trillion moon units if he watches the time capsule opening via live stream in 2062 — from deeper space than the Space Needle.

“We are truly humbled by the artifacts that were donated to us for the Space Needle’s 2062 time capsule,” Dave Mandapat, Space Needle public relations director, said in a news release. “Some of the items are very rare and personal and do an excellent job of representing the region’s past and present culture. Since 1962, the Space Needle has helped to create millions of lasting memories and its engineering and iconic design has inspired several generations. We hope those who open the time capsule 43 years from now are inspired by the artifacts and continue to make valuable contributions and improvements to Seattle and the world.”

Many items will not be known until the capsule is opened in 2062, but here’s a list of some more of the items revealed before the capsule was sealed:

  • Five potential names still on a list for Seattle’s upcoming NHL hockey team.
  • 2062 fashion concepts and illustrations provided by Nordstrom.
  • A rare bottle of K Vintner’s 2006 Royal City Syrah donated by Charles Smith Winery.
  • The original manuscript of Stephen Cosgrove’s Wheedle on the Needle and a first print copy of the book.
  • Test vinyl of Nirvana’s “Bleach” album, a Mudhoney cassette, albums from Shabazz Palaces and CDs from Fleet Foxes donated by Sub Pop Records.
  • A purple heart from military veteran Kevin Cameron who was injured while serving for the United States in Iraq.
  • A flash drive with interviews that were conducted with Gov. Jay Inslee, Mayor Jenny Durkan, Megan Jasper from Sub Pop, Louise Chernin at the GSBA and many others.
  • Personal messages written on a Seattle Home Shows poster by Pearl Jam band members.
  • Seattle Seahawks Super Bowl predictions by NFL Hall of Famer Walter Jones.
  • A sheet of United States Postal Service Forever Stamps.