North American Smocking: 2 Flower/Diamond

Tip: You may use the width of a ruler to mark the gridlines or use a ruler to measure out 1.5-3cm evenly spaced dots. I find it is much faster to use the width of a ruler to draw a grid while some designs is better to use the dot system. Using the dot system will allow you to use either side of the fabric to show more than one design. Depending on the design, your fabric will shrink up to 50% of the original size. Mark your grids/dots on grain. Do not use thread longer than your forearm otherwise it will end up knotted or tangled. The type of fabric used also plays an important part of the design. Using scale, type of fabric and whether you choose to iron the fabric after will help greatly to achieving a different outcome.

Note: This pattern yields more than 1 design depending on which side you choose to use and which way you fold the fabric. Advisable to use a dotted grid for this pattern. I recommend not to use any smaller than 2.5cm even spaced dots/grid. 3.5cm is the maximum size I would use. Quite nice for sampling and displaying.

  1. Using a basic ruler, I marked out


    on the

    right side

    of the fabric. Using the width will ensure the lines are evenly spaced out without having to measure.

  2. You may jot down the numbers on the fabric to help you recognise where you will be stitching next. After a while of stitching you should be able to workout which stitches you need to do next. Sometimes on more complicated designs it is wise to have numbers to help you.
  3. Get a piece of sewing thread roughly double the length of your forearm. Thread the hand sewing needle with the thread. Bring the 2 ends together. Up to you if you want to tie the ends together.
  4. Follow the pattern instructions. Where there is a colour line joining 2 black dots, sew them together. You may jot down the sewing sequence to help you remember for next time.  
  5. Each time you complete a cluster of stitches remember to tie off tightly. I tie a few times just to make sure it is secure. Sometimes you don’t require to cut off just to save time but things could get messy.