
What is Massahomevn ?

With the delivery-massage model, you do not have to spend time but still enjoy the health care and beauty services. Massahomevn’s relaxation massages is currently considered the most professional and prestigious massage in Ho Chi Minh City.

*Serving At Home*

You will enjoy all the relaxing massage at home without having to spend time to go to other Spa. If you are a woman/man busy with family care works/business works with less time dedicated to yourself, now Massahomevn’s in-home massage service is the ideal solution for you.

Massage Therapy Service- No Sex

*Quality As Spa*

Immediate results immediately after a course. With highly qualified and experienced staff, we are committed to providing our customers with high quality spa services. In particular, Massahomevn’s relaxing massage at home uses imported Korean essential oils that are safe and effective, helping to prevent skin damage and soften skin.​

