Jax Sheets For Men

Product Downsides

As a company, we believe in complete honesty and transparency, and so we want you to be aware of the problems we’re aware of so far, so here’s the list:

1) Oils causes stains: Due to the material being so soft and delicate, if you stain it with oil based foods, sweat, or fabric softeners, it stains. Thankfully, this stain can be removed by pre-washing your sheets.

2) They’re not for women: Seriously, unless you want a full beard, a weird addiction to watching football with the boys, and for Xbox to become your new best friend, then Jax Sheets aren’t safe for you. (We’re probably kidding, many women have reported enjoying Jax Sheets)

3) They have a low wet strength: Just like other high quality sheets, Jax Sheets should not be washed with your jeans or other rough clothing. This rule is because when it’s dry, it’s very strong, but when it gets wet, it’s more likely to get a small tear. This problem is easily avoidable if you just make sure to wash Jax alone and have the zipper zipped up.

4) They’re more wrinkle prone: If you compare Jax Sheets to polyester, microfiber, or any other petroleum based sheets they will be more wrinkle prone. You’re able to reduce the wrinkles by taking them out of the dryer and putting them on your bed right away, but yeah, they’re very high quality sheets, so they do wrinkle.

5) They can’t be treated like regular/cheap sheets: Would you buy a Ferrari and treat it like a Toyota? Probably not since it won’t last too long. Jax Sheets are like a luxury car, they’re amazing, but to have sheets this nice sheets you have to treat them nicely otherwise they won’t last more than a year or two. This reality means that if you’re not the type of person who can follow laundry instructions, no judgement from us but we recommend sticking with the hygiene version of Jax Sheets. The hygiene version is the most durable version that can handle laundry negligence. The comfort and comfort plus hygiene are the higher end soft/luxury sheets and won’t do well being washed like normal (cotton/polyester/cheap) sheets.