In the middle of definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

Example sentences from the Collins Corpus

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Out in front, a few hundred yards away was the Cathedral of Notre Dame set on its
ancient island in the middle of the River Seine.

He may as well have put it in the middle of quick-drying cement on a building site.

Four pavilions stood at the compass points, one in the middle of each of the four

There were a few slack moments in the middle of this set when the music slipped back
into a kind of meandering, generic acid-jazz groove.

One is that Britain is in the middle of a craft beer revolution that is giving pubs
a new reason to exist.

He is in the process of moving out of his executive suite to an open-plan space in
the middle of the office.

Start in the middle of the eye and draw out into a flick, then fill in from the tear

Place one tartlet in the middle of each plate, with the livers around it.

In the middle of the floor space sits a claw-foot bath.

Maybe not the best person to be around when you’re in the middle of an anti-ageing