How Often Should I Visit My Dentist? Total Guide for Adults – 2022

If you are wondering, “how often should I visit my dentist?”

Generally, the recommendation is that patients see their dentist and hygienist at least every six months for and an oral exam and a cleaning. However, if you are over the age of 35 or suffer from any health complications, you should perhaps visit your dentist more frequently.

Find out where you lie on the spectrum and whether or not you should be getting more frequent dental care. Discover why it is often recommended for patients over age 35 to see the dentist more frequently. And learn how to give your oral health the tender love and care it needs as you mature.

The Adults Guide on How Often You Should Visit Your Dentist – 2022

The answer for “how often should I see my dentist?” depends on who you are, your health history, age, diet, oral hygiene, and so much more. Even if you take excellent care of your teeth at home, it is still crucial for your long-term health to regularly visit your dentist for cleanings and check-ups. There is no substitute for the training and skill of your dental professional.

No matter your age or health, most dental problems are not visible to the naked eye and don’t cause any pain initially. Your dentist and dental hygienist are the only ones who see the development of cavities, periodontitis, and oral cancer before it becomes a severe problem. They use a variety of tools that can help clean your teeth in ways a toothbrush and flossing cannot. The hygienist also looks for signs of inflammation and infection, and performs periodontal probing, which measures the depth of the gum pocket. The likelihood of developing gum disease or experiencing gum recession dramatically increases after age 35 and measuring the depth of developing pockets becomes even more important! These visits can help to prevent the progression of that gum disease, and prevent early tooth loss.

Different Needs For Different Patients

No matter your health status or age, every patient should attend at least two yearly visits which is the standard recommendation. Patients with higher risk factors should attend more frequent dental examinations. Factors that influence the frequency with which you should visit your dentist include:

  • Your general health history and medical condition
  • The current state of your oral health
  • Risk factors as assessed by you and your dentist

The Value of Routine Dental Care

Two dental visits a year is the bare minimum necessary to maintain clean teeth and become aware of any issues developing with your teeth, gums, or jaw. Originally, it was a tooth paste ad that came up with the twice yearly rule and there was no science behind it. Some patients benefit greatly with periodontal maintenance 3-4 times per year. The most significant value in determining how often you personally need routine visits to the dentist is the preventative aspect. Your oral health is linked to your body’s overall health, and complications with one are often a cause or effect of the other.

Regular dental cleanings play as prominent a role as the exam in preventing oral health problems. Dental cleaning involves removing stains and plaque buildup on the surfaces of your teeth and scraping off tarter above and below the gum line. Visits to the dentist help you stop gum disease and tooth decay in their tracks before preventable things become a serious issue.

Furthermore, routine preventative care is the most affordable dental care option. It is both time effective and cost effective compared to the alternative, making your routine dental visits even more valuable.

Gum Disease Management – What’s The Big Deal?

When it comes to the frequency with which you should visit the dentist, gum disease is one of the largest factors at play. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that gum disease in the United States affects nearly 47% of adults over 30 years old. And once it starts, the damage is irreversible.

That said, you can halt the progression of bone loss and gum recession and prevent it from doing more damage. Prevention is the hallmark of modern dentistry and medicine. The key to preventing gum disease is practicing good oral hygiene by brushing twice and flossing once a day and if need be, visiting your dentist every three to four months rather than the twice yearly exam and cleaning.

Dental Care Personalized For You: Check-up Timeline Table

Suppose you are under 35 years old, in optimal physical health, and don’t have any Immuno or cardiovascular disease history in your family. In that case, two visits to the dentist per year are probably sufficient. But for many patients, two annual visits to the dentist is not frequent enough to maintain oral health and disease prevention. This chart indicates how often it may be optimal for you to visit your dentist based on your state of health:

Every 3 to 4 Months
Every 6 Months

Under Age 35 w/ No Health Problems

Age 35 and Over



Gum Disease



Heart Problems

How Long Has It Been Since You Last Visited A Dentist?

Your dentist is an ally in the effort for your best health and state of wellness. They have the tools and skills to identify, fight, and prevent problems, including gum disease, tooth decay, oral cancer, and more. Schedule your dental exam and cleaning today and determine how often you should visit your dentist.