Good Customer Service Examples – Chat from Amazon

Great customer service is becoming more and more common as companies become more and more aware that investing in great customer experiences is actually good for business. But, it’s rare that a great customer service experience becomes viral and brings incredible goodwill and public relation for the company involved.

A customer named Brian serving a humanitarian mission in Tanzania got on a customer service live chat with an Amazon agent. Brian shared with the chat agent that USPS had lost his books and was wondering if he could reorder those same books. To his surprise, the Amazon live chat agent offered to send him his order AND also refund his money back to him.

Brian’s response?

He said the to chat agent “You are rocking my world right now. Can I post this chat on Reddit?”

Well, that’s exactly what Brian did. He posted the image of his chat on the social site Reddit and it got over 1200 positive votes, over 500 comments, and the attention of everybody on Twitter and got the attention of CBS, ABC, Huffingtonpost, and others.

Yes, a simple chat image.

But, a great customer experience where the chat agent recovered a bad customer experience beautifully.

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