Describe your first day at school IELTS cue card

Describe your first day at school is one of the common topics that students get in their IELTS speaking cue card test. Get three sample answers and follow up questions with possible answers here for this topic.

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card

In total, the IELTS speaking section will have the following 3 sections:

1.Introduction (4 – 5 minutes)
2.Cue card (3 – 4 minutes)
3.Follow up questions (4 – 5 minutes)

IELTS Speaking Part 1 (Introduction) – The examiner asks candidates to introduce themselves and may ask candidates questions about their family, study, work, and personal interests. This part takes about 4-5 minutes.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 (Cue card) -In this section, IELTS speaking cue card with a generic topic like Describe your first day at school IELTS cue card will be given. And ask them to talk for 1-2 minutes about their topic. Prior to that, they will be given a minute with a pencil and a notepad for preparation purposes. This part takes about 3-4 minutes.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 (follow up questions) – Once you are done with the cue card topic, the examiner will ask you some questions related to the topic you spoke about. This is the final part of the speaking task. This part takes about 4-5 minutes.

What is the right flow of this topic? – Describe your first day at school

The candidate’s grammar, fluency, language proficiency, pronunciation, and vocabulary will be assessed in the IELTS speaking part 2: cue card task. So, hurry up with a short note in your initial one minute to clarify what you are going to talk about in the next 2 minutes. 

Let’s see what details candidates should include in their answers if they get this Candidate’s cue card topic – Describe your first day at school IELTS cue card

You should say:

  • Where was it? 
  • What happened?
  • Explain how you felt on that day?

Sample answers for the topic – Describe your first day at school

Get 3 model answers for Describe your first day at school IELTS cue card topic in this section. Remember that this speaking part 2 is where you will express your several abilities. So, before you start a topic, develop your ideas, organize them, and gather relevant and appropriate vocabulary words.

Describe your first day at school – Sample 1

Take a look at the first sample provided below to better your understanding of the cue card task. Refer and develop your own ideas.


In our lives, each of us has experienced a great number of unforgettable and exciting things. However, the first day of school is something we will always remember. Everyone experienced a mix of anxiety and happiness.

Where was it? 

I wish to share my first-day-of-secondary-school memories because I don’t have many clear memories of my primary school since I was so small. My school name is Delhi public school, Bangalore otherwise known as DPS.

What happened?

On my first day of high school, I went with a mix of anxiety and excitement. After looking for my class, I ran across the friend I had studied with in my elementary classes. He assisted me in finding the classroom. I was eager to meet my new classmates and teachers when I arrived at class. 

Explain how you felt on that day?

I was very nervous and scared on my first day since my school was quite strict. Also, it was bigger than my previous school. On the other hand, I was excited to make new friends and explore the playground, library, lab, etc.


I’m missing being in school right now. It provided me with many priceless friends and such beautiful experiences.

Describe your first day at school – Sample 2

Here is the next sample answer for the topic – Describe your first day at school. Read it to get an idea of what to talk about and how to talk. 


If you ask people which days they enjoy the best. Most people will talk about their school days. We went through an incredible period during that time.  In fact, we are hoping for their return. Is it not? Yes, I can attest to the fact that I enjoyed my school years.

Where was it? 

I want to talk about my first day of high school in this section. During my early school years, I had been somewhere else. Due to my father’s transfer, we moved to another state and I joined Kendriya Vidyalaya in Kerala

What happened?

My school is fairly large and well-known. My classroom was on the second floor but I was not sure how to get there. Literally, I was lost and about to cry. Then one of the teachers guided me to my classroom. I was better with the other students once I entered the classroom. Then, my class teacher arrived and asked us to introduce ourselves.

Explain how you felt on that day?

I had many unknown fears on my first day and thought about going back home. But once I met my classmates and professors, everything was alright. And no classes were held on that day. So, I interacted with all my classmates and made many friends. 


My first day at that school was quite special. A day with a variety of emotions was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had.

Describe your first day at school – Sample 3

Find the final sample answer for the same topic. Get practiced well to enhance your fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, and more.


School days are the most favourite part of everyone’s life since we had no worries and stress during those times. I still remember the day I entered my new school and new classroom. I will use this opportunity to talk about my first day of secondary school.

Where was it? 

My secondary school name is Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Public School which is in Hyderabad. It is one of the best schools with excellent teachers. 

What happened?

The day I am going to share here happened about 20 years ago. I still remember that day though. I went to the school with all my excitement.  I arrived at school all excited. My father dropped me off in front of the school’s entrance. I walked into the school a little nervous and somehow found my new classroom. I joined there with my friend and having a companion made me feel better.

Explain how you felt on that day?

On my first day, I only had one friend that I knew, but by the end of the day, I had made a lot of new friends. My first day of school was so unforgettable because of this. My teacher was really caring and kind. Overall, I had a great time in school and had a lot of wonderful experiences.


I’ll sum up by saying that my school years were the best of my life. I enjoy telling people about my school-related memories and experiences.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Follow up Questions

The examiner will pose some additional queries regarding the cue card issue addressed by the candidate in this part. The optimal response is one that is 2 to 3 sentences long. Too brief and too long responses are never appreciated by examiners. Simply said, grasp the question, organise your response, then reply in two to three sentences. This section takes roughly four to five minutes.

Find some sample follow up questions relevant to the candidate’s cue card topic – Describe your first day at school.

1. Do you think students should be taken to school by their parents or go by themselves? 

In this hectic world, parents want to rush to work and they have no time to drop off their children. There are multiple options for parents to send their children to school. It is fine to arrange transportation for their primary-aged students in my opinion. 

However, secondary and high school students can go to school by themselves, if they are aware of traffic rules and personal safety. 

2. Should children rely on their parents or be independent?

Naturally, children will be dependent on their parents. They are in the learning phase so dependence is really good until they mature. Meanwhile, over-reliance is not good for children. So, once they start making money, they should be free. However, it is the parents’ responsibility to teach their children how to be independent.

3. How can children become more independent?

Parents should let their children take care of their own responsibilities. Also, they should allow them to solve their problems by themselves. It gives them more confidence and the courage to make their own decisions. Therefore, they realize their right and wrong decisions in their early stages. This kind of experience helps them become independent very quickly.

4. What is the effect if parents interfere with children’s life too much?

It is really good to take care of children and guide them. However, excessive intervention in children’s lives can have a detrimental effect on both children and parents. It encourages children to hide the things they do. They become stubborn and introverted. Parents need to be like their friends and guide them wisely.

5. How does changing school affect children?

The children’s mental health will definitely be impacted by a sudden switch to a different school because they’ll be sad to leave their friends, favourite teachers, etc. We usually believe that children can easily adapt to a new environment, but this is untrue. In actuality, children are the ones who will be most impacted by sudden changes.

IELTS cue card topics


Keep all the “Describe Your First Days at School” samples given in this article for your reference. However, these are samples provided to give you an idea. To excel in a speaking task, you need to generate your own ideas.