Describe your first day at school – IELTS cue card

Describe Your First Day At School IELTS Cue Card

Sample 1.

Introduction: My first day of nursery school seems like it happened yesterday. I was both excited and nervous as I entered the world of formal education for the first time. The prospect of meeting new people, learning new things, and making new friends excited and frightened me. It was a watershed moment in my life, signaling the beginning of a journey toward knowledge and growth.

Where did you attend school on your first day: I went to a nursery school called “Little Steps” in the city center. The school was well-known for its innovative teaching methods and highly qualified faculty.

Who did you go to school with on your first day: I walked nervously through the school gates with my mother, clutching her hand tightly. Some were already crying, while others were laughing and playing with toys, completely unaware of the monumental step they had just taken.

What were your feelings about starting school: The prospect of being away from my parents and adjusting to a new environment made me nervous.

What were your plans for the first day of school: My plans for the first day of nursery school included meeting new people, participating in fun activities, and learning new things. I also intended to remain positive and make the most of the day.

What were your initial thoughts on the school and your teacher: I felt a sense of belonging and safety as Ms. Anita introduced herself and the other teachers. I couldn’t wait to start playing and learning in the classroom. The school had toys, games, and books.