DIRTEA®️ – Mushroom Powders, Teas & Coffees

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Functional mushrooms are a very select group of fungi that contain beneficial compounds beyond their nutritional compositions. The benefits vary from mushroom to mushroom, but each one has been found to help support overall health and well-being in one way or another.

That really depends on the person! Our Mushroom Coffee is perfect for coffee lovers and is your all-in-one drink. It’s a blend of coffee beans with 1,000mg of three of our super mushrooms (Chaga, Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps) along with Ashwagandha and Maca for additional adrenal, digestion and hormonal support.

If you’re looking for a caffeine-free option then our Pure Powders are for you!
Chaga is amazing for all things energy, immunity and works wonders for the skin.
Cordyceps is excellent for endurance and stamina and incredible before a workout or when you’re in need of a boost. Reishi is The Calming Mushroom and is incredibly supportive to your nervous system and sleep cycle. Lion’s Mane is fantastic for focus, memory and enhancing cognitive function. Tremella is The Beauty Mushroom and it’s great for supporting hydrated and glowing skin.

DIRTEA’s functional mushrooms can be consumed in hot water or added to any added to your favorite drink. Some people even bake with them! As long as they get into your body you will receive the incredible benefits they have to offer.

There are no firm rules around when to drink the mushrooms. With the exception of the Mushroom Coffee, all of the products are caffeine free. Cordyceps does tend to provide a natural energy boost so it is often better suited in the morning. Something like Reishi is wonderful to have before bed to promote a restful sleep but it is not a sedative and can be enjoyed in mornings as well.

In order to comply with regulations, we recommend 2g of mushroom powder (just under 1tsp) per day. However, many people often have more but it really just depends on the person. For example, sometimes we will have a Mushroom Coffee in the morning, a Cordyceps in the afternoon and a Reishi to wind down in the evening.

Yes absolutely! Each mushroom offers a different benefit and they actually work synergistically together so it’s a fantastic way to maximize the results.

Each person may experience the effects differently but consistency is always key. We always recommend having one teaspoon a day for a month to see how you get on. Cordyceps, Reishi and Lion’s Mane tend to act quite quickly. Often, people will notice the results within the first few weeks (or even upon the first use). Chaga takes a little longer.

Functional mushrooms are different species of mushrooms to psychoactive mushrooms and do not contain any form of psychoactive compounds. Functional mushrooms can be consumed daily and have active compounds that can help you to function better and heal your mind and body.