Cross-compile the AVS Device SDK for iOS | Alexa Voice Service

Cross-compile the AVS Device SDK for iOS

Warning: This documentation is for AVS Device SDK 1.26, which is an old version. For information about the latest version of the AVS Device SDK, see

This documentation is for AVS Device SDK 1.26, which is an old version. For information about the latest version of the AVS Device SDK, see Overview of the Alexa Voice Service Device SDK

The following step-by-step instructions teach you how to cross-compile and build the AVS Device SDK for iOS. If you encounter any errors or have questions, browse the SDK issue list before creating a new issue.


The AVS Device SDK sample app doesn’t run on iOS. This guide doesn’t walk through the cross-compilation of all required dependencies to launch the SDK on iOS.

After cross-compiling the SDK, you must create a custom iOS app to wrap the native AVS Device SDK code. This development requires you to integrate SDK features on your own – microphone, speaker, media player and more.


To confirm that you have installed curl, Homebrew, and Xcode command line tools, run the following commands.

curl --version
brew --version
xcode-select --version

Step 1: Install dependencies

  1. Install the required dependencies.

    brew install cmake pkg-config
  2. Create a build folder for your project.

    cd ~
    mkdir cross-compile
    cd cross-compile
  3. Clone CMake for iOS into your build folder.

    cd ~/cross-compile
    git clone
  4. Download and cross-compile Google Test.

    cd ~/cross-compile
    git clone
    mkdir googletest_build
    cd googletest_build
    cmake ../googletest \
    -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../ios-cmake/ios.toolchain.cmake \
  5. Download and cross-compile OpenSSL and curl. Clone the repository from GitHub.

    cd ~/cross-compile
    git clone
    cd Build-OpenSSL-cURL/
  6. Open and change the curl version to 7.55.1.

    # EDIT this section to Select Versions #
  7. Save the file.
  8. Run the script.


Step 2: Download and configure the SDK

  1. Clone the AVS Device SDK.

      cd ~/cross-compile
      git clone -b v1.26.0 --single-branch  
      cd avs-device-sdk/
  2. Replace the source code in /AVSCommon/Utils/src/LibcurlUtils/LibcurlUtils.cpp

    • Find this code

       if (config.getString(CAPATH_CONFIG_KEY, &caPath) &&
           !setopt(handle, CURLOPT_CAPATH, caPath.c_str(), "CURLOPT_CAPATH", caPath.c_str())) {
           return false;
    • Replace it with this code

       if (config.getString(CAPATH_CONFIG_KEY, &caPath) &&
       !setopt(handle, CURLOPT_CAINFO, caPath.c_str(), "CURLOPT_CAINFO", caPath.c_str()) &&
       !setopt(handle, CURLOPT_CAPATH, caPath.c_str(), "CURLOPT_CAPATH", caPath.c_str())) {
       return false;
  3. The SDK must run as a STATIC library. You must make it global in all subfolders.

      cd ~/cross-compile/avs-device-sdk/
      find . -type f -name '*.txt' -exec sed -i '' s/SHARED/STATIC/ {} +

Step 3: Build the SDK

Build the SDK with the following CMake parameters:

 cd ~/cross-compile
 mkdir avs_build

 cd avs_build

 cmake ../avs-device-sdk \
 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../ios-cmake/ios.toolchain.cmake \
 -DCURL_LIBRARY=../Build-OpenSSL-cURL/archive/libcurl-7.54.1-openssl-1.0.2l-nghttp2-1.24.0/libcurl_iOS.a \
 -DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR=../Build-OpenSSL-cURL/curl/curl-7.55.1/include \
 -DGTEST_LIBRARY=../googletest_build/googlemock/libgmock.a \
 -DGTEST_MAIN_LIBRARY=../googletest_build/googlemock/libgmock_main.a \
 -DGTEST_INCLUDE_DIR=../googletest/googletest/include/ \

(Optional) Step 4: Build the SDK to run in the iOS simulator

 cd ~/cross-compile

 mkdir avs_build_sim
 cd avs_build_sim

 cmake ../avs-device-sdk
 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../ios-cmake/ios.toolchain.cmake \
 -DCURL_LIBRARY=../Build-OpenSSL-cURL/archive/libcurl-7.54.1-openssl-1.0.2l-nghttp2-1.24.0/libcurl_iOS.a \
 -DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR=../Build-OpenSSL-cURL/curl/curl-7.55.1/include \
 -DGTEST_LIBRARY=../googletest_build/googlemock/libgmock.a \
 -DGTEST_MAIN_LIBRARY=../googletest_build/googlemock/libgmock_main.a \
 -DGTEST_INCLUDE_DIR=../googletest/googletest/include/ \

To build dependencies for the iOS proof of concept, run these commands

 make CBLAuthDelegate
 make DefaultClient
 make KWD
 make PlaylistParser

Make sure that each make command reaches 100%.

Last updated: Oct 25, 2022