Automate pricing: Adjust pricing quickly and automatically

The automate pricing page only displays active SKUs in your catalog. Your SKU may be inactive due to either being out of stock, or a potential price error.

If your SKU is inactive, it will surface again when the SKU is reactivated (for example, being back in stock).

“Your Minimum Price” and “Your Maximum Price” (optional) apply as a safeguard on your price whenever a minimum and maximum price are present. If you did not set a maximum price, automated pricing will protect customer trust on your behalf by ensuring that your offers are not priced significantly higher than recent prices so that your offers remain eligible to become the Featured Offer (Buy Box). If you manually price an item below your minimum price or above your maximum price, Amazon safeguards your business by suppressing (not displaying) the offer; this makes your SKU inactive due to a potential price error.

To view items that are suppressed due to price errors, select “Pricing” > “Price Alerts.”

To add your minimum price and your maximum price, select:
“Pricing” > “Manage Pricing”
“Inventory” > “Manage Inventory”

Then select “Preferences.” Check your minimum price and your maximum price and save changes.

Note: When you edit your minimum price or your maximum price from the Manage Pricing page or Manage Inventory page, automated pricing is applied to your new price.