Amazon Sweden growing slowly but surely — Ada Insights

Website had a very interesting article about the revenues of Amazon’s Swedish business. bases the sales estimates on the tax filings of Amazon Sweden.

Based on these estimates it seems that Amazon has been able to grow significantly since the late 2020. The company launched officially in Sweden on 28.10.2020.

In 2021 Amazon sales in Sweden jumped to around one billion Swedish Krona (about 100 M€). That would make Amazon a top 20 online retailer in Sweden based on the 2020 sales numbers.

Even though the sales are not big yet, the growth trajectory is something to note. Just like in Amazon’s launch in Australia, in Sweden, the build up has been patient and the company has steadily increased its capabilities (such as the launch of Prime and the merchants on Amazon Marketplace) and the website traffic on the platform. In terms of the website traffic Sweden seems to progress at the same pace as Australia, where the revenues passed $1 billion Australian dollars (700+M€) already in 2020. After all, Australia is similar sized market in population and purchasing power as the Nordics are.

Thus, it is fair to estimate that Amazon will continue to grow at a fast clip in the Nordics also.

During the coming 3-5 years Amazon will probably become one of the biggest ecommerce companies in the Nordics.