Amazon Seller Central:Explanation and Advantages how to use it

Amazon Seller Central for European countries like the UK is a user interface for sellers and dealers on Amazon.

Antonia Klatt

Last Updated on 22 November 2019

What is the Amazon Seller Central?

The Amazon Seller Central gives you the possibility to manage your sales account more efficient and even simpler. You get a perfect overview on your sales and offers. It enables so called “third party sellers” to use Amazon as a market place as well. These sellers can list and sell all their products there while having total control on listing and pricing.

Are there any advantages of the Seller Central?

Sure, you can for example profit from Amazon’s Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA). As you know, with this service there is no need to worry about warehousing, packing or dispatch.

Despite the fact that – of course – you are still the lawful owner of the stored goods at any time of the selling process even though there is nothing you have to worry about, the great opportunity to use and profit from FBA service-teams like us, the easy listing and pricing and there are way more advantages coming along with Amazon Seller Central.

Other advantages:

  • The payments are faster than the average
  • You always have a current overview and control on your inventory and prices
  • By using Seller Central you can create a virtual facade for your businesses
  • No problems with VAT or VAT frauds when using FBA, same with logistics
  • Direct feedback about quality, design, pricing, …
  • More reasonable terms of business to Amazon (7-20 %, according to the kind of goods)
  • Products can be listed in other European countries immediately; this makes it way easier to expand all over Europe

Product Optimization starts with Amazon Seller Central

Every product optimization always starts in the Seller central – understandably. Not only that it is here where the product features are listed and the stocks are looked after, furthermore, important keywords are stored here as well.

These keywords stay hidden from the customers but are nevertheless decisive if an offer appears while searching for certain products or not. The title of the product and different bullet points are stored as well. This makes a product more relevant regarding the online performance.

You can analyse your previous demand, your sales figures and all data you get from this Amazon Central Seller easily and even plan your future possibilities in order to create quite reliable prognosis – an important step to become established on Amazon all over Europe and a great opportunity to tap into new markets and to increase the turnover.