Advantages and disadvantages of learning a foreign language at primary school | TOEFL IELTS GMAT GRE SAT ACT PTE ESL | testbig

Learning a foreign language at primary school has become a growing trend in many countries in the world. Just as a coin has two sides, early childhood foreign language learning also has its own advantages and disadvantages. This essay will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of learning a foreign language soon.

It is clear that learning a foreign language at primary school brings children two particular advantages. Firstly, young children learn a language faster. They are enthusiastic to explore and learn new things. In addition, they pick up the pronuciation better and enjoy copying and learning through games. Secondly, nowadays, foreign languages are just as impotant as maths. Learning a foreign helps children have better education and job opportunities.

Besides the benefits, early learning a foreign language also has some posible disadvantages. Firstly, children need to concentrate on learning their mother tongue rather than learning a foreign language. Learning a new language at an early age may be confusing and wastes time. This learning may delay development of the child’s first language. The second disadvantage of early learning a foreign language is primary school teachers may be not well trained to teach a foreign language.

In conclution, there are some particular advantanges and disadvantage of learning a new foreign language at the early age. However, in my opinion, learning a foreign language at primary school is more benefical than disadvantage. So, I will also let my child learn a foreign language from a young age.




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