5 Best Record Players of 2023

The most sophisticated record players are surprisingly complicated devices, especially for today’s users who may not be familiar with the terminology associated with all of the various parts on the machine. But there’s an emerging crop of record players, complete with Bluetooth technology and high quality built-in speakers, more targeted to beginners and modern users. Though true music connoisseurs may want to dig a little deeper when shopping, these guidelines are suitable for the average consumer:

✔️ Price: High-end record players can easily cost upwards of $1,500 or more. But in our research, experts say you can find a perfectly suitable option for $500 or less. Just note: The lower you go in price, the more common it is to experience decreased sound quality.

✔️ Sound quality: The sound thrown by separate speakers attached to turntables is typically superior to the built-in speakers your average record player is equipped with. However, today, there’s an emerging number of record players with enhanced speakers. Look for features like separate woofers and tweeters — two components that improve sound quality.

✔️ Size: Records come in varying sizes and the turntables on record players don’t always accommodate all sizes of records. Most record players play 12- and 7-inch records, but only some play 10-inch records. Consider the size of your records before investing.

✔️ Ease of use: Turntables are more complex not only because they require additional components like speakers, but also because they require more manual operation. Record players come in automatic, manual and semi-automatic options. If you are a beginner, opt for an automatic or semi-automatic model; if you’re more advanced and prefer the have a hand in the process, you may enjoy a more manual record player.

✔️ Location: Because record players deliver sound that comes from the vibrations of a needle, it’s important to find a smooth, sturdy surface for your record player. Otherwise you’ll end up with humming that can significantly alter the sound quality. Thankfully, in general, today’s options are much more compact than the record players of yesteryear.