20 Fun Things to Do at Home Now

“I’m bored.” The dreaded words kids say to adults when they’re stuck in the house. Keeping them busy with fun things to do at home is the key to keeping the peace. After they’ve played with all the toys, watched all the best kids’ movies on Netflix, reached maximum screen-time consumption, and devoured all the snacks (have they always been this hungry?), it’s time to take a deep breath and get creative.

Where to begin? Just look around your house. Take those art supplies that are scattered all over and gather them into one official kids’ art hub. Challenge them to create a “gallery” complete with their own art show. Better yet, ask them to color a Country Living cover! Take the fun outside, too: DIY outdoor games will provide hours of entertainment (and much-needed vitamin D) for the whole family.

If we’re being completely honest, adults who are stuck at home can start to feel that boredom creeping in, too. Try filling your time with productive tasks that are joyful to you like cooking and crafting. Consider all those items on your “someday” list and tackle those first.

Here are 20 ideas for fun things to do at home when you’re bored, both indoors and outside, to keep everyone in the household happily entertained.