Trojan Web Express
Trojan Web Express is a secure, interactive web application that allows current students to easily view their student data.
You can use Trojan Web Express to enroll in classes, adjust your class schedule, view and print your class schedule, print your unofficial academic record, change your address, view your account, view your financial aid status, and much more.
Trojan Web Express is normally available 24 hours a day. Registration activity (adding or dropping a class) can only occur during a valid registration period.
How Do I Get a Password?
All currently enrolled students have been assigned an initial/default password and may take advantage of all services currently available through Trojan Web Express. Your initial password is the First initial (capital) + Last initial (lowercase) + 8 digit birthdate (MMDDYYYY).
Just a reminder: you do not have to be logged in to view course schedules for any TROY location. Just click on “SEARCH FOR CLASSES” and specify a TROY location.
For assistance call 1 (800) 414-5756 or click the Submit a Ticket button on the right .
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