Traffic Signs & Safety – R1-1 18″X18″ Stop Sign
When a sign is used to indicate that traffic is always required to stop, a STOP (R1-1) sign shall be used.
Stop signs are manufactured with .080 aluminum and are available with the following reflective sheeting options:
1. Engineering Grade reflective sheeting (EG)
2. High Intensity Prismatic reflective (HIP) – 10 year warranty
3. Diamond Grade reflective sheeting (DG) – 12 year warranty
Sign graphics are applied with translucent inks, vinyl, or translucent film.
Weather-resistant traffic grade aluminum will not rust or crack
Manufactured to last for years outdoors
These signs will mount directly on a post, wall, or fence
Sign will resist fading
Pre-punched 3/8″ mounting holes. (Top & Bottom)
Sign meets MUTCD specifications for federal highway use
Don’t forget to order a post and hardware for easy installation.