Top 5 parents can express a in 2023

Below are the best information and knowledge on the subject parents can express a compiled and compiled by our own team laodongdongnai:

1. Parents can express a _______ for the school their child attends


Date Submitted: 04/26/2019 08:04 AM

Average star voting: 4 ⭐ ( 74417 reviews)


Match with the search results: Parents can express a ______ for the school their child attends. A. prefer B. preference C. preferential D. preferable….. read more

Parents can express a _______ for the school their child attends

2. Parents can express a_________for the school their child attends. A. prefer B. preference C. preferential  D. preferable


Date Submitted: 08/19/2022 11:22 AM

Average star voting: 5 ⭐ ( 42581 reviews)

Summary: Parents can express a_________for the school their child attends. A. prefer B. preference C. preferential  D. preferable

Match with the search results: Parents can express a for the school their children attend. Parents can express a. the school their children attend. A. prefer. B. preference. C. preferential….. read more

Parents can express a_________for the school their child attends. A. prefer B. preference C. preferential  D. preferable

3. Parents can never be friends with their children . Express your view either for or against this statement .


Date Submitted: 10/17/2021 06:36 AM

Average star voting: 5 ⭐ ( 42985 reviews)

Summary: FOR THE MOTION The concept of parenthood and the idea of parents in our country are extremely icey . While it is true that we come to exist in the world solely because of our parents ,it is also true they are not abov every discussion and are absolute . The main motive of our aprents is to develop us into true that they are not above every discussion and are absolute . The main motive of our parents is to develop us into the best verison of ourselves and also guide us to do the same for ourselves and also guide us to do the same for ourselves .They make endless sacrifices throughout their lives as means to the end . It is very true that nobody will hold our hands and be by our side til the end except our parents .They our safest palce . We can share all our worries and secrets with our parents . They never leave us alone even when we be angry on them . We find the solution to all our problems when we talk to our parents .They hold our hands through thick and thin . Their unconditional love make them our best friends . So I strongly diagree with the statement that parents can never be friends with their children . AGAINST THE MOTION Parenting is one of the greatest repsonsibilities in the world . Giving birth to a human being and giving them shape to make them ready for the world is a happiness.They always try to give their child the best of the world , even at the cost of their hapiness. They always try to be for their child , trying to be their guide and friend .But behind all this we often forget that they see the child as an extension of their own personalities ,that is , they expect their child to become miniversions of themselves .Being different is unacceptable for the majority of parents .Sometimes they thrust their own unfulfilled dreams and ambitions on their children , forgetting the fact that they are entiled to have their own sets of likes , dislike , ambitions and goals and as parents they should support it as long as the goals are valid , honest and positive .Hence they stop trying to understandm the kid and keep subscribing to some beliefs just because the beliefs are old . They forget the fact that new ideas are not wrong always and that every old idea and concept is not free from fault .These indicate that they cannot always be friends to their children . Often children cannot confide in their parents for fear of being judged , abused ,and misunderstood . And the sad part is , the fact that parents for fear of being judged , abused ,and misunderstood.And the sad part is , the fact that parents can be toxic too is one of the hardest pills for society to swallow .

Match with the search results: Parents can express a ______ for the school their child attends. prefer. preference. preferential. preferable….. read more

Parents can never be friends with their children . Express your view either for or against this statement .

4. Parents can never be friends with their children. Express your views either for or against this statement. – English 1 (English Language) |


Date Submitted: 10/17/2021 04:24 PM

Average star voting: 4 ⭐ ( 67934 reviews)

Summary: Parents can never be friends with their children. Express your views either for or against this statement.

Match with the search results: Parents can express a _____ for the school their child attends. ; A. prefer ; B · preference ; C · preferential ; D · preferable….. read more

Parents can never be friends with their children. Express your views either for or against this statement. - English 1 (English Language) |

5. 5 Obligations of Parents to Children, Did You Know? – Whiz


Date Submitted: 03/27/2020 10:23 AM

Average star voting: 3 ⭐ ( 54963 reviews)

Summary: Parents have obligations to children, ranging from loving to developing potential. Let’s look at the 5 obligations of parents to their children

Match with the search results: A. prefer. B. preference. C. preferential. D. preferentable….. read more

5 Obligations of Parents to Children, Did You Know? – Whiz

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