Top 4 at hospital or in hospital in 2023

Below are the best information and knowledge on the subject at hospital or in hospital compiled and compiled by our own team laodongdongnai:

1. “In The Hospital” or “At The Hospital” – Correct Version


Date Submitted: 01/19/2020 02:18 AM

Average star voting: 3 ⭐ ( 56543 reviews)


Match with the search results: ‘In’ implies that the person was a patient at the hospital, whilst ‘at’ is more likely to be used when the person was just on the premises and not a patient…. read more

“In The Hospital” or “At The Hospital” – Correct Version

2. ‘In Hospital’ vs ‘At Hospital’: What’s the Difference?


Date Submitted: 04/11/2019 01:06 PM

Average star voting: 5 ⭐ ( 59134 reviews)

Summary: Confused about whether to use ‘in hospital’ or ‘at hospital?’ Read this guide to learn what they mean and when to use each.

Match with the search results: “In hospital” means that the patient is admitted to the hospital, whereas “at hospital” is usually used when someone is “at hospital” ……. read more

'In Hospital' vs 'At Hospital': What's the Difference?

3. “in hospital” or “in the hospital”?


Date Submitted: 04/05/2021 06:46 PM

Average star voting: 5 ⭐ ( 76997 reviews)

Summary: I know we can use both of them, but what is the exact explanation? Thank you :slight_smile:

Match with the search results: The difference is subtle, but “in a hospital” suggests a person is admitted and receiving services (is a patient); “at a hospital” suggests a person is visiting ……. read more

4. ‘To Hospital’ vs. ‘To the Hospital’


Date Submitted: 06/18/2019 12:16 PM

Average star voting: 4 ⭐ ( 34805 reviews)

Summary: In British English, patients go to hospital or are in hospital (without “the”) to receive medical treatment.

Match with the search results: In the United States, we usually say in the hospital and at the hospital. A person is at the hospital when he is physically on the premises ……. read more

'To Hospital' vs. 'To the Hospital'

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