the end of the month-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context





The 21st Winter Olympiad starts on Feb 12, and runs until the end of the month.

第21届冬奥会将于2月12日开幕,直至 本月月底

Plant evergreen shrubs around the end of the month.

在月末 前后种植常绿灌木。

She should be back permanently by the end of the month.

月玲 对於这两位不速之客的 出现倍感惊讶。

Another two probably by the end of the month.

剩下两个大概 月底 就能进行

We go live at the end of the month.

我为 这个 公司干 了17年 他们就派个本科毕业生开了我

Towards the end of the month militia attacks became less frequent.

靠近 九月底 ,民兵袭击的频率减少。

We still have till the end of the month.

月底前 我们还可以住 在 家里

They should make a decision by the end of the month.

他们 这月底 就会作出决定

Your standing appointment’s at the end of the month.

你的常规见面安排在 本月底

Bodog branded Poker sets will be given away to twenty (20) selected winners via raffle draw at the end of the month.

Bodog博狗扑克筹码套装将赠送给在 本月底 通过幸运抽奖获奖的20名赢家。

Two additional helicopters from Italy are expected to arrive by the end of the month.

由意大利增派 的 两架直升机预期 7月底 抵达。

Atlantic City track’s open till the end of the month.

亚特兰大赛马场 开到 这个月底

Juve are expected to announce Trezeguet’s departure before the end of the month.

预计在 这个月底之前 尤文会宣布特雷泽盖的离开。

9Separated without losing their inventory until the end of the month.

9分离直到 月底 失去他们 的 库存。

Their bodies were incinerated on site by the end of the month.

死者的尸体 在月底 被现场焚烧。

For the most part dry with downpours starting toward the end of the month.

在大多数情况下与干燥开始朝向 月底大雨

Brévié arrived at the end of the month to review the situation.

布雷维耶于 月底 到达以评估当地形势。

By the end of the month the banks had suspended specie payment on their own banknotes.

到了月底 ,银行已经中止了用硬币去买它们自己的纸币。

So what happens to these kids at the end of the month?

一个月结束后 这些孩子会如何?

If you do not remarry by the end of the month, steps will have to be taken.

如果 这个月底前 你还不结婚的话 我就要采取措施了