take offence (at something) | meaning of take offence (at something) in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE

take offence (at something)

Mrs Sugden considered we were being very

took offence

.Poor Mrs Sugden considered we were being very superior , and

There was little point in

taking offence

, and no time to do so in any case.

did not

take offence

at his boss’s Lane did notat his boss’s comment , nor did he slow down.

Would Bonaventure return or

take offence

at not being alleyways?

Would Bonaventure return orat not being fed by him and disappear for ever into the stinking


take offence

at the

The driver would have known it was his first time, didn’tat the yelling

It is music for the

take offence


It is music for the coach trade , at which only the most high-minded purist is likely to

Corbett loved the logic

take offence

would be

Corbett loved the brilliant delivered so tongue-in-cheek that only those who wished towould be affronted

No one will

take offence

and you might

No one willand you might secure win: win.