Sustainable Growth At Didcot Reading Answers

Sustainable Growth At Didcot Reading Answers 13 questions that have to be answered in 20 minutes. E-training Reading Answers comprises three types of questions, namely- no more than three words, matching the paragraph, and matching the statements. For no more than two words, candidates must read the passage and understand the statement provided and answer within a word limit of two. For matching the paragraph, candidates need to skim the passage for keywords, understand the concept and choose the appropriate answer. For matching the statements, candidates need to read the paragraph and understand the statements mentioned. Further they are to choose from the given statements. Candidates must read the IELTS reading passage, identify keywords, and recognize synonyms to answer the question.

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Read the Passage to Answer the Following Questions

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Section 2

Solution and Explanation
Questions 1-6:
Reading Passage 2 has 9 paragraphs, A-l.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter, A-l

(Guide: Candidates need to match the correct paragraph with the questions from 1 to 6 )

  1. Reference to the way the council’s report is organized

Answer: Section H
Supporting Sentence: This report, therefore, is structured around the individual components of a sustainable community, and shows the baseline position for each component.
Keyword: report, structured
Keyword Location: Section H, 4th line
Explanation: This paragraph states how the Government of Sustainable Communities Plan is looking for a clear approach wherein the urban development plan is clearly executed so as to avoid the infrastructure disasters that took place in a town like Didcot previously. Hence the need of the hour was a carefully structured report, pointing out the individual components for a better sustainable living.

  1. the reason why inhabitants in one part of Didcot are isolated

Answer: Section D
Supporting Sentence: people living in Ladygrove, the urban extension to the north which has been built since the 1980s, felt, and still feel, cut off from the town and its community.
Keyword: Cut off
Keyword Location: Section D, 4th Line
Explanation: Though the town was connected well by rail lines, it was still separated by the east-west railway causing the people of Ladygrove isolated from the town and their society.

  1. a statement concerning future sources of investment

Answer: Section G
Supporting Sentence: From now on public finance will need to provide a greater proportion of infrastructure project costs
Keyword: From now on,
Keyword Location: Section G, 5th line
Explanation: This statement states that the planning committee are forced to make difficult choices in terms of prioritizing the infrastructure which need to be funded by development and that means they would need more from public finance probably in terms of taxes or individual contribution to help cover the costs.

  1. the identification of two major employers at Didcot

Answer: Section C
Supporting Sentence: The development of job opportunities in the railway industry, and in a large, military ordnance depot, was the spur to Didcot’s expansion.|
Keyword: job opportunities
Keyword Location: Section C, first line
Explanation: With the expansion of the railways in Didcot, it gave way for job opportunities in the rail lines and also the military ordnance depot.

  1. reference to groups who will be consulted about a new development plan

Answer: Section I
Supporting Sentence: discussions with the local community about their aspirations for the town as well as other stakeholders, will be undertaken over the coming months,
Keyword: local community, stakeholders
Keyword Location: Section I, 4th line}
Explanation: The town intends to conduct discussions with the society as well as the stakeholders about their preferences and aspirations for the town which will be handled in the upcoming months and would eventually lead to the finalization of a strategic plan.

  1. an account of how additional town centre facilities were previously funded

Answer: Section E
Supporting Sentence: In 1990, public-sector finance was used to buy the land required for the
Keyword: public sector finance
Keyword Location: Section E, 4th line
Explanation: Previously in the 1990s, using public sector finance, the town was able to purchase the land that was required for the Orchard Centre development which included a superstore, a car parking lot, and entirely new street consisting of stores that were running parallel to Broadway.

Section 7-10:
Look at the following places and the list of statements below.
Match each place with the correct statement, A-F. Write the correct letter, A-F

List of statements

  1. It provided extra facilities for shopping and cars.
  2. Its location took a long time to agree.
  3. Its layout was unsuitable.
  4. Its construction was held up due to funding problems.
  5. It was privately funded.
  6. It failed to get Council approval at first.

(Guide: Candidates need to match the statements A to F with the questions 7 to 10 )

  1. Broadway

Answer: C—Its layout was unsuitable
Supporting Sentence:
Didcot failed to develop Broadway as a compact town centre, and achieved only a strip of shops along one side of the main street hemmed in by low density housing and service trade uses.
Keyword: failed, only a strip of shops
Keyword Location: Section C, 4th line}
Explanation: The Didcot town couldn’t manage to develop Broadway as intended – a compact town center, they could only manage a small strip of shops on one side of the main street. This was mainly because the layout was not constructed well and was unsuitable.

  1. Market place

Answer: E- It was privately funded
Supporting Sentence: Population growth in the new housing areas failed to spark adequate private-sector investment in town centre uses, and the limited investment which did take place – Didcot Market Place development.Keyword: private sector investment
Keyword Location: Section E, first line
Explanation: There was a growth in population in the new areas that housed the society but it failed to bring in private sector investment for town purposes and whatever limited investment that did take place, failed to deliver the number and range of town houses needed by the growing population

  1. Orchard Centre

Answer: A- It provided extra facilities for shopping and cars
Supporting Sentence: Orchard Centre development, comprising a superstore, parking and a new street of stores running parallel to Broadway
Keyword: Orchard Centre
Keyword Location: Section E, 4th line
Explanation: Orchard Centre had a superstore and provided parking along with a street filled with stores that was parallel to Broadway. Thus, providing all the extra facilities. Therefore, option ‘A – It Provided extra facilities for shopping and cars’ is referred to the Orchard Centre.

  1. March Bridge

Answer: D- Its construction was held up due to funding problems
Supporting Sentence: the improved railway crossing at Marsh Bridge and new schools. Such projects were delayed due to difficulties in securing public finance
Keyword: delayed, difficulties
Keyword Location: Section F, 4th line
Explanation: It meant that some projects had to be delayed due to issues in getting the required funds. This proves that the selected answer ‘D – Its construction was held up due to funding problems’ is right.

Questions 11-13:
Complete the sentences below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

(Guide: Candidates need to select not more than three words from the passage as answers)

11: A certain proportion of houses in any new development now have to be of the_____ type

Answer: low cost
Supporting Sentence: low-cost homes, has had a major impact on the economics of such development, as it has limited the developers’ contribution to the costs of infrastructure
Keyword: low-cost homes
Keyword Location: Section G, second line
Explanation: As the paragraph suggested, economical homes had a major impact on the growth of the town. This is because it limited the developer’s contribution to the costs of the infrastructure. Therefore, the selected answer is right.

12: The government is keen to ensure that adequate_____will be provided for future housing developments.

Answer: Infrastructure
Supporting Sentence: infrastructure of all kinds are carefully planned
Keyword: infrastructure
Keyword Location: Section H, second line
Explanation: The government ensures to get the infrastructure on point with careful planning and avoid past mistakes

13: The views of Didcot’s inhabitants and others will form the basis of a________ for the town

Answer: strategic master plan
Supporting Sentence: From the 1970s, strategic planning policies directed significant new housing development to Didcot.
Keyword: strategic master plan
Keyword Location: Section I, 5th line
Explanation: The opinions of Didcot’s society are to be taken into consideration over the coming months which would lead to a sturdy strategic plan.