Students Should Be Required to Wear Uniforms – 801 Words | Bartleby
Mitiki Ridley
Eng. 1101, MW 9:30
February 27, 2013
All Students Should Be Required To Wear Uniforms
Dress code has always been a problem in schools because students often times don’t adhere to the rules on what they can and cannot wear to school. While clothing is a minor issue when it comes to education; wearing uniforms does seem to improve an educational environment. Are school uniforms good or bad? There are many reasons why students should be required to wear uniforms. Students should be required to wear uniforms because it creates an organized and orderly atmosphere, eliminates popularity, has economic benefits, and it decreases safety matters.
Wearing uniforms creates an organized and orderly atmosphere ( When
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If we allow students to wear regular school clothing, it can promote gang violence because of the color clothing the student has on (“School Uniforms Should Not Be Required in Schools”).
Research has shown that by students wearing uniforms to school the graduation and attendance rates are higher than schools that don’t. Even though, parents may struggle at first with the initial hit of buying school clothes; research has shown that parents come out ahead buying uniforms vs. regular clothing. Schools should be required to wear uniforms because not all parents can afford trends that are “in”. If the child does not get the clothing material when it is trendy and new, several months later the clothing object is now “out”, and the cycle repeats over and over. Requiring students to wear uniforms can create an organized and orderly atmosphere, eliminates popularity, has economic benefits, and decreases safety matters.
Works Cited
“Should students wear school uniforms?” N.P. February 18, 2013. Web. February 24, 2013.
“Why Should Students Wear Uniforms?” Stacey Calvert. Denard Media Inc. n.d. Web. February 24,