short notice | meaning of short notice in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE

short notice

Frieder could have a

short notice


Frieder could have a glut of scholarships available on


short notice


His armour was piled not three yards away, arrayed ready to be donned at


short notice


Our entire Fleet had to prepare for sortie on such

I am very

short notice

about this.

I am very sorry to give you suchabout this.


short notice

and they must

The registry office couldn’t marry them at suchand they must wait until the following day.

When a

short notice

, as much notice as

When a march is organised at, as much notice as practicable must be given.

He was called in at

short notice

motor Director,

He was called in at due to the unfortunate accident involving Design Bill Naysmith.


short notice


Part C . A session – 20 minutes.