School Problems – Triumph Youth Services

What are School Problems? School Problems are issues that a teenager may be experiencing that affects his/her performance in school. Without intervention, the issues can escalate to dropping out of school, lack of self esteem, engaging in inappropriate or risky activities and trouble with the law.

Examples of School Problems


The severity of the school problems dictates the course of action needed to help redirect the teen back to a path of success. Many times talking with your teen can help you get a perspective on what is happening and you can offer suggestions that will help resolve the problem. If this is unsuccessful, sometimes removing your son from his environment is the solution in order to give him a different perspective and an opportunity for a fresh start to be successful.

Triumph Youth Services offers a complete academic program serving all types of students.  Some students are behind in school, need partial credits for classes or struggle with attention, behavioral, emotional or other disabilities that interfere with their academic success.  We provide and include a complete academic assessment when your son is enrolled to help determine potential disabilities and monitor academic growth.

Does your son already have an Individual Education Plan (IEP)?  An IEP is developed by the parents and school personnel, such as teachers, special education staff, school psychologist, school counselor, etc.  The IEP describes strengths and weaknesses of a student, special education services that are needed, goals and measurable objectives and classroom accommodations that are needed for the student to be successful. Triumph Youth Services educational staff will work with your son’s current IEP, help facilitate and monitor progress and collaborate with your school district.

Triumph Youth Services offers a small, highly structured family-type environment for youth. This family-like community promotes a social environment that takes on both therapeutic and healing properties instead of maintaining negative behaviors.

Our Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach utilizes individual therapy combined with group and family therapy to treat each youth’s issues. This approach teaches coping and problem-solving skills, anger management, and appropriate ways to communicate. In addition to the therapy, the Positive Peer Culture utilized in Triumph Youth Services facilities help the youth process their issues and build skills for their own personal progress.

Triumph Youth Services provides a daily Life Skills Group. The goal of our Life Skills Group training program is to teach the student a new set of responses to social situations, as well as how to integrate his behavior with others in the environment. Our staff members are trained and encouraged to be effective leaders by serving as teachers or coaches who hold the young men responsible for working on problems and to act as limit setters, good listeners and model appropriate responses to various situations.

The clinicians at Triumph Youth Services are highly trained and have extensive experience working with adolescent youth. Our clinicians are licensed and approved as mental health professionals to provide individual, group and family therapy.

Call Triumph Youth Services. We are here to help.