

Recess is when kids truly practice social skills.

From Huffington Post

However, even when there are state laws, there is no guarantee that recess will happen.

From The Atlantic

They come in different forms that include everything from regulations to executive orders to recess appointments, and many other tools.

From CNN

The feeling is that learning and recess go hand in hand.


In reality, few people have ventured into the darker recesses of the net to study these sites in any detail.

From Gizmodo

It’s the difference between recess and gym class.

From The Atlantic

But with lawmakers going home for a six-week recess, any modifications are on hold.

From Bloomberg

The program also selects some older students to be junior coaches and help oversee recess.

From Chicago Daily Herald

Students spent part of their recess and lunch hour folding small, colorful squares of paper.


Recess was great at capturing what it felt like to be in elementary school.

From Huffington Post

You can’t gavel a convention into session or into recess without pounding a little wooden mallet against a block.

From The Atlantic

Congress can’t go on recess, and all the members focused on running for reelection should suspend their campaigns until funding is passed.


Similar to bringing back recess to lower childhood obesity, one reader advocated for a return to old school physical education.

From Huffington Post

In his mind, in the recesses of his subconscious, there is a connection being made.

From A.V. Club

During a recess, she says, they told her that they’d tried to read the mood in the courtroom and it didn’t look good.

From Washington Post

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.