Performing a MicroStrategy Express installation

Performing a MicroStrategy Express installation

The Express option installs your MicroStrategy Secure Enterprise Platform with all the features of Analytics and Mobility. This guide describes the Express Install option, which installs the entire platform on a single machine.

The MicroStrategy Express option installation is specifically designed for deployments of up to 15-20 concurrent users with the recommended hardware specifications. This makes it an ideal solution for a development environment, or for evaluating the MicroStrategy Secure Enterprise Platform capabilities.

You need to provide some information for the Analytics and MicroStrategy Identity configuration.

After installing the complete Platform, you will have MicroStrategy Analytics and Mobility installed on your Windows server, as well as the required Third-party software libraries. For a complete list of all MicroStrategy components, see What you are installing.


  • System requirements:

    • You have a 64-bit Windows Server: 2016 or 2019.

      • Windows 10 (64-bit) are supported for demo purposes.
      • .Net Framework 4.x.
      • All components are installed on the local C:\ drive, which requires 35 GB of disk space.
      • To successfully complete the installation process, your server must not have any MicroStrategy components installed.
    • 16 GB of RAM
    • Multi-core 64bit processor
  • MicroStrategy Secure Enterprise software requirements:

    • Download and extract the MicroStrategy installation package from the MicroStrategy download site. In the extracted files, locate MicroStrategy.exe or Setup.exe.
    • Your MicroStrategy software license key is for 64-bit servers. To request a license key, go to Generate Keys section of the MicroStrategy download site, contact your MicroStrategy representative, or contact MicroStrategy Technical Support at [email protected].
    • After installation, a MicroStrategy Landing page containing links to the main MicroStrategy Platform services is displayed. The page requires JavaScript to be enabled to execute inside a web browser. Contact your IT administrator for assistance.
    • If Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) is present on the machine, the Express installation includes Subscription Portal and the MDX Cube Provider. If IIS is not present, these two components are not installed.
  • Connectivity requirements:

    • Your Windows computer must be accessible through a Fully Qualified Domain Name.
    • The MicroStrategy services listed in Ports and connectivity information must be able to communicate.

      • The following Windows firewall inbound rules must added:


        Apache Tomcat 9.0.x
        C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-8.0.39\bin\tomcat8.exe

        MicroStrategy Intelligence Server x64
        C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Intelligence Server\MSTRSvr2_64.exe

        MicroStrategy Open Refine Server x64
        C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Intelligence Server\MJRefSvr_64.exe

To start the Express installation

  1. Log in to the Windows server as a user with administrator privileges.
  2. In the installation folder, locate and run MicroStrategy.exe. Alternatively, you can locate and run Setup.exe. Accept the license agreement and continue.
  3. On the Customer Information page, complete the following fields:

    • First Name: The first name of the administrator.
    • Last Name: The last name of the administrator.
    • Email address: The email address of the administrator.
    • License Key: The license key for your installation. This key is required to install the MicroStrategy Platform on a 64-bit Windows server. If you do not have this license key, contact to your MicroStrategy Representative or [email protected].
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Install Options page, select Express, and click Next.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Check the box marked Automatically restart my computer when the installation completes if you wish to enable an automatic system reboot.
  8. Click Install. Installation takes approximately 20 minutes with the recommended hardware.
  9. If you did not choose to restart automatically, restart your machine now by clicking Finish. The MicroStrategy software is not configured until after a restart.
  10. After your machine has restarted, log in with your administrative account. Platform configuration automatically begins. This can take up to 30 minutes with the recommended hardware. A progress bar displays while the post-configuration steps are processed.

  11. When the installation is complete, your default browser automatically opens the MicroStrategy Secure Enterprise launch page. If the launch page does not display, use the shortcut on the desktop.

After the MicroStrategy installation is complete, you have 30 days to activate your installation. Before you activate your installation you must request an Activation Code from MicroStrategy. You can complete this request when you install MicroStrategy with the MicroStrategy Installation Wizard or after the installation using MicroStrategy License Manager. For steps, see Activating Your Installation.

To log in to MicroStrategy Tutorial

  1. You can log into Tutorial by using the MicroStrategy Administrator credentials, as described below:

    • Type Administrator for the username and keep the password empty.
    • Click to log in.
  2. After logging in, you can explore the capabilities of MicroStrategy by following the guided tutorials or exploring on your own and creating your own dossiers.

To log in to the MicroStrategy Web Administration and MicroStrategy Mobile Administration pages

During the configuration process, the MicroStrategy Installer randomly generates a password for the MicroStrategy Web Administration page, MicroStrategy Mobile Administration page, MicroStrategy Repository, MicroStrategy Repository accounts, and Tomcat

  • Username: mstr
  • Password: The password can be found in the following file on the server where MicroStrategy Secure Enterprise was installed:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\Default_Accounts.txt

Note the username and password, and store them securely. These credentials will be used to configure the DSN to the Platform Anlaytics project.

It is recommended to delete the Default_Accounts.txt file after the password is stored securely. This password cannot be recovered if it is lost.

Supporting Information

What you are installing

MicroStrategy Analytics and Mobility

  • MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
  • MicroStrategy Web Server
  • MicroStrategy Mobile Server
  • MicroStrategy Collaboration Server
  • MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server
  • MicroStrategy Developer
  • MicroStrategy Library
  • MicroStrategy Telemetry Server
  • MicroStrategy Platform Analytics
  • MicroStrategy Repository
  • MicroStrategy Community Connectors
  • MicroStrategy Administration Tools
  • MicroStrategy Tutorial
  • MicroStrategy Cloud Community Connectors

Third-party software libraries

The MicroStrategy installation installs third-party software libraries to provide a streamlined user experience. For a list of the libraries and versions, see the “System Requirements” in the Readme.

Ports and connectivity information

The MicroStrategy Express installation configures the following services on the specified ports. It also sets inbound Windows firewall rules to permit traffic on the specific ports. During an uninstall, the ports are closed on the Windows firewall.

  • Tomcat: 8080
  • MicroStrategy Repository: 5432
  • Identity Manager: 443
  • MicroStrategy Identity Server 1-way: 1443
  • MicroStrategy Identity Server 2-way: 2443
  • Identity Gateway: 9501
  • Intelligence Server: 34952
  • REST Server: 34962
  • Collaboration Server: 3000
  • Export Engine Micro-Service: 20100
  • Apache ZooKeeper: 2181
  • Apache Kafka: 9092
  • Redis: 6379

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