People who read American Ghost Jack page 1

2021-09-12 20:00

Tags: #fucking love it #like i read this when i was just starting and good gosh diddy darn darn

no because I’m actually sobbing so hard they deserve the absolute best and my god I thought this was just going to be some simple old random horror story but it’s just something much much more meaningful. And I. Just cant enough. I love them so much. Accidentally binged it all in a span of 3 hours but my god. This is definitely one of the stories of all time. So, so wonderful. My heart cracked throughout the episodes so many times I thought it was going to shatter. Beautifully wrapped up as well, I hope Aiden lives happily. Muah muah, chefs kiss. Five stars. I love this story so much. The main couple is truly the embodiment of soulmates. Sobbing. Thank you author for creating such an amazing story.