Peak Definition & Meaning |

the pointed top of anything.

the pointed top of anything.

the pointed top of a mountain or ridge.

the pointed top of a mountain or ridge.

the highest or most important point or level:

the peak of her political career.

the maximum point, degree, or volume of anything:

Oil prices reached their peak last year.

a time of the day or year when traffic, use, demand, etc., is greatest and charges, fares, or the like are at the maximum:

Early evening is the peak on commuter railroads.

the higher fare, charges, etc., during such a period:

If you fly during the Christmas holidays, you’ll have to pay peak.



  1. the maximum value of a quantity during a specified time interval:

    a voltage peak.

  2. the maximum power consumed or produced by a unit or group of units in a stated period of time.

a projecting point:

the peak of a man’s beard.

a projecting front piece, or visor, of a cap.



  1. the contracted part of a ship’s hull at the bow or the stern.

  2. the upper after corner of a sail that is extended by a gaff.

  3. the outer extremity of a gaff.