(PDF) American English File 3 Multi Pack A Student Book Workbook (Second Edition) – DOKUMEN.TIPS
Student Book Workbook
Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden
AmericanENGLISH FILEMulti-Pack
AmericanENGLISH FILEChristina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden
Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of
English File 1 and English File 2OXFORDU N I V E R S I T Y P R E S S
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation
4 A Mood food simple present and continuous, action and
nonaction verbsfood and cooking vowel sounds
8 B Family life future forms: present continuous, going to,
will/ won’t Jg) each otherfamily, adjectives of personality
sentence stress, word stress, adjective endings
12 < PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 1 Meeting the parents
14 A Spend or save? present perfect and simple past money the
letter o18 B Changing lives present perfect + for/since, present perfect
continuousstrong adjectives: exhausted, amazed, etc.
sentence stress, stress on strong adjectives
22 REVIEW & CHECK 1&2 On the street; Short movies
Goodwill Industries3
24 A Race across Miami comparatives and superlatives
transportation //, /dy, and It,f/, linking28 B Stereotypes-or are they? articles: a/an, the, no article
collocation: verbs / adjectives + prepositions/o/, sentence stress, // or /Nil?
32 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 2 A difficult celebrity
34 A Failure and success can, could, be able to j/j) reflexive
pronouns-ed / -ing adjectives sentence stress
38 B Modern manners? modals of obligation: must, have to,
should^5) should havephone language silent consonants, linking
42 REVIEW & CHECK 3&4 M i On the street; Short movies
Citi bikes5
44 A Sports superstitions past tenses: simple, continuous,
perfectsports hr/ and hr/
48 B Love at Exit 19 usually and used to relationships linking,
the letters52 < PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 3 Old friends
104 Communication 132 Grammar Bank 165 Irregular verbs
113 Writing 152 Vocabulary Bank 166 Sound Bank
1 2 2 Listening
G simple present and continuous, action and nonaction verbs V
food and cooking P vowel soundsDo you drink a lo t o f coffee?
1A Mood foodYes, but I’m
trying to cut down right now.
1 V O C A B U L A R Y food and cooking 3 L IS T E N IN G & S
P E A K IN Ga Take the quiz in pairs.
FOOD QUIZCan you th in k of…?
o n e red fru it, o n e yellow fru it, o n e green fru it t w o
kinds o f food th a t some people are allergic tot h r e e kinds o f food th a t come from milk
f o u r vegetables tha t you can put in a salad f i v e
containers tha t you can buy food ins i x things th a t people sometimes have fo r breakfast
b > p.152 Vocabulary Bank Food and cooking.
c 14))) Listen to these common adjectives to describe food. Do
you know what they mean? Then say one kind o f food that we often
use with each adjective.canned fresh frozen low-fat raw spicy take-out
FOOD & EATING1 Is there any food or drink that you
couldnt live without? How often do you eat/drink it?
2 Do you ever havea ready-made food? b take-out food? What
kind?3 Whats your favoritea fruit? b vegetable?Are there any that you
really dont like?*4 When you eat out do you usually order meat, fish, or
vegetarian?What food do you usually eata when you’re feeling a little down?
b before playing sports or exercising? c before you have an exam or
someimportant work to do?
2 P R O N U N C IA T IO N vowel sounds
a Look at the eight sound pictures. What are the words and
sounds?1 1squid chicken 5 spicy grilled ” r r
sausage roast chocolate box
2(p beef steamed 6 5″p\v beans breakfast \
pork fork boiled pour
grapes salmon 7 ( ) lamb cabbage Mqu
cook sugar pudding food
44 r margarine carton 8 l l j spoon zucchini fruit duck*@ ” jar
warm ( C l j ja 16))) Listen to five people talking. Each person is answering
one o f the questions in Food & Eating above. Match each
speaker with a question.[T\ Speaker A [__] Speaker DI I SpeakerB Q SpeakerEL J Speaker
Cb Listen again and make notes about their answers. Compare with
a partner.c Ask and answer the questions with a partner. What do you have
in common?b
Look at the words in each list. Cross out the word that doesnt
have the sound in the sound picture.1 5))) Listen and check.
> – p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings o f the
sounds in a. -
4 R E A D IN G
a Are the foods in the list carbohydrates or proteins? W ith a
partner, think o f four more kinds o f food for each category.cake chicken pasta salmon
With a partner, answer the questions below with either
carbohydrates or proteins.What kind o f food do you think it is better to eat…? for
lunch if you have an important examor meeting for breakfast for your evening meal if you are
feeling stressedLook at the title o f the article. What do you think it means?
Read the article once to find out, and to check your answers to
b.Read the article again. Then with a partner, say in your own
words why the following people are mentioned.Give as much
information as you can.1 Dr. Paul ClaytonJ
people on diets schoolchildren Paul and Terry Swiss
researchersFind adjectives in the article for the verbs and nouns in the
list. W hats the difference between the two adjectives made from
stress?stress (noun) (x2) relax (verb) wake (verb) sleep (verb) power
(noun) benefit (noun)Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
1 What time of day do you usually eat protein and carbohydrates?
How do they make you feel?How often do you eat chocolate? Does it
make you feel happier?After reading the article, is there anything
you would change about your eating habits?We live in a stressful world, and daily life can sometimes m ake
us feel tired, stressed, or depressed. Some people go to the doctor
for help, others try alternative therapies, but the place to find a
cure could be somewhere completely different: in the kitchen.Dr. P au l Clayton, a food expert from Middlesex University,
says The brain is affected by what you eat and drink, just like
every other part of your body. Certain types of food contain
substances that affect how you think and feel.”For example, food that is high in carbohydrates can make us feel
more relaxed. It also makes us feel happy. Research has shown that
people on diets often begin to feel a little depressed after two
weeks because they are eating fewer carbohydrates.On the other hand, food that is rich in protein makes us feel
awake and focused. Research has shown that schoolchildren who eat a
high-protein breakfast often do better at school than children
whose breakfast islower in protein. Also, eating the right kind of meal at
lunchtime can make a difference if you have an exam in the
afternoon or abusiness meeting where you need to make some quick decisions. In
an experiment for a TV show, two chess players, both former
champions, had different meals before playing each other. Paul had
a plate of prosciutto and salad (full of protein from the red
meat), and his opponent Terry had pasta with a creamy sauce
(fullof carbohydrates). In the chess match Terry felt sleepy and took
much longer than Paul to make decisions about what moves to
make.The experiment was repeated several times with the same
result.Another powerful mood food could become a replacement for some
medications doctors prescribe for stress. In a study, Swiss
researchers discovered that eating one dark chocolate candy bar
(about 1.4 ounces) had beneficial effects on highly stressed
people. Not only did eating the dark chocolate help reduce stress,
it was also shown to improve mood and reduce high blood
pressure.Why does chocolate make people less stressed? First, it causes
the body to reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol.
Second, it reduces the fight or flight hormonea hormone that makes
people want to start a fight or run away when they are very
stressed. In addition, it contains other compounds that lower blood
pressure and improve your mood. These three things, along with its
delicious taste, make chocolate a powerful mood changer.Mood food – w hat the exp erts say Blueberries and cocoa can
raise concentration levels for upto five hours. Food th at is high, in protein helps your brain
to work moreefficiently For relaxation and to sleep better, eat
carbohydrates. Dark green vegetables (e.g., cabbage and spinach)
and oilyfish (e.g., salmon) eaten regularly cam. help to fight
depression.Online Practice 1A
5 L IS T E N IN G & S P E A K IN G
a Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
RESTAURANTS1 How often do you eat out?2 What’s your
favorite…?a kind of food (Chinese, Italian, etc.) b restaurant dish
3 How important are these things to you in a restaurant? Number
them 1-4 (1 = the most important).[ 1 the food] the service ] the atmosphere ] the price
4 Have you ever tried English food? What did you think of
it?b 17))) Read the text about Steve Anderson. Then listen to P a
rt 1 o f an interview with him, and number the photos in the order
he mentions them.c Listen again. Why does he mentioneach thing?
d 1 8))) Now listen to P a rt 2 and answer thequestions.
1 What does he say is the best and worst thing about running a
restaurant?2 Whats the main difference between British and Spanish
customers?3 What kinds of customers does he find difficult?
4 How does he think eating habits in Spain are changing?
e W hat about you? Answer the questions witha partner.
1 What was your favorite food when you were a child?
2 Is there anything that you like / dont like cooking?
3 In your country, when people eat out would they usually tell
the chef what they really think about the food?4 Do you know anyone who is a difficult customer in
restaurants?6 1A
STEVE ANDERSON has always had a passion for food. He was first
taught to cook by his mother, who is half Burmese. After studying
physics in college, he got a summer job helping with a cooking
course in Italy, where he met several famous chefs. One of them,
Alastair Little, later hired him as a trainee chef. Two years
later, he moved to Valencia in Spain and opened a restaurant,
SeuXerea, now one of the most popular restaurants in town. -
6 G R A M M A Rsimple present and continuous, action and
nonaction verbsa 19))) Listen again to some o f the things Steve said .(Circle)
the form of theverb he uses.1 This week for example, I cook / I m cooking nearly every day.
We usually close / are usually closing on Sundays and Mondays, but
this Monday is a public holiday.2 The British always say / are saying that everything is
lovely.3 Actually, I think I prefer / 1 am preferring that honesty,
because it helps us toknow what people like.4 Unfortunately, 1 think they get /
they’re getting worse. People eat / are eatingmore unhealthily.
b With a partner, say why you think he has chosen each form.
c ^ p.132 Grammar Bank 1A. Learn more about the simple present
and thepresent continuous, and practice them.d Make questions to ask your partner with the simple present or
continuous. Ask for more information.On a typical day- What / usually have for breakfast?- / drink
soda? How many glasses /drink a day?- Where / usually have lunch?- What / usually have
for lunchduring the week?- / ever cook? What / make?- / prefer eating at
home oreating out?
Right now / nowadays- I need to buy any food today?- / want
anything to eat right now?What?- I take vitamins or food
supplements right now?- / try to cut down on anything
right now?- I the diet in your country / get
better or worse?
7 S P E A K IN G
WHAT DO YOU THINK?1 Men are better cooks than women.2 Both boys
and girls should learn to cook at school.3 Cheap restaurants
usually serve bad food.4 On a night out with friends, where and
what you eat isnt important.5 Not all fast food is unhealthy.6
Every country thinks that their cuisine is the best in the
world.a 1J13))) Listen to two people discussing sentence 1. W ho do
you agree with more, the man or the woman? Why?b 1 14))) Listen to the phrases in the Useful language box. Copy
the intonation.Useful language: Giving your opinion (1)I agree. Im not sure.
For example,…I dont agree. (I think) it depends. In my
opinion…c In small groups, say what you think about sentences 2 -6 . Try
to use the U seful language phrases.Online Practice 1A 7
G future forms: present continuous, going to, will / wont V fam
ily adjectives o f personality P sentence stress, word stress,
adjective endingsAre you seeing your grandparents
this weekend?
IB Family lifeNo, Im going to stay home. I’ll
probably see them next weekend.
1 V O C A B U L A R Y & S P E A K IN Gfamily
a Look at some photos showing family members.W hats happening in
each one? What do you think the relationship is between the
people?b With a partner, explain the difference between each pair.
1 a father and a parent2 a mother and a stepmother3 a brother
and a brother-in-law4 a grandfather and a great-grandfather5 a
nephew and a niece6 a child and an only child7 your immediate
family and your extended familyc Read Changingf o r the better and try to guess what the
missing percentages are. Choose from the list.11% 43% 60% 67% 75%
d ly 15))) Listen and check. Do any o f the statistics surprise
you? Which ones do you think would be very different if the survey
was taken in your country?e Work in small groups. Say what you think and give reasons.
Do you th in k that…? families should have a meal together
every day children should leave home as soon as they canafford to parents and their teenaged children should spend
a lot of time together parents should be friends with their
children onsocial networking sites, e.g., Twitter elderly parents should
live with their childrenwhen they are too old to live alone
Useful language:Giving your opinion (2)We often use should +
verb to say what we think is the right thing or a good thing (to
do), e.g.,I think families should have dinner together every day
because…I dont think parents should be friends with their
children on Twitter because…Changing -for the better?Family life is changing in th e US, but
not in th e way we m ight th in k . The resu lts of several
different US surveys expected to find th a t family relationships w
ere suffering because of th e decline in traditional family stru
ctu res.However, some of th e resu lts were very surprising…of young adults under 25 and
of adults 30-34 still live at home with their parents.
of families eat together every day.
say they have the TV on during dinner.
think a new baby in the family brings more happiness.
of adults are happy and enjoy their lives without a lot of
stress.of adults are not happy and have a lot of stress or worry in
their lives.of teens feel close to their family.
of teens want to spend more time with their parents.
of parents stay connected with their children on social
networks.of parents worry about what their kids post on social
networks.of elderly women live with a relative such as a daughter,
daughter-in-law, or grandchild.2 G R A M M A R future forms
a 1> 16))) Listen to three dialogues between different family
members. W ho is talking to who (e.g., brother to sister)? What are
they talking about?b Listen again and match two sentences with each dialogue
(1-3).A I I I’ll make you a cup o f tea. D [ ] Im staying overnight
there.B I__I You’ll drive too fast. E [__ | I’ll drive really
slowlv.c D I’m not going to go to college yet. F Q It’s going to be
cold tonight.c With a partner, decide which sentence (A -F) is…
] a plan or intention [__][__] a prediction _] an offerI I an
arrangement Q apromi.sed V p.133 Grammar Bank IB . Learn more about future forms, and
practice them.3 P R O N U N C IA T IO N sentence stress
P Sentence stressAn important aspect of speaking English is
stressing the words in a sentence that carry the information, and
not stressing the other ones. This will help you to communicate
better and to speak with good rhythm.a 121))) Listen to the rhythm in these three dialogues.
1 A Are you coming home for dinner tonight? b No. fm going out
with my friends.2 A What are you going to do in the summer?b we re going to rent
a house with my sister and her husband.3 a do you think they’ll have children soon?b dont think so. Not
for a few years anyway.b Practice them with a partner. Copy the rhythm.
c Ask and answer the questions below. Give as much information
as possible.ARE YOU…? having dinner with your family tonight or is anyone
in your family getting married soon doing something with a family
member this week visiting a relative this weekendARE YOU GOING TO…? have a new nephew or niece soon have a big
family get-together soon go on vacation with your family this year
buy a present for a member of your family this monthDO YOU THINK…? the number of people getting divorced will go
up or down in the future the birthrate will go up or down in your
country anyone in your family will live to be 90 or more you will
move away from (or back to) the area where your family lives4 1 22>)) S O N G Our House
Online Practice IB 9
5 R E A D IN G
a W hich do you think has more advantages, being an only child,
or having brothers and sisters? Why?b Work in pairs. A read The Younger Brother,B read The Only
Child.c Tell your partner about 1 and 2 below. Whose childhood sounds
happier?1 other family members who are mentioned2 how the writers
experience as a childaffects him / her now
d Look at the highlighted words in the two texts. Try to figure
out their meaning from the context. Then match them with
definitions 1-12.1 ____________ adj ill2 ____________ its no surprise that3
____________ noun competition betweentwo people4 ____________ noun the time when you were
a child5 ____________ norm a meeting of people,
e.g., family6 ____________ norm people who are fully
grown7 ____________ adj knowing about or being
conscious of something8 ____________ noun a school where
childrencan live during the year9 ____________ verb think that somebody
orsomething is important10 ____________ verb divided something
between two or more people11 _____________verb try to hurt
somebody else12 ____________ noun a group of friendsm each otherWhen brothers and sisters get older they value each
other more.Use each other to talk about an action between two
people or groups of people, e.g., I dont get along very well with
my father. We don’t understand each other.e Talk to a partner. Do you have brothers and sisters, or are
you an only child? Do you feel positive or negative about it?10 IB
normal, but there was a special reason for the tension between us.
1 was very ill when I was born, and spent three months in the
hospital with my mother. My brother did not see her at all during
that time because he went to stay with an aunt. When our mother
returned home, it was with a sick newborn baby who took all the
attention.No wonder he haled me (although if you ask Jeff, he will
say that he didnt – we remember things differently).My brother and I were completely different. We shared the same
bedroom, but he was neat, and 1 was really messy.He was
responsible; I was rebellious. He was sensible; I was emotional. I
dont have any positive memories of our childhood together, though
there must have been good moments. Je ff says we used to play
Cowboys and Indians, but I only remember him trying to suffocate me
under the bedcovers.My relationship with Je ff has influenced my attitude toward my
own four daughters. If the girls fight, I always think that the
younger child is innocent. But the good news about brothers and
sisters is that when they get older, they value each other more. Je
ff is now one of my best friends, and I like and admire him
greatly. For better or for worse, we share a whole history. It is
the longest relationship in my life.Adapted from T he T im esTHE ONLY CHILD JOURNALIST SARAH LEEI went to boarding school
when 1 was seven, and the hardest thing I found was making friends.
Because I was an only child, I just didnt know how to do it. The
thing is that when youre an only child, you spend a lot of your
time with adults, and you’re often the only child in a gathering of
adults. Your parents go on living more or less the way they have
always lived, only now you are there, too.I found being an only child interesting because it gave me a
view of the world of adults that children in a big family might not
get. And I know it has, at least partly, made me the kind of person
I am – 1 never like being one of a group, for example. I f I have
to be in a group, I will always try to go off and do something on
my own, or be with just one other person Im not comfortable with
being one of a gang.My parents are divorced now and my mother lives in the US and my
father in the UK. I feel very responsible for them – I feel
responsible for their happiness. I m the closest relative in the
world to each of them, and I am very aware of tiiat.Adapted from T he G uard ian
Younger brother only child?
6 V O C A B U L A R Yadjectives of personality
a Without looking back at The Younger Brother text, can you
remember who was neat, responsible, and sensible and who was messy,
rebellious, and em otional? Do you know what the adjectives mean?
Would you use any of them to describe yourself?b > – p.153 Vocabulary Bank Personality
c Write down the first three adjectives of personality that come
into your head. Don’t show them to your partner. Now go to > –
Communication Personality p.108.7 P R O N U N C IA T IO Nword stress, adjective endings
a 1 26))) Underline the stressed syllable in these mulitsyllable
adjectives. Listen and check.1 jea lous an xious am bi tious ge ne rous re bell ious
2 so cia ble re li a ble
3 re spon si ble sen si ble
4 com pe ti five tal ka five a ggre ssive sen si tive
5 un friend ly in se cure im pa tient i mma ture
b Listen again and answer the questions.
1 Is -ous pronounced /aus/ or /as/?2 Is -ab le pronounced bb\l
or /eibl/?3 Is -ib le pronounced /obi/ or /ibl/?4 Is -ive
pronounced /ov/ or /iv/?5 Are -ous / -ab le / -ib le / -ive
stressed?6 Are un- / in- / im – stressed?8 L IS T E N IN G & S P E A K IN G
W hats your position in the family?Are you the oldest child, a
middle child, the youngest child, or an only child?1 27))) Look at the cover o f Linda Blairs book. Now listen to a
journalist talking about it on a radio program. Complete the chart
by writing four more adjectives of personality in each column.Oldest children Middle children Youngest children Only children
Isensible relaxed outgoing self-confident
c Compare with a partner. Then listen to the four sections one
by one. Check your answers. What reasons or examples does the
journalist give?d Look at the completed chart above. In pairs, say…
…if you th ink it is true fo r you – and if not, why not?
…if you th ink it is true fo r other people you know (your
brothers and sisters, friends, etc.)9 W R IT IN G
> – p.113 Writing A description o f a person . Write a
description of a friend you know well.Online Practice IB 11
Practical Engli Meeting the parents
a Look at the photos. Describe Jenny and Rob.
b 1 28)}) Watch or listen to Jenny and Rob talking. Fill in the
blanks.Jenny Zielinski and Rob Walker work for a 1 called New
York24seven. Shes American, and he’s2__________ . Rob came to New
York a few 3__________ago. He had met Jenny when she went to
4__________ ona work trip. They got along very well, and he was
offered ajob for a month in 5__________ . Later he was offered
a6__________ job. Jenny helped R o b 7___________anapartment, and
they are enjoying life in the US, although Rob misses his friends
and 8__________ .O American and British Englishapartment = American English fla t
= British English< R EA C TIN G TO W H A T PEOPLE SAY
a 1 29))) Watch or listen to Jenny introducing Rob to her
parents. What bad news does Rob have for Jenny? What good news does
Jenny have for her parents?o American and British Englishmom = American English mum =
British Englishb Watch or listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F
(false). Correct the F sentences.1 Rob left the chocolates at the office.2 Robs desk is usually
very neat.3 It’s the second time that Rob has met Jenny’s parents.4
Sally has prepared a big dinner.5 jennys new job is managing
director.6 jenny is going to be Rob’s manager.12
c 1 30))) Look at some extracts from the conversation. Can you
remember any o f the missing words? Watch or listen and check.1 Jenny Dont forget the chocolates.Rob OK. Oh,________ !Jenny I
dont ________ it. Don’t tell me youforgot them?Rob I think theyre still on my desk.Jenny ________
kidding.2 Jenny Mom, Im really sorry – we boughtyou some chocolates, but
we left them at the office.Sally What a _________._________mind.
3 Jenny But I also have some good news.Sally ________ ? Whats
that?4 Sally So youve got a promotion?_______fantastic!
Harry Thats great________ !
5 Sally Lets go and have dinner.Jenny What a ________ idea!
d 1 31))) Watch or listen and repeat thephrases in the chart
below. Copy the rhythm and intonation.REACTING TO WHAT PEOPLE
SAYWhat you say when you hear…
something surprising Youre kidding.1 dont believe it.
something interesting Really?
some good news How fantastic! Thats great news! What a great
idea!some bad news Oh, no! What a pity. Never mind.
O How + adjective, What + nounWe often use How + adjective or
What + noun to respond to what people say.How interesting! How
awful! How amazing!What a pity! What a good idea! What terrible
news!3 < H A R R Y F IN D S O U T M O R E A B O U T ROB
a 1 32))) Watch or listen to the after-dinner conversation. Does
the evening end well or badly?b Watch or listen again and answer the questions.
1 What school did Jenny go to?2 Is Harry impressed by Robs job?
Why (not)?3 What does Harry like doing in his free time?4 Who are
most of the photos in the dining room of?5 Who are Miles Davis,
John Coltrane, and Wynton Marsalis?6 What surprises Harry about
Rob?c Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of
the missing words?Social English phrases
Harry How do you______ your career?Rob N ot______ . Im more of a
writer.Rob Oh, you know, interviews, reviews,_______like that…Rob
I_______, I like photography.Harry Thats ______ most of them are of
Jenny.Harry How_______!Rob Well, he’s a really nice_______.Harry
Go_______, son!e Practice the dialogues in c with a partner.
f mm V Communication How awful! How fantastic! A p.104 B
p.109.d 1 33))) Watch or listen and complete the phrases.
e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say
them in your language?^ Can you…?
react to good news, bad news, unexpected news, and interesting
newsintroduce yourself and other people
use phrases that give you time to think, e.g., you know, I mean,
etc.Online Practice 13
G present perfect and simple past V money P the le tte r o
2A Spend or save?Have you
paid the phone bill yet?
1 V O C A B U L A R Y money
a 1 34))) Listen to a song about money. Fill in the blanks with
phrases A -G .A a material world B comes with a feeC foot the bill D for free
E paper or plastic F shopping sprees G with moneyb Listen again and read the lyrics. Which phrase (A -G )
means…?1 rich2 cash or credit cards3 you have to pay for it4 pay the
bill5 that you dont have to pay for6 buying a lot of things at one
time7 a consumer societyc W hat do you think the song is saying? Do you think it is
…?very cynical sad, but sometimes true offensive to women (and
men)d > p.154 Vocabulary Bank Money.
G irls dont like boys, girls like cars and money
Boys w ill laugh at girls when theyre no t funny
D ont m atter
Shell have it
And 4____
These are a few
O f her favorite things
Shell get w hat she wants
If shes w illing to please
His type o f girl
Always 5____
Hey, now, the re s nothing
Girls dont like boys, girls like cars and money
Boys w ill laugh at girls when theyre no t funny
And these girls like these boys like these boys like these
girlsThe girls w ith the bodies like boys w ith Ferraris
G irls dont like boys, girls like cars and money
Educated, 1____
Hes well-dressed
N o t funny
And not much to say in
Most conversations
But hell 2____ in
A ll situations
Cause he pays fo r everything
A ll o f these boys, yeah get all o f these girls
Losing th e ir souls in 7____
Yes, I paid it yesterday
2 P R O N U N C IA T IO N the letter o
a Can you remember which word rhymes with money in the song
Girls & Boys?b Look at some more words with the letter o. Put them in the
correct column.clothes dollar done honest loan money go nothing owe shopping
some sold wond Look at some words with the letters or. How is or usually
pronounced when its stressed? Which two are different?afford order worth organized mortgage store work
e 1 39))) Listen and check.
f Practice saying these sentences.
Let’s go shopping for clothes.Can I borrow some money?He won a
million dollars.They cant afford to pay the mortgage.I work in a
store.I’ve done nothing wrong.3 R E A D IN G & S P E A K IN G
a Read the questionnaire and choose your answers,
b Compare your answers with a partner. Say why.
c > – Communication Spender or saver? p.108. Find out if you
are a spender or a saver.4 L IS T E N IN G
a 1 40))) Listen to six people answering the question Are you a
spender or a saver? How many are savers?b Listen again and match speakers 1 -6 with A-F. W ho.. .?
A Q always has money in the bank B [_I often ends up with no
moneyC thinks he/she is careful with money, but not cheapD [_]
enjoys spending money on his / her hobbyE can save money if he /
she needs to F L J prefers to live now than worry about the
futureARE YOU A SPENDER OR A SAVER?1 You go shopping and you see som
ething veryexpensive th a t you really w ant, but cant afford. You…
a buy i t w ith your c red it card. You can w o rry about the
bill next month.b already have some money in the bank and plan to save fo r a
couple o f weeks and then buy the thing you want.c b o rro w the money and agree to pay back a small am ount
every week.2 You get $100 fo r your birthday. You…
a spend some o f i t and save some, b go straight to a shopping
mall and spend it all. c put all o f i t in your bank account until
you know whatyou want to spend it on.
3 Do you always know how much m oney you have, how much m oney
you have spent, and on what?a Yes. I’m very organized and know exactly what I have and what
I’ve spent.b No. I have no idea. W hen I have money, I usually just spend
it.c I usually have a rough idea about w hat I spend my money
on.4 You borrow ed some m oney from a friend, but you dont th ink
th a t youll be able to pay it back by the tim e you prom ised to.
You…a don ‘t w o rry about it. Hopefully your friend w ill forget
about it, too !b figure o u t how much money you have and how much you owe. You
speak to you r friend and explain the situation and o ffe r to pay
the money back in small installments.c ta lk to your friend and promise tha t you’ll pay him / her
back, but i t m ight take a litt le longer than you f irs t
thought.5 You have a friend who often borrows m oney fro m you and never
pays you back. H e / She wants to borrow $50. You…a lend him / her the money. You can afford it, and it doesn’t m
a tte r if you don ‘t get it back,b say no; he / she owes you to o much already, c lend the money,
but explain tha t i t is the last time,until he / she has paid back this loan.
Online Practice 2A 15
c 1 38))) Listen and check.
5 G R A M M A R present perfect and simple past
a Read the conversation. W hat are they arguing about?
b 1 4 1 ))) Read the conversation again, and put the verbs in
the present perfect or the simple past. Then listen and check.c Do we use the present perfect (PP) or simple past (S
P)…?1 for a completed action in the past ______2 for recent actions
when we don’t ask / say exactly when ___d > – p.134 Grammar Bank 2A. Learn more about the present
perfect and simple past, and practice them.e In pairs, interview each other with the questions. Ask for
more information.HAVE YOU EVER.. bought or sold something on
eBay or a similar site
lost a credit card or your wallet
saved for something for a long time
wasted money on something you’ve never used
won any money (e.g., in a lottery)
lent money to someone who didn’t pay you back
bought something online and then discovered tha t it was a
scambeen charged too much in a restaurant
/ What happened?
16 2A
Have you ever bought or sold something on eBay?
Yes, I sold my old computer.
Who did you sell it to? How much did you sell it for?
David 11havent seen (see) those shoes before. Are they new?Kate
Yes. 12__________________ (just buy) them. Do you like them?D
They’re OK. How much3____________they____________ (cost)?K Oh, not
much. They4______________ (be) a bargain. Under $100.D You mean
$99.99. That isnt cheap for a pair o f shoes.Anyway, we cant afford to buy new clothes right now.K Why not?D
5____________________ you____________________ (see) this?K No. What
is it?D The phone bill. I t 6_____________________ (come) this
morning.And w e7____________________ (not pay) the electricity bill
yet.K Well, what about the iPad you8______________ (buy) last
week?D What about it?K You9_____________________ (not need) a new
one. The old one10__________________________________ (work) just fine.D But
111______________________________(need) the new model.K Well,
112___________________________ (need) some new shoes. -
6 R E A D IN G & S P E A K IN G
a In pairs, answer the questions. Give as much information as
you can.1 Think of two people you know personally or have heard of who
are very rich. Did they…? a earn their money (how?)b inherit
their money (who from?) c win it (how?)2 I f they earned their money, was it because…? a they were
very luckyb they worked very hard c they had a special talentb Now read an interview with a billionaire. How did he become so
rich? Why is his success surprising? What does he do to help
homeless people?c Now read the interview again and number the events in the
order in which they happened.A L?| He was homeless again.B [_I He delivered newspapers.C Ld
At1 investor didnt give him the money hehad promised him.D [_] He sold encyclopedias from door-to-door.E
Q He left his wife.F [_] He was homeless.G \T\ He sold Christmas
cards from door-to-door. H Q He started a hair product company with
$700. 1 Ld He was able to pay his bills on time.d What do you think you can learn from Johns story?
e Look at the highlighted words and phrases related to money and
business. With a partner, try to figure out the meanings from
context.f Complete the questions with one o f thehighlighted words and
phrases. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.1 What brand of hair product do you use? How long have you used
it?2 Do you know anybody who sells encyclopedias orother
products_______ ? What does he / she sell?Does he / she enjoy his/
her job?3 If you needed a_______ to lend you money tostart a business,
who would you ask? Why?4 Have you ever experienced______from a boss,a teacher, etc.?
How did you feel?5 Do you know anybody who has tried to succeed in a difficult
career (like acting), butwho hasnt ______yet? Is he / she still
trying,or has he / she given up?FROM THE STREETS TO SUCCESS!John DeJoria, an American
billionaire businessman, owns several companies, including John
Paul Mitchell Systems, a successful brand of hair products.
However, DeJoria was not always wealthy. He was the second son of
immigrant parents and grew up in a very poor area of Los Angeles,
California. Before forming his hair product company with only $700,
he was a street gang member for some of his youth, he then worked
at low-paying jobs including encyclopedia salesman, janitor, and
insurance salesman, and he was homeless twice. DeJoria’s selfmade
rise is an inspiring story.As a child, you were fairly entrepreneurial, werent you?My first
job, at 9 years old, was selling Christmas cards door-to- door. At
10 years old, my brother and I had paper routes. We got up at 4
oclock a.m., folded the papers, and delivered them, and then got
ready for school.As you got older, you continued to work. Is that right?The job
that was one of the most influential experiences you can imagine
was door-to-door selling encyclopedias. Doors literally slam in
your face maybe 30, 40 doors before the first customer will
actually talk to you and let you in.Youve been homeless, havent you?Twice. Once, when I was about 22
years old. The other time was when I started John Paul Mitchell
Systems in 1980. I wasn’t getting along with my wife at the time.
So I had left and had given her all the money. We had a backer for
John Paul Mitchell Systems putting in a half-million dollars. That
money was supposed to arrive that day. I never got a penny. So I
just slept in my car. And I slept in my car for the first two weeks
when I started the company. So we started with humble
beginnings.Do memories of the streets motivate you?It sure makes you very
appreciative of what you have in your life. Those who are homeless
like people with kids who are homeless I really have a heart for.
So I participate in a lot of charitable organizations that take the
homeless off the streets.What are the biggest problems youve faced in business?The
biggest problem is rejection. Any business you start, be ready for
it. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful
people is that the successful people do all the things the
unsuccessful people dont want to do. When 10 doors are slammed in
your face, go to door number 1 1 , with a smile.When did you know you had made it?I was in business two years,
and we were able to pay everysingle bill on time. We had a couple of thousand dollars in the
bank $4,000, to be exact. And we said, Man we made it; it s all
downhill now. It was really hard.It took a couple years.What was the first thing you bought yourself at that point?
I went to a restaurant. This is the first time I said Im going
to order off the left side of the menu, not the right side. The
right side is where the prices are. Carne asada, guacamole,
whatever I wanted.I didn’t even look at the prices. That, to me,
was a pretty big deal.Online Practice 2A 17
d fr
om E
G present perfect + fo r / since, present perfect continuous V
strong adjectives: exhausted, amazed, etc.P sentence stress, stress
on strong adjectivesHow long have you been working here?
2B Changing livesFora
longtime! Since 2001.
a Look at the photos. Where do you think they were taken? What
can you see in each photo?b 1 4 5 ))) You are going to listen to aninterview with Jane,
talking about a trip she took in 2008. Listen to P a rt 1. Where
did she go? What did she decide to do after the trip?c Listen again. W hat does Jane say about:
1 her normal job2 the vacation to Uganda3 what happened when the
lorry broke down4 the condition of the school5 the children6 what
the headmaster asked her for18
Glossaryholiday BritE for vacation lorry BritE for truck
headmaster BritE for principald 1 46))) Now listen to P a rt 2 . Correct the wrong
informationin these sentences.1 Janes son chose the name Adelante Africa, which means Go
forward, Africa in Spanish.2 The new school opened in 2012.3 Today the school has 75
children.4 Adelante Africa has also been trying to improve thechildren’s English.5 They are building a home for the teachers.6
Two of Jane’s children have been helping in Uganda.7 (ane says the
school has changed childrens lives because it hasgiven them an education.8 Jane thinks that she gives more than
she gets.9 The website has a video jane’s daughter took of her
teachingthe children.
e Compare your answers with a partner. Then listen again to
check.f Do you know anybody like jane who does a lot o f work for
acharity? What do they do? -
2 G R A M M A R present perfect + for/since, present perfect
continuousa Match the questions and answers.
1 How long has Jane been a writer?____2 How long has Adelaide
Africa had a website?____3 How long has she been working for
Adelaide Africa?A Since 2008.B For about 22 years. C For four years.
b Answer with a partner.
1 Are the three questions and answers in a about… ? a a period
of time in the pastb a period o f time from the past until now’ c a
period o f time in the present2 Whats the difference in form between the first two questions
and question 3?c > – p.135 Grammar Bank 2B. Learn more about the present
perfect with f o r / since and the present perfect continuous, and
practice them.3 P R O N U N C IA T IO N sentence stress
a 1 49 >)) Listen once and try to write down the stressed
words in the large pink rectangles.?
? b Compare circles with a partner. Ask your partner at least
three questions about the things he or she has written. One
question must be How long have y o u …?4 S P E A K IN G
a Look at the circles, and write something in as many as you
can.b Look at the stressed words and try to remember what the
unstressed words are. Then listen again to check and write them
in.c Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm.
d 1 50))) Listen and make questions.
It’s snowing.
How long have you been using Twitter?
Do you write things on it or do you just read other people’s
tweets?For about a year.
Why did you buy a Nissan Juke?
Because it’s small, and it s very green/’
How long have you had it?
Online Practice 2B 19
How long learning
French ?
How long has it been snowing?
5 R E A D IN G & L IS T E N IN G
a In your country are there charity events to raise money for a
good cause? Have you ever taken part in one? W hat did you do? How
much money did you raise?b Youre going to read an article about Helen Skelton, who agreed
to kayak down the Amazon for charity. Read the introduction and
answer the questions.1 What did Helen do last year for charity?2 What is she hoping
to do this year?3 What is dangerous about the trip?4 What
experience does she have?c Before you read the texts of Helens first three phone calls,
imagine what kinds o f problems you think she had on her trip. Then
read and check. Were you right?d 151))) Read Phone calls 1 -3 again and fill in the blanks with
the correct word. Then listen and check.1 a in front b behind c back2 a freezing b hot c boiling3 a
exhausted b angry c lost4 a down b up c over5 a long b wide c
short6 a ice cream b coffee c chocolate7 a sleep b paddle c rest8 a
boring b interesting c worrying9 a being b feel c feeling10 a sick b well c hard
e 1 52))) Now listen to the rest o f Helen’s trip down the
Amazon. Did she manage to finish?f Listen again. Then answer the questions.
Phone call 41 Why hasn’t she had any music for three days?2 What
does she do to pass the time?3 Why didn’t she celebrate reaching
the halfway point?Phone call 54 What have been driving her crazy this week?5 What
wildlife has she seen?6 Why is she starting to feel a little
sad?The 6 :0 0 news7 How many miles did she do altogether?8 How long
did the trip take?9 What did Helen miss?10 What is the first thing she is going to do when she gets
home?g Tell your partner about an adventure sport you’ve done or an
exciting experience youve had. Was it a positive experience? Why
(not)? How did you feel?T V hosts AmazonH elen Skelton hopes to b ecom e the first w o m
an to kayak dow n the A m azon River.Helen Skelton is a 26-year-old TV host of Blue Peter, a show for
young people. She has never been afraid of a challenge. Last year,
she became the second woman to complete the 78-mile Ultra Marathon
in Namibia, running the three consecutive marathons in 23 hours and
50 minutes. But when Blue Peter decided to do something to raise
money for the charity Sports Relief (which sponsors projects around
the world), Skelton said that she wanted an even bigger challenge.
So they suggested that she kayak 1,998 miles down the Amazon from
Nauta in Peru to Almeirim in Brazil.This is a very risky trip. There are no roads and no towns, only
rainforest and the river (which is sometimes more than 24 miles
wide and infested with crocodiles). If she gets sick, it will take
around 11 hours to fly her to a hospital.20 2B
d f
ph w
Phone call 1 Everything went wrong. I only managed half
a day on Wednesday, the first day, and onThursday we started
late, so I’m already 1____ ;.I’ve been suffering from the heat.
It’s absolutely2____ , and the humidity is 100% at lunchtime.I went
the wrong way, and I had to paddle againstthe current. I was 3____
! They asked me, Do youwant to give 4____ ?’ but I said, No!’
Because I’vealso been having a wonderful time! There are pink
dolphins – pink, not gray – that come close to the boat. I think
that if I can do 62 miles a day, trten I can make it. -
Helen has only been kayaking once before in her life, so she has
been training four hours a day. Last week, she arrived at the
Amazon in Peru. After two days of kayaking, she made the first of
her phone calls.P h o n e c a l l 2
66 Ive been on the Amazon tor a week now, and I’ve been paddling
for six out of theseven days. The river is incredibly5____ ,and it’s very hard to
paddle in a straight line. The water is so brown that I can’t see
my paddle once it goes under the surface. Itlooks like melted 6____
. I start at 5:30 in themorning, and 1 7____ for at least 10
hours,from 5:30 a.m. until dark, with only a short break for lunch.
My hands have been giving me problems – I have big blisters. I now
have them bandaged in white tape.I’m usually on the water for at least 10 hours;it’s8___ at
times, and exciting at others. I listento music on my iPod. I’ve
been listening to Dont Stop Me Now by Queen to inspire me!6 V O C A B U L A R Y & P R O N U N C IA T IO Nstrong
adjectivesp Strong adjectivesSome adjectives have a strong meaning, e.g.,I
had to paddle against the current. I was exhausted! (= very
tired)Ive had a fantastic time! (= very good)With strong adjectives
you can use absolutely or really, but NOT very. Ive been suffering
from the heat. It’s absolutely boiling. NOT very-boiling.a Complete the sentences with a regular adjective.
1 A Was Lisa’s father angry about the car?B Yes, he was
furious!2 A Is Olivers apartment______ ?B Yes, it’s really tiny – just a
bedroom and a living room.3 A Are you______ of flying?B Yes, I’m terrified! I never fly
anywhere.4 A Was the food______ ?B Yes, it was delicious.
5 A Are you very______ ?B Im starving! I havent eaten all
day.6 A Is your parents’ house______ ?B Its enormous. It has seven
bedrooms.7 A Was i t______ in Moscow?B It was freezing! Minus 20
degrees.8 A Was Jack’s kitchen______ ?B It was filthy. It took us three
hours to clean it.9 A Are your parents______ about the wedding?B Theyre excited.
In fact, they want to pay for everything!10 A Was the movie______ ?B It was hilarious. We laughed all the
way through.11 A Are you______ you locked the door?B I’m positive. I
remember turning the key.12 A Were you______ to hear that Ted is getting married?B I was
absolutely amazed! I never thought it would happen.b 1 53))) Listen and check. How are the strong adjectives
pronounced? Practice the dialogues in pairs.c > – Communication Are you hungry? A p.104 B p.109.
d Ask and answer with a partner. Ask for more information.
1 Have you ever been swimming in a place where the water was
absolutely freezing?2 Is there anything that makes you furious about car drivers or
bike riders in your country?3 Are there any animals or insects that you’re terrified of?4
Whats the most delicious meal youve had recently?5 Is there a
comedian or a comedy series on TV in your country thatyou think is absolutely hilarious?
> – p.114 Writing An informal email. Write an informal email
to thank somebody you have been staying with and to tell him or her
what you have been doing recently.Online Practice 2B 21
P h o n e c a l l 3
I haven’t been 9____ very well this week.The problem is heat
exhaustion. Theysay its because I haven’t been drinking enough water. I’ve been
traveling 62 miles a day, which is my target. But yesterday after52
miles, I was feeling 10____ , and my headwas aching, and I had to
stop and rest. -
1&2 Review and CheckG R A M M A R
(Chxle)a, b, or c.
1 My sister______ fish or seafood.a doesn’t like b don’t like c
doesn’t likes2 I have a quick breakfast because______ in a hurry.a I usually
b I usually am c Im usually3 I ______ TV when Im having a meal.a never watch b dont never
watch c am never watching4 I usually drink a lot of diet soda, hut right now to cut
down.a I try b I’m trying c Im triing5 ______ any brothers or sisters?a Are you having b Are you have
c Do you have6 W hat______ when you graduate from school?a you are going to
do b are you going doc are you going to do7 I cant see you this evening because______ somefriends.a I’m
meeting b I meet c Ill meet8 A Would you like something to drink?B Yes,______ some orange
juice, please.a I have b I’m having c Ill have9 A I cant open this jar.B ______ help you.a I’ll b Im c I’d
10 That’s a pretty dress. Where______ it?a have you bought b did
you buyc did you bought11 ______ good at saving money.a I’ve never been b I haven’t
never been c Ive never12 I got $50 for my birthday, but I ______ .a didnt spend it vet
b havent spent it yet c yet I haven’t spent it13 I’ve had this computer______ .a for about three years b since
about three years c for about three years ago14 A How long______ in Paris?B Since last March.a is he living b
has he living c has he been living15 ______ the same gym for five years.a I’m going to b I’ve been
going to c I go toV O C A B U L A R Y
a (.Circle)the word that is different.
1 shrimp mussels duck squid2 lamb crab beef pork3 cherry pear
peach beet4 raspberry cucumber pepper cabbagi5 fried baked chicken
roastb Write the opposite adjective.
1 honest ______ 4 hardworking ______2 cheap ______ 5 quiet
______3 selfish ______c Write verbs for the definitions.
1 to spend money on something that is not necessary______2 to
receive money from somebody who has died ______3 to get money by
working4 to get money from somebody that you will pay back______5
to keep money so that you can use it later ______d Write the strong adjectives.
1 tired ______ 3 cold ______ 5 angry______2 hungry ______ 4 d
irty ______e Complete the phrasal verbs.
1 Lets eat______ tonight. I don’t feel like cooking.2 Im
allergic to milk, so I have to cu t______ dairyproducts from my diet.3 We live______ my salary. My wife is
unemployed.4 I’ll lend you the money if you promise to pay me_____
.5 I took $ 2 0 0 ______ of my bank account.P R O N U N C IA T IO N
(Circle)the word with a different sound.
1 ( j ) peach steak beef steamed
21 money shop positive honest3 roast sociable owe account4 i
filthy bill tiny chicken5 afford pork worth organizedb Underline the stressed syllable.
1 sal mon 3 i mma ture 5 sen si ble2 in vest 4 de li cious
d fr
om c
C A N Y O U U N D E R S T A N D T H IS T E X T ?
a Read the article once. When did Bill Morgan’s luck change?
When bad luck becomes good luck!Youve had a lo t o f bad luck in
the pasta bad accident and some frightening health problems. Does
that keep you from doing things in the future that involve luck,
like buying a lottery ticket?Anyone who has bought a ticket for the $500-million US Powerball
jackpot can only dream of having as much luck as Australian truck
driver Bill Morgan. In case you’ve never heard of Bill Morgan, his
story actually begins with some very bad luck. First, he was almost
crushed to death by a truck accident at work. The accident did not
kill him, but it did leave Bill with a heart condition. When he was
given medication for the heart condition, Bill had an allergic
reaction that caused a powerful heart attack, which left him
clinically dead for 14 minutes. After being revived by doctors,
Morgan slipped into a coma for 12 days. During this time, his
family was advised to unplug his life support system not once, but
twice. Bill’s luck began to change when he unexpectedly woke up
from the coma without any permanent damage. Bill’s bad luck was
ending and his heartwarming story was just beginning.After getting better, the 37-year-old Morgan found a new,
higher-paying job, and asked his long-time girlfriend, Lisa Wells,
to marry him. Lisa said yes. A week later, Morgan bought a
scratch-off lottery ticket at his local newsstand.Bill scratched
the ticket off and realized he had just won a brand new car! A
local TV news station was so amazed by Bill’s story that they sent
a crew to do a human interest story on Bill and his lucky streak.
The news crew thought it would be fun to re-create Bill’s buying
and scratching off the ticket right on camera. No one could have
predicted what happened next. The ticket Bill bought for the
re-enactment ended up being a $250,000 winner! And the best part
is, it all happened on live TV (almost causing another heart
attack).b Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true),F (false),
or D S (doesn’t say).1 Bill had a dream about winning the lottery.2 Bill’s heart
condition was caused by the accident.3 Bill was in a coma for 14
days.4 Bill’s new job was in an office.5 The news crew bought Bills
lottery ticket for there-enactment.6 Winning $250,000 did not cause Bill to have
anotherheart attack.
c Choose five new words or phrases from the article. Check their
meaning and pronunciation, and try to learn them.VIDEOC A N Y O U U N D E R S T A N D T H E S E PEOPLE?
1 54))) O n the street Watch or listen to five people and answer
the questions.Max Andrew Samantha Zenobia Skylar
1 Max says he______ .a often made brownies for his sister in the
past b doesnt mind sharing his brownies with friends whoare also feeling down c hasn’t eaten brownies in a long time
2 Andrew likes Asian restaurants because______ .a he doesn’t
like cookingb it’s cheaper than eating at home c he can’t cook that
type of food at home3 Samantha and her brother______ .a talk to each other a lot b
don’t like each other at all c don’t like each other as much after
spending a lot oftime together4 Zenobia buys a bag______ .
a if its cheaper than usual b every three months c if she needs
a new one5 Skylar took part in a charity event______ .a when she was 15 b
for people who are sick with cancer c that raised money for
captainsC A N Y O U S A Y T H IS IN EN G LIS H ?
Do the tasks with a partner. Check ( / ) the box if you can do
them.Can you…?1 describe your diet and the typical diet in your
country, and say how it is changing2 agree or disagree with the
following statement, andsay why: Ourfavorite fo o d is usually something we liked when
we were children.3 describe members of your family, saying what theylook like and
what they are like4 __] describe some of your plans and predictions for thefuture
(e.g., your education, your family life)5 ask and answer the following questions: Have you ever won any
money? How much did youwin? What did you do with it? How long have you been learning
English?Where did you first start learning?
VIDEOShort movies Goodwill Industries Watch and enjoy the
G comparatives and superlatives V transportation P /J/, /d3/,
and /tJ7, linkingRace across Miami
Whats the best way to get around New York
Probably the subway although
taxis are more comfortable.
1 V O C A B U L A R Y & S P E A K IN Gtransportation
a In pairs, can you think o f four different forms of public
transportation in towns and cities in your country?b > – p.155 Vocabulary Bank Transportation.
2 P R O N U N C IA T IO N /J/, /d3/, and /tJ7
a 2 4))) Look at the pictures. W hat are the words and sounds?
Listen and repeat.adventure bridge catch crash dangerous each rush station traffic
jamc 2 5))) Listen and check. Practice saying the words.
d Look at the words in the columns. W hat are the typical
spellings for these sounds? Go to the Sound Bank p.167 and
check.e 2 6))) Listen to the pairs o f words. Can you hear the
difference? Practice saying them./tJ7 and /d3/1 a cheap b jeep2 a chain b jane3 a choke b
joke/J7 and /tfl4 a ship b chip5 a shoes b choose6 a wash b
watchg 2 8))) Listen and write five sentences.
3 R E A D IN G & L IS T E N IN G
a You are going to read about a race that the car show Top G ear
organized across the US state o f Florida. Read the introduction
and answer the questions.1 Where do they have to go from? Where to?2 What are the three
methods of transportation?3 Which one do you think will be the
fastest? Why?4 In what order do you think the other two will
arrive? Why?On Top Gear, a very popular TV series about cars and driving,
they decided to organize a race across Florida to find thequickest way to cross a busy state. The idea was to start from
Miami, in the southwestern part of the tip of Florida, and tofinish the race at the southern-most point of the US, Key
West,a trip of 160 miles. Three possible form s of transportation
were chosen: a motorboat, a car, and a combination oftransportation. One of the shows hosts, Rutledge Wood, took the
motorboat and his colleague Adam Ferrera took the car (a 2010 Lotus
Evora). Tanner Foust took different kinds of transportation. His
trip involved getting a taxi to the airport where he flew in a
seaplane. Then he rented a scooter.They set o ff from Jones Boat Yard on the Miami River…
Whats the fastest way
b Write three words from the list in each column.
27))) Listen andt^ircj^the word you hear.
His trip began in the Miami River. For the first hour there was
a speed limit of 7 miles an hour because of the enforced no-wake
zone in the river. Once the boat passed through Biscayne Bay and
went under the Rickenbacker Bridge, he entered open water. Rutledge
increased the boats speed to over 90 miles an hour and made up the
time he lost on the Miami River. Approximately 60 miles from the
finish line, Rutledge was ahead of Adam and Tanner, but he had to
stop for gas if he wanted to reach the finish line in Key West. In
the 15 minutes it took to refuel the boat, Adam passed Rutledge in
the car and took the lead. Once Rutledge was back on the open
water, there were a lot of big waves, but he was able to pass Adam
near Seven Mile Bridge just outside of Key West. Unfortunately for
both Rutledge and Adam, Tanner flew over both of them in the
seaplane at about the same time. Now Tanner was in the best
position to win. Each racer was only miles from the finish line in
Key West. Who would win?Adam started off OK. He wasnt driving fast because he was going
the speed limit. However, after an hour, Adam decided that he was
going too slowly. He increased his speed to 75 miles an hour 20
miles an hour over the speed limit. As Adam passed through a small
town, he was stopped by the police! They were angry that Adam was
speeding, and it meant that Adam lost many valuable minutes!
Another problem Adam had was that his GPS was programmed to give
directions in Spanish instead of English. This made finding his way
to Key West difficult. As Adam finally approached Key West, the
traffic was getting worse. He was worried about getting stuck so
close to the finish line. Only three miles to go…b Now read about the trips by motorboat and car. Do you still
think your predictions in 3a are right?c Read the two trips again and answer the questions with R
(Rutledge) or A (Adam).W h o …?1 went much faster in the later part o f his trip2 Q]
did something illegal3 [_j went more slowly in the later part o f
his trip4 Q had to stop for more gas5 I_] couldnt understand the
directions spoken bythe GPS6 was in the lead for most of the race
d Look at the highlighted verbs and verb phrases. With a
partner, figure out their meaning from context.e 2 9))) Now listen to what happened to Tanner. Follow his route
on the map.f 2 10))) With a partner, write down the order in which you now
think the three people arrived. Now listen to what happened. What
order did they arrive in?g > Communication Im a tourist – can you help me?A p.104 B
p.109.Glossary1 mile the unit o f distance used in the US and the UK
(=1.6 kilometers); 160 miles = 257 kilometers seaplane an airplane
that can take off from the water or the land no-wake zone an area
of water where boats must travel slowly to avoid making wavesOnline Practice 3A 25
Rutledge in the motorboat
Tanner in the seaplane
Adam in the car
4 G R A M M A R comparatives and superlatives 6 L IS T E N IN
Ga Read the sentences. Are the highlighted phrases right or
wrong? Write a check ( / ) or an X next to them and correct the
wrong sentences.1 What’s the quicker way to get around Miami?2 I ] Driving is
more boring than going by train.3 Q The boat was almost as fast
than the hike.4 L J West Hollywood is the same distance from Los
Angeles asSouth Gate.5 There arent as much trains as there were before on
this line.6 Q It was the more exciting trip Ive ever taken.7 Ld The
worst time of day to travel in New York City is between7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.8 [ ] Women drive more careful than
men.b > – p.136 Grammar Bank 3A. Learn more about comparatives
and superlatives, and practice them.5 P R O N U N C IA T IO N linking
LinkingWe often link words together in English, especially when
we speakfast. We link words:1 when a word ends in a consonant sound
and the next word beginswith a vowel sound, e.g., more^exciting2 when a word ends in a
consonant sound and the next word beginswith the same consonant sound, e.g., the fastest^train3 when a
word ends in /t/ or /d/ and the next word begins with HI or/d/, e.g., the biggest^dog
a 2 14))) Listen and repeat the sentences. Try to link the
marked words and copy the rhythm.Ridings motorcycle j s morejexciting than driving.2
Thefastestjtrairuonly ta k e ^ it jio u c a n o half.3 it’s more d
iff ic u lty drivq^t night than during the day.4 My fathers
worsq^tjdriving than my mother5 The mostjdangerous roadjn my
towrljs the freeway.b Talk to a partner. For each group o f three things compare
them using the bold adjective, i.e., for 1 decide which is the most
dangerous, and then compare the other two. Say why.1 dangerous: riding a bike; riding a motorcycle; driving2 easy:
learning to drive; learning to ride a bike; learning to ridea horse3 relaxing: flying; traveling by train; driving4
difficult: sleeping on a train; sleeping in a plane; sleepingon a bus5 boring: being stuck in a traffic jam; waiting at an
airport;waiting for a busI think riding a bike is the most dangerous
because sometimes drivers dont notice bike riders. Riding a
motorcycle is more dangerous than driving.a Read the text and then talk to a partner.
1 Which of these things do you (or people you know) do when you
are driving?2 Which do you think are the most dangerous? Number them 1-3 (1
= the most dangerous).3 Which one do you think is the least dangerous?
b 2 15))) Now listen to a safety expert.Number the activities
1-7. Were your topthree right?c Listen again for more information about each activity and why
it is dangerous.26 3A
Which of these things is the most (and least)
dangerouswhen you’re driving a car?A car magazine tested drivers
in a driving simulator. The drivers had to drive in the simulator
and do the things in the list below.A E a t in g o r d r in k in g A T a lk in g o n a ce l l p h o
n e (n o t h a n d s f r e e ) A S e t t i n g o r a d ju s t in g
a G P S A L i s t e n in g t o y o u r f a v o r i t e m u s ic A L
i s t e n in g t o m u s ic y o u d o n ‘ t k n o w A S e n d in g
o f r e c e i v in g t e x t m e s s a g e s A D o in g y o u f h a
ir o r p u t t i n g o n m a k e u p7 S P E A K IN G
a Look at the statements below and decide whether you agree or
disagree. Check ( / ) the ones you agree with and put an X next to
the ones you disagree with. Think about your reasons.Slow drivers cause more accidents than fast drivers.
People who drink and drive should lose their drivers license for
life.Speed cameras do not stop accidents.
Drivers who are over 70 are as dangerous as young drivers.
Bike riders should have to wear helmets.
The minimum age for riding a motorcycle should be 25.
The speed limit on freeways should be lower.
b In groups, give your opinions about each statement. Try to use
expressions from the box. Do you agree?P Agreeing and disagreeingI agree/dont agree with this.
with Juan.
I th ink/don’t think youre right.that’s
I completely/totally agree.disagree.
> – p.115 Writing An article for a m agazine. Write a
magazine article about transportation in your town or city.9 2 1B) S O N G 500 M/’iesj:
Online Practice 3A 27
G articles: a / an, the, no article V collocation: verbs /
adjectives + prepositions P bl, sentence stress, Ids/ or Idil?Do you think women ta lk more
than men?
3B Stereotypes – or are they?Yes, in general
I think they probably do.
1 R E A D IN G & S P E A K IN G
a In pairs, answer the questions.
1 Are you a talkative or a quiet person?2 Who is…?
a the most talkative person in your family b the most talkative
person you know’3 Do you think that, generally speaking, women are more
talkative than men?4 What topics do…?a men talk about more than women b women
talk about more than menb Look at the definition of stereotype. Then A read the article
Men talkjust as much as women and B read the article Gossip with
the girls? Find answers to questions 1-4.stereotype noun a fixed idea about a particular typeo f person
or thing, which is often not true in reality. > – stereotypeverb
In advertisem ents, w om en are o ften stereo ty p ed as
housewives.1 What was the stereotype that the researchers wanted to
investigate?2 Where was the research done?3 How was the research done?4 What
did the research show?c In pairs, tell each other about your article, using questions
1 -4 to help you.d Now read both articles again and look at the highlighted words
and phrases, which are commonly used in articles about research.
Match them with definitions 1-10.1 In fact adverb really2 ________ verb make less3 ________
usually do it4 ________ adverb a little bit5 ________ linking word
used to connect or contrasttwo facts6 ________ verb say that something is true7 ________ as
said or shown by somebody8 ________ verb include several different
things inaddition to the ones mentioned9 ________ adverb nearly
10 not completely believed, doubted
e Which o f the two pieces o f research do you think is …?
1 more credible 3 more surprising2 more important
Men talk just as much as women -can it really be true?
Research by psychologists at the University of Arizona has shown
that the stereotype that women talk more than men may not be true.
In the study, hundreds of college students were fitted with
recorders, and the total number of words they used during the day
was then counted.The results, published in the New Scientist,
showed that women speak about 16,000 words a day and men speak only
slightly fewer. In fact, the four most talkative people in the
study were all men.Professor Matthias Mehl, who was in charge of
the research, said that he and his colleagues had expected to find
Women are experts at gossiping – and they often talk about
trivial things, or at least that’s what men have always thought.
However according to research done by Professor Petra Boynton, a
psychologist at University College London, when women talk to women
their conversations are not trivial at all, and cover many more
topics (up to 40) than when men talk to other men.Women’s conversations range from health to their houses, from
politics to fashion, from movies to family, from education to
relationship problems.Almost everything, in fact, except soccer.
Men tend to talk about fewer subjects, the most popular being work,
sports, jokes, cars, and women. -
However, they had been skeptical of the common belief that women
use three times as many words as men. This idea became popular
after the publication of a book called The Fem ale Brain (2006)
whose author, Louann Brizendine, claimed that a woman uses about
20,000 words per day, whereas a man uses about 7,000.Professor Mehl
accepts that many people will find the results difficult to
believe. However, he thinks that this research is important because
the stereotype, that women talk too much and men keep quiet, is bad
not only for women but also for men. It says that to be a good
male, its better not to talk – that silence is golden.Professor Boynton interviewed over 1,000 women for her study.
She also found that women move quickly from one subject to another
in conversation, whereas men usually stick to one subject for
longer periods of time.Professor Boynton also says that men and women talk for
different reasons. In social situations, women use conversation to
solve problems and reduce stress, while men talk to each other to
laugh or to exchange opinions.2 G R A M M A R articles: a / an, the, no article
a Complete 1 -4 with a / an, the, or – (no article).
1 Have you heard this joke?____ hamburger and____ French frywalk
into a coffee shop.____waitress says, I’m sorry. We don’tserve____
food here.2 I just read____article on____ Internet about how
eating____strawberries makes you look younger..3 Im sure theres something wrong between us because we nevergo
out to ____ dinner or to ____ movies anymore.4 Did you watch____game____ last night? I cant believe
that_____referee didnt see that it was____ penalty..b According to the article Gossip with the girls?, who do you
think would probably say 1 -4 , a man or a woman?c p.137 Grammar Bank 3B. Learn more about articles and practice
them.3 P R O N U N C IA T IO N//, sentence stress, // or /di/?
a 2 20))) Listen and repeat the sound and words.
a about anniversary complain credible problem talkative usually
womanb 2 21))) Listen and repeat the sentences. Then practice saying
them with the // sound.What are we going to have for lunch to day?2 i’d like to see a
good movie to night.3 Please stop complaining about the weather.4
The woman in the kitchen is very talkative.5 Theres a problem with
the computer.c 2 22)}) Listen and underline five phrases where the is
pronounced /di/ (not //). Why does the pronunciation change?the movies the end the other day the world the sun the Internet
the kitchen the answer the Earth4 S P E A K IN G
Prove that the research in Gossip with the girls? is wrong! Work
in pairs or small groups.If youre a woman, try to talk for two minutes about:
soccer cars computers
If youre a man, try to talk for two minutes about:
fashion shopping your family
Online Practice 3B 29
d fr
om t
ly M
d fr
om t
5 R E A D IN G & L IS T E N IN G
a Do you think it is a stereotype that women are better than men
at taking care o f small children? Do you know any men who stay at
home and take care of their children? How do they manage?b Look at an illustration based on a new book about taking care
o f young children. Can you name some of the things in the
picture?d 2 23))) Listen to two men talking in the park about the book
and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).1 Miranda is older than Stephen.2 Mirandas father slept badly
the night before.3 Stephens father recommends sleeping pills.4
Stephens father hasn’t read Commando Dad.5 He likes the website
because he enjoys reading aboutother mens experiences.6 Stephens father really likes the book
because it helpshim and makes him laugh.7 In Commando Dad, BT means Baby Trooper
and BaseCamp means the kitchen.8 The author of Commando Dad thinks that
women arec Read the beginning o f an article about the book. Why did Neil
Sinclair write it? In what way is it different from other books
about raising children?only better than men when the baby is small,
e Listen again and correct the wrong information.
F o r s ix y ea rs N eil S in cla ir served as a commando in th
e arm y. He had been in a lot of dangerous situ ation s, but
nothing prepared him for th e day when he brought h is f ir s t
baby home from th e hospital.I put th e car seat containing m y tw
o-day- old son Sam uel down on th e floor and said to m y w ife, W
hat do w e do now ?When he le ft th e a rm y Sin cla ir and his wife agreed th a t
he would sta y at home and tak e care of the baby, while h is wife
w ent back to work.I have done a lot of crazy th ings, but when I put th a t baby
down I thought: I have a tin y baby, and he is crying. W hat does
he w ant? W hat does he need? I did not know. It was one of th e m
ost difficult days of my life.It was at th at moment th at Sin clair had an idea.I found m
yself th in k in g how much easier life would be if I had a basic
tra in in g m anual for m y baby, like the m anual you get when you
jo in th e arm y. I realizedAdapted from The Times
th a t somebody needed to w rite such a m anual, and who b etter
to w rite it th a n m e? I had been a commando, but I was now a
stay-at-hom e dad. I was th e m an for the job.His book, Commando Dad: Basic Training, is a set of instructions
th a t explains w ith m ilitary precision and diagram s how new fa
th ers should approach the firs t th ree y ears of th eir childs
life to become a first-rate father.f Do you think its a good idea to have a book and a website on
childcare especially for men?Why (not)?Glossarycommando noun one of a group of soldiers who are trained
to make quick attacks in enemy areasstay-at-home dad noun a man who
stays at home and takes care of the children while his wife goes to
work -
6 S P E A K IN G
a 2 24))) Listen to someone talking about men and women, and
fill in the blanks.Generally_______, I think women worrymore about their appearance
than men.They_______to spend hours choosingwhat to wear, doing
their hair, and puttingon makeup. Women are also_______better at
making themselves look moreattractive. But I think that in_______ ,
menare more worried than women about their body image. They feel
more insecure about their hair, for instance, especially when
theyre going bald.b In small groups discuss if the statements about men and women
are stereotypes or true. Try to use the highlighted expressions for
generalizing from a.MEN – p.156 Vocabulary Bank Dependent prepositions.
P When are prepositions stressed?Prepositions are usually only
stressed when they are the last word, e.g., in a question.
Compare:we need to ta lk about our vacation.What are you talking
about?Freddie is afraid of flying.What are you afraid of?
c Complete the questions with a preposition.
1 When you’re with friends of the same sex, what do you
usuallytalk___?2 Are there any sports or games that youre good___?3 Is there
anything you’re really looking forward___?4 Who in your family are
you closest___?5 What kind of movies are you interested__ ?6 Are
there any animals or insects that you’re afraid___?7 What’s your
town famous___?8 Are there any superstitions that you
believe___?d 2 27))) Listen and check. Then ask and answer the questions
with a partner.Online Practice 3B 31
Practical Engli A difficult celebrity
a 2 28))) Watch or listen to Rob interviewing Kerri. What is she
happy / not happy to talk about?b Watch or listen again. Mark the sentencesT (true) or F
(false). Correct the F sentences.1 Kerris song is about love.2 Kerri plays in a band.3 She used
to go out with a member ofthe band.4 Only one of her parents was a musician.5 Kerri
started playing the guitar when shewas six.6 Her new album is very different from the
previous ones.7 Shes been recording and touring recently.8 Shes
going to give a big concert inNew York City.
a 2 29))) Watch or listen to the conversation at lunch. What do
they disagree about?b Watch or listen again. Answer the questions.
1 What does Kerri think about…?a the waiters in New York City
compared to London b people in New’ York City compared to
London2 Who agrees with Kerri? Who disagrees? What do they think?3 Who
calls Rob? What about?VIDEO
c 2 30))) Look at some extracts from the conversation. Can you
remember any o f the missing words? Watch or listen and check.1 Kerri ________ , I th ink people in Londonare a lo t more
easygoing. Londons ju s t not as hectic as New York.Don Sure, we all like peace and quiet.But in m y _________, New
York ispossibly… well, no, is defin ite ly the g reatest c ity in
the world.Dont yo u _________?Kerri To b e _________ , I defin ite ly preferLondon.
Don Come on, Rob. You’ve lived in both. What do yo u _________
?2 Don OK, I_________ , London has itsown peculiar charm. But i f
y o u _____me, nothing compares w ith a c ity like New York. The
whole world is here!Kerri But th a t s the problem. Its too big. There are too many
people. Everybodys so stressed out. And nobody has any tim e fo r
you.Jenny I dont th ink th a t s _________ , Kerri.New Yorkers are
very friendly.Kerri O h_________ , they can soundfriendly w ith all th a t
Have a nice day s tu ff.d 2 3 1 ))) Watch or listen and repeat the highlighted phrases.
Copy the rhythm and intonation.e Practice the dialogues in c with a partner.
a 2 3 2 ))) Watch or listen to the end o f the lunch. Why is
Kerri surprised?O American and British Englishcell phone = American English
mobile phone = British Englishb Watch or listen again and complete the information.
1 Kerri thinks the waitress is friendly when they leave because
Don…f m m i In small groups, practice givingopinions. Discuss the
following sentences.2 Jenny is worried because she thinks Rob…3 Kerri thinks that
the taxi driver is very…– The best place to live is in a big city.- Riding a bike is the
most practical way toget around big cities.- You only get good service in
expensiverestaurants.- Its irritating when people in stores or
restaurants say Have a nice day!
c Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of
the missing words?Social English phrases
Jenny Did yo u _______ w hat you said in the restaurant,
Rob?Jenny Its _______ that… you seemed homesick in there.Rob
Oh,_______ on a minute.Rob Our tax is com e_______ .Kerri That was
s o _______ o f him!d 2 33))) Watch or listen and complete the phrases.
e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say
them in your language?^ Can you…?
interview someone or be interviewed
[ give your opinion about something
agree or disagree w ith o ther peoples opinions
Online Practice 33
G can, could, be able to V -ed / -ing adjectives P sentence
stressCan you speak French?
4A Failure and successNo, Ive
never been able l to learn a foreign
1 G R A M M A R can, could, be able toa I f at first you don t
succeed, try, try, try again is awell-known saying. What does it mean?
More recently other people have invented different ways o f
continuing the saying.W hich one do you like best?If at firs t you dont succeed,…give up…blame your parents
…destroy all the evidence th a t you tried …do it the way your
m other to ld you to …skydiving is no t fo r youc Look at the definition o f be able to. What other verb is it
similar to?be able to (do something) to have the ability, opportunity,
time, etc., to do something: Will you be able to come to the
meeting next week?d Read about three people who have tried (but failed) to learn
something, and complete the texts with A -G .A I was able to B Not being able to C I just wasnt able to D I
will never be able to E I would suddenly be able to F I’ve always
wanted to be able to G we would never be able toe Read the article again. Why did they have problems? Have they
completely given up trying? Have you ever tried to learn something
and given up? Why?f Look at phrases A -G again. What tense or form is be ab le to
in each one? What tenses or forms does can have?g > p.138 Grammar Bank 4A . Learn more about can, could, and
be able to, and practice them.h > – Communication Guess the sentence A p.105 B p.109.
ive neverbeen able to…
I really wanted to learn. Maybe it was because of that scene in
one of the very first James Bond movies, where a beautiful actress
comes out of the ocean looking fabulous, with oxygen tanks on her
back – I could see myself looking just like her. So, two years ago
I booked a vacation that included a week-long intensive course. On
the first day of the course, I was incredibly excited. First, we
had two hours of theory, and then we went into the ocean to put it
into practice. But as soon as I went under the water, I
discoveredthat I suffered from claustrophobia. 1_________ do it.
Afterabout half an hour I gave up. Every evening for the rest of my
vacation I had to listen to my scuba-diving classmates talking
about all the wonderful things they had seen thatday on their
diving excursions.2_________ join in theconversation was very
frustrating.I still love swimming and snorkeling, but I think that I have to
accept that3_________ scuba dive.Bea, the US
4_________________ dance salsa, and when I was working inEcuador
there were free classes, so I joined. But the art o f salsa is to
keep your arms still and move your hips, and I just couldn’t do it.
When I hear music my arms start moving, but my hipsdon’t. After
about ten hours o f classes 5_________________ dothe basic steps,
but I was dancing like a robot! I d idn’t give up, but soon
everyone in the class was dancing, and I was just slowly moving
from side to side and counting out loud one, two, three, four. It
was a little embarrassing. I was sure that oneday6_________________
do it – but that never happened. I canstill remember the first two
steps, and I still try to dance when I hear a salsa tune – as long
as nobody is watching!Sean, Canada
…speak Japaneselove manga – Japanese comics – and I tried to
learn Japanese, but I found it incredibly difficult, and I gave up
after two years. I think Asian languages, which have symbols
instead o f words,are extremely hard to learn for people who are more used to
Roman letters. Also my teacher, a Japanese woman, didn’t speak
Spanish very well, which didn’t help! She was a very charming
woman, but she was a little disappointed with us, and you couldsee
that she thought tha t7_________________ learn. However,one day she
invited us to dinner and gave us some delicious traditional
Japanese food, and since then I often go to Japanese restaurants.
So I learned to love the food, if not to speak the language!2 P R O N U N C IA T IO N sentence stress
a 2 36))) Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm.
i d love to be able to ski.2 w e wont be able to come.3 iv e
never been able to dance.4 s h e hates not be ing able to
drive.b 2 37))) Listen again. Make new sentences with the verbs or
verb phrases you hear.))) Id love to be able to ski Ride a horse I’d love to be able
to ride a horse.We wont be able to come. Park We won’t be able to park.
3 S P E A K IN Ga Look at the topics. Choose two or three and
thinkabout what you could say for them.
Something youve tried to learn, but have never been
able to do well.
Something you learned to do a ft