Native American culture of the Plains (article) | Khan Academy

I am confused about the questions at the end of the article:

“Consider the teepee and the earth lodge. How do different living structures across the Plains reflect the cultural practices of Native Americans?”


“Why do you think some Native Americans organized in larger groups or villages, while others operated in small bands?”

I don’t see how the different types of living structures are a reflection of cultural practices; very little about their culture is discussed in the article. From what I can tell, their significance is just that earth lodges were more permanent and sedentary, and that teepees were preferred when Plains Indians decided to move around more.

With the second question, I’m at a loss as to what the advantages of operating in small bands are. My guess is that they are easier to keep united, and also easier to migrate around with throughout the year, due to their size. Is this the answer they’re looking for?

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