Meaning Behind the American Flag
As a proud American, you know the importance of the red, white, and blue. The stars and stripes are one of the most easily recognizable emblems the world over. While you are familiar with the basics, let’s take a deeper look at the meaning behind the American flag.
The Colors
The red stands for valor and courage which was a nod those who died in pursuit of creating a new nation based on freedom from oppression. The white stands for innocence and purity which is a nod to the fact that the country was a new nation when the flag was adopted. The blue stands for justice and perseverance as a nod to the way the early nation persevered against the powerhouse forces of England.
The Stars and Stripes
When looking at the meaning behind the American flag, the stars and stripes both play an important role. The stars started out with just 13 to symbolize the original colonies. With every new state joining the union since then, the flag has been ratified to include a star for every new state. The stars now total 50 with each state having their own star against the blue field of the flag. There were 13 stripes in the original American flag and that number remains the same today. This is a nod to the original 13 colonies and is likely never to change. The 13 stripes are an honor to our heritage as a nation and the groundwork that made our country what it is today.
Common Sentiments
The meaning behind the flag is about more than the number of stars or the color of the stripes. The American flag is rich with symbolism thanks to the history of our nation. For example, the flag symbolizes such important sentiments as freedom, liberty, justice, and the sacrifices of all the brave men and women fighting and dying to protect the country. The flag can also represent hope in general because of the first hope for a new nation in 1776 and the hope for the American Dream still to this very day.