IELTS Writing Task 1 Pie Chart Task | 12 Sample Answers To Get Band 9

In IELTS academic writing task 1, you are required to describe visual information such as graph, tables, charts, and diagrams in your own words. Pie chart task 1 is one of the important and challenging tasks in the IELTS writing test. You must write at least 150 words within 20 minutes. Identify the key features in the question and describe it with related vocabulary and appropriate tense. 

Our IELTS experts created 12 pie chart task 1 sample answers based on the challenges you could face while attempting IELTS writing task 1. You have to organize the report with useful language and appropriate sentence structures. It is important to practice the writing tasks and analyze the sample answers in order to attain an 8+ band score on the writing test. 

Sample Answers for IELTS Writing Task 1 Pie Chart

IELTS Writing Task 1 Pie Chart Sample Answers

We have listed out the 12 pie chart task 1 sample answers, below. You can click any of the pie chart essays, which shows an appropriate section. 

1. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 1

The pie charts below show electricity generation by source in New Zealand and Germany in 1980 and 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 

Electricity Generation by Source in New Zealand

Electricity Generation by Source in Germany

Essay for Electricity Generation by Source in New Zealand

The two pie charts emphasise the sources of electricity in New Zealand and Germany in the years of 1980 and 2010. 

In New Zealand, the units were increased from 127 to 200 in the years of 1980 and 2010. And, In Germany also the units of electricity were raised from 107 to 214. It is evident that coal was the main source of electricity in New zealand and Nuclear generated more electricity in Germany. 

New Zealand utilised coal as a major electricity source in 1980, which is 56 units. In 2010, it was dramatically increased to 150 units in the total of 200 units. The rest of the units are generated by petroleum, natural gas and hydro. 

Nuclear contributed only 20 units in 1980 for Germany. But, it became 155 units by the year of 2010. And, the coal remained the same for both years with 28 units. Other sources include petroleum, natural gas and hydro. 

(156 words)

2. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 2

The pie chart shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in the UK in 2002.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

proportion of people from each household type living in proverty

Essay for Proportion of people from each household type living in poverty

The pie chart displays the statistical information on different categories of people living in poverty in the UK during 2002.

Based on the overall data, sole parents and singles without children were mostly affected by poverty while the aged couple and single aged persons were least affected. 

According to the chart, three categories of people were majorly affected. It includes 26% were sole parents, whereas 24% of singles without children. And, the next section of the people who are largely affected are couples with children which amounts to 15%. And, it is worth mentioning that couples without children took up 9% of the chart. 

It is evident, as per the chart, that aged people were least affected by poverty, followed by single aged persons who were slightly higher in percentage. Former merely covered up about 5% and latter was around 7%. And, it should be noted that a total of 14% of all households lived in poverty. 

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3. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 3

The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land becomes less productive. The table shows how these causes affected three regions of the world during the 1990s. 

causes of worldwide land degradation

Essay for Causes of worldwide land degradation

The pie chart illustrates the causes of worldwide agricultural land degradation while the table displays the three regions of the world which are affected by the degradation of land. 

As per the chart, the three major causes of land degradation were over-grazing, over-cultivation and deforestation. And, Europe is the country where the lands were degraded, largely due to deforestation. 

Overgrazing is the main reason for global land degradation which comprises 35%. And, the two other major causes were deforestation which accounted for 30% and over-cultivation was about 28%.

In Europe, the percentage of degraded land was around 23%, and it should be noted that the major cause was deforestation. Over-cultivation was the second significant reason for the degradation of land, which accounted for 7.7 percent. In contrast, North America had 5 percent of land degradation with the result of 3.3 percent of over-cultivation. And, in Oceania, over-grazing had substantially degraded the agricultural land with the percentage of 11.3 in the total of 13%. 

(166 words)

4. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 4

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie chart shows the percentage of persons arrested in the five years ending 1994 and the bar chart shows the most recent reasons for arrest.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words. 


Pie Chart Task 1 - Model Answer 4

Essay for Persons arrested in five years ending 1994

The pie chart displays the percentage of people arrested from 1989 to 1994. And, the bar chart illustrated the males and females who were arrested in the recent years. 

According to the pie charts, the males were largely arrested compared to females. And, with the bar chart, it is known that public drinking was the dominant reason for the recent arrests. Compared to males, females were arrested most. 

From the year of 1989 to 1994, thirty two percent of males were arrested while the percentage of females who got arrested was nine. In the same range of year, the males who were not arrested accounted for 68%, whereas 91% of females were not arrested. It should be noted that males who were arrested were comparatively larger to females. 

As per the bar chart, the top two reasons that males got arrested were Drink driving and public driving, at 27% and 31% respectively. And, a large number of females were arrested for public drinking, about 38%. And, assault was the second major reason. And, rest of them such as breach of order, theft and other reasons were slightly higher in males than females. 

(192 words) 

5. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 5

The charts below show the proportions of British students at one university in England who were able to speak other languages 

Pie Chart Task 1 - Model Answer 5

Pie Chart Task 1 - Model Answer 5

Essay for Percentage of British Students able to speak languages other than English

The given pie chart depicts the information about the languages that British students from an England University were able to speak other than English, in the years 2000 and 2010. 

In both years, British students mostly used Spanish as their spoken language and German was the least spoken language. Still, those years had several differences regarding the other languages. 

In 2000, specifically, Spanish was spoken by 30% of British students, while it has increased by 5% after ten years. It should be noted that, in 2000, one-fifth of the British students were speaking only the English language. In 2010, this portion decreased and reached 10%, which was the same proportion that the German and French language sustained for the latter year. In contrast, 15 percent of British students spoke French in the year of 2000 while German was in the same proportion for both years. 

At the same time, In 2000, 15% of students were speaking another language and 20% in 2010. It is worth mentioning that British students speaking two other languages increased from 10% in 2002 to 15% in 2010. 

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6. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 6

The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991 and 2001. 

Pie Chart Task 1 - Model Answer 6

Essay for Changes in annual spending by a particular UK school 

The three pie charts illustrate the amount of money that UK school spent annually for the years 1981, 1991, and 2001. 

As per the pie chart, the salaries of the teachers had the highest percentage for both the years while the insurance accounted for the smallest percentage of money spent by the UK school in all of the three selected years.  

A school spent 40% of the total spending amount for teachers’ salaries in 1981 and it rose to 50% of the total amount in 1991. In 2001, the percentage was slightly declined which was 45% and it was 5% higher in 1981. The spending on other workers’ salaries dropped gradually from 1981 to 2001. At the beginning, it was 28% in 1981, decreased to 22% in 1991 and in 2001, it dropped to 15% eventually. 

The money spent on furniture and equipment and resources such as books were similar in 1981, which was fifteen percent of the total amount. In 1991, a lot of money was spent on resources rather than furniture and equipment, 20% and 5% correspondingly, but it reversed in the year 2001. 23% of money was spent on buying furniture and equipment while 9% of the amount was spent on resources like books. The amount spent on insurance gradually increased from the year 1981 to 2001. In 1981, a small proportion of money was allocated for insurance. It was 2%, rose to 3% in 1991 and eight percent in 2001. 

(255 words)

Download ielts writing task 1 pie chart pdf

7. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 7

The two pie charts show the percentage of pollutants

Read the essay here

8. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 8

The pie charts show the online shopping sales for retail

Read the essay here

9. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 9

The Pie charts below show the different types of courses

Read the essay here

10. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 10 (Revenue Sources and Expenditures of a USA Charity in 1 year, 2016)

The Pie chart shows the amount of money question

Read the essay here

11. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 11

the pie chart shows holidaymakers using different type of accommodation

Read the essay here

12. Pie Chart Task 1 – Sample Answer 12

the pie chart shows the rating given by customer

Read the essay here

IELTS Writing Task 1 – How to Write Pie Chart Essay ?

It is essential to know the writing method for pie chart essays. You can write an effective pie chart essay by developing the step by step strategy. We have listed out the steps that are required to write a pie chart task 1 essay.

  1. Analysing the question
  2. Figure out the main features
  3. Writing an Introduction
  4. Overview Writing
  5. Writing the detailed paragraph 

To learn about the strategy more, read how to write pie chart.

Writing Task 1 Pie Chart Sample Answer Comments

  • You can see in the given sample answers that the main features were selected and summarised in an appropriate manner. 
  • The largest and smallest proportions given in the pie chart are highlighted.

  • All sample answers contain at least 150 words, which is an important requirement in this task. It must be noted that task achievement in one of the IELTS writing task 1 band descriptors.
  • We have used the pie chart language such as represents, comprises of, accounts for, illustrates.

  • The essays also organised well with the classification of four paragraphs. First paragraph has an introduction, the second paragraph gives an overview of the pie chart, and the third and fourth paragraphs contain two main features in a detailed manner 
  • As coherence and cohesiveness is one of the band descriptors, the essay must be well structured and organised. 
  • Grammatical range and accuracy is another writing task band descriptor. Sample answers given in this post are written in a past tense since the events in the pie chart happened before the current year. 
  • You can find words like ‘one-fifth’, ‘increased’ in the writing task 2 pie chart model essays. Appropriate words must be used, when you are writing an essay.