Higher Education statistics published

The Department for the Economy has today published two statistical bulletins; ‘Enrolments at UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland Analysis 2020/21’ and ‘Qualifications gained at UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland Analysis 2019/20’.

Department for the Economy publishes Higher Education Statistics

Department for the Economy publishes Higher Education Statistics

Enrolments at UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland Analysis 2020/21

This statistical bulletin provides information on the number of NI students enrolled at UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the number of students enrolled at NI HEIs. The key points are:

NI domiciled enrolments at UK HEIs:

  • Enrolments of NI students at UK HEIs increased by 5% (2,855) between 2019/20 (62,690) and 2020/21 (65,545), the largest annual increase over the past decade, which was mainly due to an increase in students at NI HEIs. Some of this sharp increase relates to the change in how A level grades were awarded in 2020 in light of the pandemic, leading to an increase in candidates meeting their offer conditions. Alongside this, there was an increase in the number of available undergraduate places offered by NI HEIs. Uncertainty regarding employment prospects early in the pandemic may also have contributed to an increase in postgraduate study.
  • ‘First degree’ enrolments increased in number by 4%, from 47,615 in 2019/120 to 49,490 in 2020/21, ‘postgraduate’ enrolments increased by 23%, from 10,965 to 13,505, while ‘other undergraduate’ enrolments decreased by 38%, from 4,110 to 2,550.
  • Of the 65,545 NI domiciled students enrolled at UK HEIs in 2020/21, 75% (48,920) were enrolled at NI HEIs (including 8% studying locally at the Open University); the proportion studying in GB (25%) was slightly lower than the 27% enrolled in 2019/20. 
  • In 2020/21, 28% of NI students at UK HEIs were studying a Narrow STEM related subject and 52% a Broad STEM related subject. 

Enrolments at NI HEIs

  • A 12% (7,170) increase occurred in the number of student enrolments at NI HEIs between 2019/20 (59,075) and 2020/21 (66,245), the largest annual increase over the past decade. Some of this substantial increase relates to the change in how A level grades were awarded in 2020 in light of the pandemic, leading to an increase in candidates meeting their offer conditions. Alongside this, there was an increase in the number of available undergraduate places offered by NI HEIs. Increases also occurred in the number of postgraduate students and in part-time overseas students on the Nursing and Midwifery test of competence module at Ulster University.
  • Between 2019/20 and 2020/21, ‘first degree’ enrolments increased by 7% (from 37,860 to 40,615) and ‘other undergraduates’ increased by 7% (from 7,265 to 7,740). Over the same period, ‘postgraduate’ enrolments increased by 28% (from 13,955 to 17,890)
  • Of the 66,245 students enrolled at NI HEIs in 2020/21, 74% were from NI, 5% from GB, 3% from the Republic of Ireland, 1% from other EU countries and 17% from non-EU countries.
  • In 2020/21, 25% of students at NI HEIs were studying a Narrow STEM related subject and 55% a Broad STEM related subject.

This document is available to download from the Department’s website. 

Qualifications gained at UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland Analysis 2019/20

This statistical bulletin provides information on Higher Education qualifications gained by students at NI HEIs and by NI domiciled students at UK HEIs. The key points are:

Qualifications gained by NI domiciled students at UK HEIs:

  • Although fluctuating, the number of qualifications gained by NI domiciled students at UK HEIs has increased by a net 14% over the past decade, from 18,655 in 2011/12 to 21,245 in 2020/21.
  • At 21,245, the number of qualifications gained by NI domiciled students at UK HEIs in 2020/21 was 21% higher than in 2019/20 (17,520). This substantial increase followed a smaller dip between 2018/19 (18,910) and 2019/20 (17,520), which was partly a result of delays in the awarding of qualifications due to administrative changes and Covid-19 factors. While such delays were responsible for some of the subsequent increase in 2020/21, other factors include the increased number of student places offered during the pandemic and the recent availability of postgraduate loans.
  • A record 85% of first degree qualifiers achieved either a first class or upper second class honours degree. This is possibly due to continued mitigating policies, coupled with changes in assessment practices, which were adopted by some universities in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • During 2020/21, 51% of qualifications gained by NI domiciled students at UK HEIs were in a Broad STEM related subject, and 24% in a Narrow STEM related subject.

Qualifications gained at NI HEIs:

  • The number of qualifiers from NI HEIs has increased by a net 22% over the past decade, up from 16,765 in 2011/12 to 20,400 in 2020/21.
  • At 20,400, the number of qualifications awarded at NI HEIs in 2020/21 was 28% higher than in 2019/20 (15,985). This sharp increase followed a smaller dip between 2018/19 (17,095) and 2019/20 (15,985), which was partly a result of delays in the awarding of qualifications due to administrative changes and Covid-19 factors. While such delays were responsible for some of the subsequent increase in 2020/21, other factors include the increased number of student places offered during the pandemic and an increase in international postgraduate students.
  • Over four-fifths (84%) of ‘first degree’ graduates at NI HEIs achieved either a first class or upper second class honours degree. This high proportion is possibly due to continued mitigating policies, coupled with changes in assessment practices, adopted by some universities in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • During 2020/21, 51% of qualifications gained by students at NI HEIs were in a Broad STEM related subject, and 23% in a Narrow STEM related subject.

This document is available to download from the Department’s website.

Notes to editors: 

1. The statistics presented in these bulletins are based on data collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). HESA is the official agency for the collection of information on publicly funded universities throughout Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and Higher Education (HE) providers in England registered with the Office for Students (OfS) in the Approved (fee cap) or Approved categories

2. The HESA data presented in these bulletins relate to students at HE institutions in the UK and do not include HE students at Further Education (FE) colleges in NI or GB, or at institutions in the Republic of Ireland.

3. Higher Education students for the purpose of HESA’s data collection are those students on courses for which the level of instruction is above that of Level 3 of the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) National Qualifications Framework (NQF) (for example, courses at the level of Certificate of HE and above).

4. The academic year runs from 1st August to 31st July.

5. Broad STEM includes the following subject areas: Medicine and dentistry; Subjects allied to medicine; Biological and sports sciences; Psychology; Veterinary sciences; Agriculture, food and related studies; Physical Sciences; Mathematical sciences; Engineering and technology; Computing; Geographical, earth and environmental studies (natural sciences); and Architecture, building and planning.

6. Narrow STEM is a subset of Broad STEM and includes the following subject areas: Biological and sports sciences; Psychology; Physical sciences; Mathematical sciences; Engineering and technology; Computing; and Geography, earth and environmental studies (natural sciences).

7. Further notes and technical details are available in the bulletin on the Department’s website.

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