glanced at – Translation into Chinese – examples English | Reverso Context

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Translation of “glanced at” in Chinese

She glanced at the script, then looked forward.

瞥了一眼 草稿,然后看着前方。

He glanced at the envelope and recognized his uncle’s handwriting.

瞥了一眼 那个信封,认出是他叔父的笔迹。

Harriet repressed a sigh, and glanced at her brother.

哈里特忍住叹息,向她的弟弟 看了一眼

They glanced at each other briefly, awkwardly.

他们短暂且尴尬地互 看了一眼

Manuel glanced at her companion with his stooped shoulders and useless bulk.

曼纽尔 瞥了一眼 她的同伴,那个塌陷着肩膀、没用的大块头。

The marauders merely glanced at him circling above before going back to their feast.

这群掠夺者只 看了一眼 在空中盘旋的他后就继续他们的飨宴。

Huatli glanced at what was beneath the vampire’s feet and gasped.

华特莉 瞥了一眼 吸血鬼脚下的东西并倒抽了一口气。

I glanced at the run sheets from last shift.

看了一眼 上一次轮班的班表

The Tartar glanced at the sky.

那个鞑靼人 瞥了一眼 天空。

Loesser briefed his assistant and said, Check this guy out and get me the records from… He glanced at Kari.

Loesser简要地对他的助手说:”找找这个家伙,把他的记录调出来…”他 瞥了一眼 Kari。

She glanced at the sleeping child and then hurried away.

瞟了一眼 睡着的孩子,随即匆匆离开了。

He glanced at it and his face clouded

看了它一眼 ,脸上显出不高兴的神色。

Ford glanced at him, puzzled.

福特 望着 他,显得很困惑。

Teferi glanced at him with a quizzical smile.

泰菲力带着一种古怪的笑容 瞥了 他一眼。

Sanin glanced at the old Italian, and pondered.

萨宁 瞥了眼 这位意大利老头,沉思起来。

He glanced at Sohrab and smiled.

望向 索拉博,露出微笑。

The boy glanced at her blankly.

众人皆同情的 看着 她。

One of them glanced at the other, hoping for a signal. Â

他们其中一个已经得到 报应了 ,另一个也将要受到应有的惩罚 。

He glanced at the open port-hole.

瞥了 一眼舷窗口。

I looked away, glanced at the window.

我紧紧盯着这 不可思议 的一幕…