glance – English-Spanish Dictionary –
As she walked away, she glanced back to see if he was still there.
The shot glanced off a defender and went into the goal.
Sarah glanced down at the contents of her plate.
The soccer player glanced up before crossing the ball into the penalty area.
Mark kept glancing at the door to see if his date had arrived. We glanced at each other discreetly.
She couldn’t help glancing towards the clock every five minutes.
He had a glance at the newspaper headline.
Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.
He glanced the ball to the boundary.
She waved her ring so the light would glance off it.
There was a glance of light from her diamond ring.
The glance resulted in a score for the opponents.
Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.
Compound Forms:
at a glance adv (with one quick look)de un vistazo loc adv
a simple vista loc adv
De un vistazo se dio cuenta qué era lo que estaba mal, pero simuló no haberlo notado.
at a glance adv figurative (quickly, rapidly)en un abrir y cerrar de ojos expr
Se terminó el helado en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
en un pestañeo loc adv
at first glance expr (initially)a primera vista loc adv
It was a good plan at first glance, but later we realized it was a dud.
Parecía un buen plan a primera vista, pero más tarde nos dimos cuenta de que era un fiasco.
cast a glance over
v expr (survey quickly)
echar una mirada loc verb
Just before her guests arrived, she cast a glance over the table to be sure everything was in place.
echar una mirada loc verb
glance away vi + adv (look away quickly)apartar los ojos loc verb
quitar la vista loc verb
glance over vi + adv (look quickly)echar un vistazo loc verb
I barely dared to look at Megan, but when I did glance over, she was smiling.
Apenas me atrevía a mirar a Megan, pero cuando eché un vistazo estaba sonriendo.
glance over
vi + prep (examine quickly)echarle un vistazo a loc verb
shoot a glance at
dart a glance at
cast a glance at
v expr (look quickly at)lanzarle una mirada a loc verb
echarle un vistazo a loc verb
a glance,
a glance v expr (look quickly at)lanzarle una mirada a loc verb
echarle un vistazo a loc verb
steal a glance at
v expr (look quickly, furtively at)lanzar una mirada loc verb
lanzar una mirada a loc verb
She stole a glance at him when she thought he wasn’t looking.
Ella le lanzó una mirada cuando creyó que no la veía.
mirar de reojo loc verb
mirar de reojo a loc verb
Ella lo miró de reojo cuando creyó que no la veía.
echar una mirada furtiva loc verb
echar una mirada furtiva a loc verb
Ella le echó una mirada furtiva cuando creyó que no la veía.