GitHub – ajyounguk/mongodb-crud-client: Simple Mongo CRUD client in node.js for mongoDB

MongoDB CRUD in Node.js – Example / Demo code

What is this?

Demo code that excercises MongoDB Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) operations with the mongoose npm module

Alt text


  • /config = mongo connection config (sample)
  • /controller = controller code with routes and DB operations in personController.js. and DB setup+purge API in setupController
  • model = person DB data model
  • /public = cascading stylesheet
  • /views = EJS views / HTML UI
  • / = app.js main webserver code & package.json

Mongo Client UI Functionality:

  • Add a person – CREATE Crud
  • List person(s) – READ cRud
  • Update person (needs MongoID from list function) – UPDATE crUd
  • Delete person (needs MongoID from list function) – DELETE cruD

Setup API

purge mongo collection = point browser at
setup / seed data in collection =

Installation overview

Install mongo DB with auth model


Clone Repo an install module dependencies

git clone
cd mongodb-crud-demo
npm install

Mongo Config

Copy /config/mongo-config-sample.json to mongo-config.json
Needs mongo username and password and mongo running with –auth

cp config-sample.json config.json

How to run it

node app.js

point your browser at the lport 3000 to load Client

DB user credentials example

This is NOT a hardened/strong security model for mongo, but a simple set of reference creds to get you started:

  1. Start mongo with no auth model:

Connect to mongo cli:

  1. Create database admin user in mongo cli:
use admin
    user: "admin",
    pwd: "mypassword",
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]
  1. Restart db with authentication model on:
mongod -- auth
  1. Connect to mongo cli and login with admin user:

use admin
db.auth("admin", "mypassword" )
  1. Create new database (data) and database users
    PS: if databse does not exist already, it’s created
Use data
    user: "data_dev",
    pwd: "devpassword",
    roles: [
       { role: "readWrite", db: "data" }
    user: "data_admin",
    pwd: "adminpassword",
    roles: [
       { role: "dbOwner", db: "data" }
  1. Create (person) collection in (data) databse
	Create : "person"
  1. Update the mongo connection configuration file (/config/mongo-config.json). Using the example dev database user above the config file would look like:
    "mongourl": "mongodb://data_dev:[email protected]:27017/data"

More Info

For more information on MongoDB:

For more information on Express:

For more information on Mongoose:

EOF Readme.