German Grocery Store Vocabulary |
Everybody needs to eat. The grocery store, our main source for food, is an important area of vocabulary to master if you are going to be spending some time abroad. Before we jump into our word lists, however, let’s take a look at some interesting differences you will find in German supermarkets.
- Many grocery stores are smaller than American stores, though there are more big chain supermarkets appearing now.
- You have to pay for your bags or bring your own. They are not free at the store.
- You will have to bag your own groceries.
- Glass bottles have a deposit. Be prepared to pay this extra expense when you check out. You can return your bottles when you are finished with them and get your deposit back.
- Tax is included in the price of the item. It is not added on afterwards like in the US.
- Many stores require a coin deposit for the use of a shopping cart. You deposit the coin into the handle of the cart and it is released. When you are finished, return your cart to get your coin back.
- While Germany is starting to lengthen their hours, don’t expect find many 24-hour grocers. Many are also still closed on Sundays.
Now on to our vocabulary!
Here are the different areas you will find in the grocery store.
der Supermarkt
the supermarket, grocery store
der Eingang
the entrance
die Kasse
the check out, register
die Obst und Gemüse Abteilung
ohbst unt guh-MEWS-uh AHP-tey-luhng
the produce department
die Fleischabteilung
the meat department
die Molkerei
das gefrorene Essen
ge-FROHR-in-uh ES-in
the frozen foods
der Gang
the aisle
das Regal
the shelf
Now let’s look at how a few of these words are used in sentences.
- Ich parke direct vor der Eingang. (I’m parking directly in front of the entrance.)
- Das Müsli ist im dritten Gang. (The cereal is in the third aisle.)
- Ich gehe zur Fleischabteilung, um Wurst zu holen. (I’m going to the meat department to get sausage.)
Translation: The produce department is very large in this store.
Here are some people you will meet.