eBook Royalties
Nội Dung Chính
How we calculate eBook royalties
35% Royalty Option70% Royalty Option
If you select the 35% royalty option, your royalty will be 35% of your list price without VAT for each unit sold.
Royalty Rate x (List Price – applicable VAT) = Royalty
- U.S. Dollar VAT Inclusive List Price = $0.99.
- We aren’t matching a free promotion on another sales channel.
Your Royalty per sale to a customer whose applicable VAT rate is 0%:
0.35 x ($0.99 – $0.00) = $0.35
Your Royalty per sale to a customer whose applicable VAT rate is 20%:
0.35 x ($0.99 – $0.165) = $0.29
Applicable VAT calculation: 20% x $0.825 = $0.165. $0.825 + $0.165 = $0.99
If you select the 70% royalty option, your royalty will be 70% of your list price without VAT, less delivery costs (average delivery costs are $0.06 per unit sold, and vary by file size), for each eligible book sold to customers in the 70% territories, and 35% of the list price without VAT for each unit sold to customers residing outside the 70% territories.
Royalty Rate x (List Price – applicable VAT) = Royalty
- UK Pounds VAT Inclusive List Price = £1.99.
- UK Delivery Costs = £0.10/MB
- Book’s file size is 1 MB
- Applicable VAT in UK is 20%
- We don’t price-match your book.
Your Royalty per sale to a UK customer from Amazon.co.uk is: 0.70 x (£1.99 – £0.33 – £0.10) = £1.09
Royalty Rate x (List Price – applicable VAT – Delivery Costs) = Royalty
Applicable VAT calculation: 20% x £1.66 = £0.33. £1.66 + £0.33 = £1.99
If we sell your digital book at a price below your list price without VAT in order to match price with a third party selling any digital or physical edition of the book, or to match Amazon’s price for a physical edition of the book, you will receive 70% of our sale price for each eligible book sold to customers in the
70% territories
The 70% royalty option only applies to books sold to customers in the countries listed on the
Public domain
The 70% royalty option is for in-copyright works only. Works in the public domain or consisting primarily of public domain content are only eligible for the 35% royalty option. If you add substantial original content or publish an original translation so that your book is not primarily public domain, then it would be eligible for the 70% royalty option. Learn more about
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You can choose between two royalty options for each of your eBooks: the 35% royalty option and the 70% royalty option.If we sell your digital book at a price below your list price without VAT in order to match price with a third party selling any digital or physical edition of the book, or to match Amazon’s price for a physical edition of the book, you will receive 70% of our sale price for each eligible book sold to customers in the 70% territories , less delivery costs, and less any applicable VAT. For additional details, see the Pricing Page and Terms and Conditions The 70% royalty option only applies to books sold to customers in the countries listed on the Pricing Page . You do not need to live in one of the 70% territories in order to receive the 70% royalty option.The 70% royalty option is for in-copyright works only. Works in the public domain or consisting primarily of public domain content are only eligible for the 35% royalty option. If you add substantial original content or publish an original translation so that your book is not primarily public domain, then it would be eligible for the 70% royalty option. Learn more about publishing public domain content