do sth at the expense of – 英中 – Linguee词典

However, if current


fishing techniques are used, this can only be done at the expense of undesired increases of catches of other species.

fishing techniques are used, this can onlsired increases of catches of other species.

然 而,如果采用现有的捕捞技术,这只能在其他鱼种副渔获增加的不良后果下实现。

If Americans wanted to spend more money on vote counting and election administration, we could have a really, really good system, but do you want to do that at the expense of, say, education?

If Americans wanted to spend more money on vote counting and election administration, we could have a really, really good system, but do you wan, education?

如果美國人希望將更多的經費用於計票和選舉 管理,我們可能會有一個極好的系統,但人們 願意為此而犧牲教育或醫療保健或我們在全世 界提供對外援助的責任嗎?

如果美國人希望將更多的經費用於計票和選舉 管理,我們可能會有一個極好的系統,但人們 願意為此而犧牲教育或醫療保健或我們在全世 界提供對外援助的責任嗎?

But for the time being Government must practise budgetary


restraint and we


fully intend to do so, although not at the expense of developing our infrastructure — one of the engines of growth — or at the expense of the poor and


disadvantaged in our community.

fully intenalthoughloping our infrastructure — one of the engines of growth — or at the exppoor and

不過,此舉不會對推動經濟增長的 基建發展有所影響,更不會使貧困㆟士更加受苦。

These are the same men who have now been pressed into a groove from which they can neither escape



nor retreat, holding high public office, but maintained there at the expense of their present convictions which do not harmonize well with their early opinions under a different role.

nor retreat, holding high public office, but maintained tr present convictions wharmonize well with their early opinions under a different role.

他們正擔任高層公職,但要繼續留任,便得犧牲他們今天的信念,而 他們今天的信念,卻與他們過往以另一身份所持的意見 不同

他們正擔任高層公職,但要繼續留任,便得犧牲他們今天的信念,而 他們今天的信念,卻與他們過往以另一身份所持的意見

, we do not believe that that cooperation, however welcome in principle, should come at the expense either of the Security Council’s primacy in respect of the maintenance of international peace and security or of its practical capacity to respond



speedily and effectively to any threat to international peace and security.

Howeverbelieve that that cooperation, however welcome in principle, shouldSecurity Council’s primacy in respect of the maintenance of international peace and security or of its practical capacity to respond

,不 管这种合作原则上如何值得 欢迎,但不能牺牲安全理事会维护 国际和平与安全 方面的首要地位,或安理会迅速有效应对国际和平与 安全所面临任何威胁的实际能力。

然而,我们认管这种合作原则上如何值得 欢迎,但不能牺牲安全理事会国际和平与安全 方面的首要地位,或安理会迅速有效应对国际和平与 安全所面临任何威胁的实际能力。

As regards earmarking of regular programme funds for “cooperation for development”, for the purpose of generating extrabudgetary funds, the point was made


that this should only entail modest


funds and not be at the expense of other programme


activities to be funded from the regular programme.

funds and nor programme



划拨正常计划资金的问题,会议认为,关于预算外资金创收 之所用,只需少量资金,不应动用由正常计划供资的其它计划活 动的 费用

划拨正常计划资金的问题,会议认为,关于预算外资金创收 之所用,只需少量资金,不应动用由正常计划供资的其它计划活

(3) The Board shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after any further information is given to it to supplement any representation under subsection (1), make the further information available for public inspection at


reasonable hours, and


shall continue to do so until the further information has been considered as part of the representation at a meeting under


section 6D(1).

shall continuntil the further information has been considered asesentaeting under

1)條在會議上被考慮為 止。

(3) 規劃委員會須於任何進一步資料根據第(1)款向它提 供以補充任何申述後,在合理地切實可行的範圍內盡快將該等進一 步資料供公眾於合理時間查閱,並須持續如此行事,直至該等進一 步資料已作為該申述的一部分而根據第 6D(被考慮為 止。

As the Secretary-General has previously reported to the General Assembly (see A/64/633 and A/65/643), when the strategy is fully implemented, the Department of Field Support will



conduct strategic planning, integration, quality control functions and liaison with Member States at Headquarters; the Global Service Center will perform the transactional functions now carried out by the Department of Field Support at Headquarters that do not require frequent interaction with Member States and other Secretariat departments; and missions, supported by regional service centres, will provide services directly to peacekeeping personnel.

conduct strategic planning, integration, quality control functions and liaison with Member States at Headquarters; the Global Service Center will perform the transactional functions now carried ourtd Supquartersrequire frequent interaction with Member States and other Secretariat departments; and missions, supported by regional service centres, will provide services directly to peacekeeping personnel.

助部 在总 部执行的不需要与会员国和秘书 处其他部门频繁互动的业务往来职能;各特派团将在区域服务中心支持下直接向 维和人员提供服务。

正如 秘书长此前给大会的报告(见 A/64/633 和 A/65/643)所述,当该战略得到全面执 行时,外勤支助部将实施战略规划、整合、质量控制职能,并在总部与会员国联 络;全球服务中心将执行现在由外勤部执行的不需要与会员国和秘书 处其他部门频繁互动的业务往来职能;各特派团将在区域服务中心支持下直接向 维和人员提供服务。

pire at any time or times throughout the period of validity of this licence after 1 January 1995, the Licensee shall, in addition to the obligations referred to in clause 10.1, make available to Government free of charge and expense such use of not more than three channels in the basic package of programmes as may be directed by the Broadcasting Authority, subject



to the availability of radio frequency spectrum during the period that the Licensee is utilizing that spectrum under this licence.

Upon not less than 6 months notice in writing given by the Broadcasting Authority to the Licensee to extime or times througlicence after 1 January 1995, the Licensee shall, in addition to the obligations referred to in clause 10.1, make available to Government free of chargemore than three channels in the basic package of programmes as may be directed by the Broadcasting Authority, subject

供不多於 3 條頻道以供政府使用,惟須視乎持牌機構在根據本牌照規定使用無 線頻譜期間,是否有頻譜可供使用而定。

廣播事務管理局倘在本牌照有效期內於㆒九九五年㆒月㆒日後的任何時間向持 牌機構發出不少於 6 個月的書面通知,則持牌機構除須履行第 10.1 條所述的各 項責任外,亦須按廣播事務管理局的指示,在其基本節目服務頻道內,免供不多於 3 條頻道以供政府使用,惟須視乎持牌機構在根據本牌照規定使用無 線頻譜期間,是否有頻譜可供使用而定。

debt at the expense of other creditors in much the same way that insolvency law does in relation


to private debtors.

It only prevents them from obtaining extortionate payments on sovereignr creditors in much the same way that insolvency law does in relation

它只 是想要通过类似于破产法对待私人债务人的方法,阻止债权人以牺牲其他债权人 的利益为代价从主权债务中中牟取暴利。

, an expense is recognised for any modification, which increases the total fair value of the share-based payment arrangement, or is otherwise beneficial to the employee as measured at the date of modification.

In additionecognised for any modification, which increases the total fair vshare-based payment arrangement, or is otherwise beneficial to the employee as measfication.

支, 股 份 付 款 安 排 的 總 公 平 值, 於 修 當 日 計 算 時 對 僱 員 有 利。

此 外,亦 會 就 任 何 修 訂 確股 份 付 款 安 排 的 總 公 平 值,當 日 計 算 時 對 僱 員 有 利。

The community has to consider whether we should continue to



put a larger and larger proportion of public expenditure on public health care services at the expense of other services and infrastructure development.

put a larger and larger proportion of public expenditure on public health care servr services and infrastructure development.

支則 愈來 愈少。

香港社會需考慮應否繼續把愈來愈多的公帑花在醫療服 務,而剩餘給其他社會服務和基建發展的愈少。

The rich and powerful countries continue to exercise an inordinate influence in determining the nature and direction of international relations, including economic and


trade relations, as well as the rules governing these relations, many


of which are at the expense of developing countries.

of whichloping countries.



继续在决定国际关系的性质与方向上发挥着过度的影响,包括经济和贸易关 系,以及管理这些关系的规则,其中很多规则以牺 牲发展 中国 代价

继续在决定国际关系的性质与方向上发挥着过度的影响,包括经济和贸易关 系,以及管理这些关系的规则,其中很多规则以牺

o expense is recognised for awards that do not ultimately vest, except for awards where vesting is conditional upon a market condition, which are treated as vesting irrespective of whether or not the market condition is satisfied,


provided that all other performance conditions are satisfied.

ecognised for awardsultimately vest, except for awards where vesting is conditional upon a market condition, which are treated as vesting irrespecher oret condition is satisfied,

支,包 括 歸 屬 條 件 包 括 達 成 特 定 巿 場 條 件 的 回 報,而 該 等 回 報 將 於 達 成 所 有 其 他 表 現 條 件 時 視 作 歸 屬,不 論 有 否 達 成 市 條 件。

最 終 並 無 歸 屬 的 回 報包 括 歸 屬 條 件 包 括 達 成 特 定 巿 場 條 件 的 回 報,而 該 等 回 報 將 於 達 成 所 有 其 他 表 現 條 件 時 視 作 歸 屬,不 論 有 否條 件。

o expense is recognized for awards that do not ultimately vest, except for awards where vesting is conditional upon a market condition, which are treated as vesting irrespective of whether or not the market condition is satisfied, provided that all other performance conditions


are satisfied.

ecognized for awardsultimately vest, except for awards where vesting is conditional upon a market condition, which are treated as vesting irrespecher oret condition is satisfied, provided that all other performance conditions

行 權 條 件 為 業 績 條 件 的 股 權 激 勵 計 劃,在 確 定 其 公 允 價 值 時,應 考 慮 市 場 條 件 的 影 響,只 要 僱 員 滿 足 了 其 他 所 有 非 市 場 條 件,就 應 當 確 認 已 取 得 的 服 務。

行 權 條 件 為 業 績 條 件 的 股 權 激 勵 計 劃,在 確 定 其 公 允 價 值 時,應 考 慮 市 場 條 件 的 影 響,只 要 僱 員 滿 足 了 其 他 所 有 非 市 場 條 件,就 應 當 確 認 已 取 得 的 服 務。

ould do so at their own choice and seek reimbursement from the Trust Fund on the basis of HA rates.

Those who chose to seek private medical services cr own choice and seek reimbursementt Funates.

選擇 私營醫療服務的患者可按本身的意願求醫,然後向信託 基金申請發還款項,獲發還的金額將按醫管局的收費表 計算。

o expense is recognised for awards that do not ultimately vest, except for awards where vesting is conditional upon a market condition, which are treated as vesting irrespective of whether or not the market condition


is satisfied, provided


that all other performance conditions are satisfied.

ecognised for awardsultimately vest, except for awards where vesting is conditional upon a market condition, which are treated as vesting irrespecher oret condition

何開支,視乎市場 條件而決定歸屬與否之已授出購股權 則除外,對於該類購股權而言,只要 所有其他績效條件已經達成,論市條件是否達成,均會被視為已歸屬。

對 於 已 授 出 但 最 終 並 無 歸 屬 之 購 股 權,不會確認任市場 條件而決定歸屬與否之已授出購股權 則除外,對於該類購股權而言,只要 所有其他績效條件已經達成,條件是否達成,均會被視為已歸屬。

In anticipation of the next biennial budget,



virtually all members of the Commission pronounced that UNESCO should stop funding its other programmes and activities at the expense of Major Programme II, and that there should be no further cuts in the science programmes which would rather require budgetary



virtually all members of the Commission pronounced that UNESCO should stop funding its other programmes and activir Programme II, and that there should be no further cuts in the science programmes which would rather require budgetary

在讨论下一个双年度的预算时,几乎所有委员会成员都说教科文组织应停止以牺牲重大计划 II 为代价来 为其它计划和活动提供资金的做法,不应再削减那些本来需要增加预算的科学计划项目了。

Approximately 70 per cent of the workload of a staff member deployed in a temporary position was dedicated to administrative tasks associated with the development and maintenance of lists of critical functions and staff, along with the


coordination of associated training and issuance


of equipment, at the expense of making progress


in substantive contingency planning.

of equipmng progress

以临时职位部署的一个工作人员约 70%的工


作量是专门处理与制定和维护关键职能和工作人员清单相关的行政工作,此外还协 调相关的训练和装备发放,但 却牺牲了推动实务应急规划取得进展的工作。

作量是专门处理与制定和维护关键职能和工作人员清单相关的行政工作,此外还协 调相关的训练和装却牺牲了推动实务应急规划取得进展的工作。

All Directors have access to the


advice and services of the Company Secretary, who is responsible to the Board for ensuring the Board procedures are complied with, and have access to independent and professional advice at the Companys expense, where they judge


this to be necessary


to discharge their responsibilities as Directors.

advice and servCompany Secretary, who is responsible to the Board for ensuring the Board procedures are complied with, and have access to independent and professional adanyre they judge

務, 公司 秘書應對董事會 負責,以確保遵照董事會程序以及就判斷為履行董事職責而言,諮 詢獨立專業意見,費用由本公支付

所有董事均可尋求公司秘書提供意見及秘書應對董事會 負責,以確保遵照董事會程序以及就判斷為履行董事職責而言,諮 詢獨立專業意見,費用由

This has


occurred mostly at the expense of those whose periodic


compensation was declared equal to the pension for incapacity


for work, which means that they were not paid any periodic compensation.

occurred moe whose periodic

损害了那 些被宣布其定期补偿等于无法工作抚恤金的人,也就是不向他们支付 任务定期补偿。

些被宣布其定期补偿等于无法工作抚恤金的人,也就是不向他们支付 任务定期补偿。

The charge or credit to the income


statement for a period represents the movement


in cumulative expense recognised as at the beginning and end of that period.

in cumulagnisenning andperiod.

認 的 累 計動。

於 任 何 期 間 在 損 益 賬 扣 除 或 入 賬 的 金 額 指 上 述 期 間 開 始 及 結 束認 的 累 計

In the Working Group of the Whole, the sponsor delegation noted that aspects of its proposal had been dealt with elsewhere in the Organization, and accordingly indicated that while it did


not insist on


further discussion of the proposal, it nonetheless would not oppose its continued consideration should other delegations wish to do so at some point in


the future.

further discusosal, it nonetheless would not oppose its continued consideration should other delegations wispoint in

未来 时候继 续审议此提案,它也不会反对。

在全体工作组中,提案国代表团指出,本组织其他机构已处理其提案的内容, 因此表示,它不再坚持讨论这一提案,但如果其他代表团继 续审议此提案,它也不会反对。

o expense is recognised for awards that do not ultimately vest, except where vesting is conditional upon a market or non-vesting condition, which are treated as vesting irrespective of whether or not the market or non-vesting


condition is


satisfied, provided that all other non-market conditions are satisfied.

ecognised for awardsultimately vest, except where vesting is conditional upon a market or non-vesting condition, which are treated as vesting irrespecher oret or non-vesting

股 份 ,不 認 成 本 或 費 用,除 非 行 權 條 件 是 市 場 條 件 或 非 可 行 權 條 件,此 時無論是否滿足市場條件或非可行權條件,只要滿足所有可行權條件中的非市場條件,即視為可行權。

對 於 最 終 未 能 行 權 的認 成 本 或 費 用,除 非 行 權 條 件 是 市 場 條 件 或 非 可 行 權 條 件,此 時無論是否滿足市場條件或非可行權條件,只要滿足所有可行權條件中的非市場條件,即視為可行權。

The fundamental text is General Assembly resolution 194 (III) adopted on 11 December 1948, and especially paragraph 11: “Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their


neighbours should be


permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing


not to return …”.

permitteiest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the prope choosing

样 做,对于选 择不返回的则应赔偿其财产损失……”。

日通过的大会第 194(III) 号决议,尤其是第11 段:“决定,希 望回到自己家园并与邻居和平共处的难民应被允许在实际可能的情况下尽快这择不返回的则应赔偿其财产损失……”。

Not too much


should be read into the exact value of these figures, which depend on a number of debateable assumptions, but it can safely be said that the effect of applying patent rights globally will be to benefit very considerably the holders of patent rights, mainly in developed countries, at the expense of the users of protected technologies and goods in developing countries.

should be read into the exact value of these figures, which depend on a number of debateable assumptions, but it can safely be said that the effect of applying patent rights globally will be to benefit very considerably the holders of patent rights, mainly in developed countrusers of protected technologies and goods in developing countries.

这些数字是在许 多有争议的假定的基础上产生的,没有太大的具体意义,但确实可以说,在全球范围内推 行专利制度对专利权所有者将相当有益,这些专利权所有者主要在发达国家,而这种受益 是建立在受保护技术和产品的使用者的损失之上的,这些使用者主要在发展中国家。

test at the expense of other subjects of importance to the education of the pupils and which are not assessed within the standardized tests.

At the same time, it is necessary to continue adjusting the tests in order to avoid the temptation of teaching to ther subjects of importance to the education of the pupils and which are not assessed within the standardized tests.

作为补充,有必要继续对测试 进行调整,以避免教师出于诱惑,着重教授评估范围内的内容,而以放松对未列入 标准化程序的考评范围、但是对学生的成长具有关键作用的内容为代价。

oped at the expense of other districts, and some deputations have stressed the need for district-based promotion of culture in the interim and also after WKCD commences operation, for the healthy development



of Hong Kong’s cultural ecology.

There is concern that WKCD would be develr districts, and some deputations have stressed the need for district-based promotion of culture in the interim and also after WKCD commences operation, for the healthy development

有意見關注 到,發展西九文化區會以犧牲其他地區的發展作代價,而一些 團體則強調在此期間,以至在西九文化區開始運作後,有需要 在各區推動文化,促進香港的文化生態健康發展。

We reject techno-fixes like genetically engineered food and geo-engineering, intensive industrial agriculture and market-based mechanisms like the Clean Development


Mechanisms (CDMs) and carbon credits that allow the developed countries to continue


business as usual at the expense of the poor.

business as upoor.



工程、产业化集约农业,以及清洁发展机制和碳信用额等市场机制,这些机制允许 发达国家继续以牺牲穷人的利为代 价来 经营各项业务。

工程、产业化集约农业,以及清洁发展机制和碳信用额等市场机制,这些机制允许 发达国家继续以牺牲穷人的利经营各项业务。

But seriously, while we salute the restaurant waitresses and pizza delivery men, if Hong Kong is to be a truly international financial services centre, and an international city, let us strive to make all players more competitive according to global standards of today and not local practices of time past, by serving customers better, more fairly, rather than


holding on to or even reviving protectionist and


discriminatory practices of the past, at the expense of public interest.

discriminatory practic interest.

但說真的,如香港是真正的國際金融服務中心、國際都會,我們 一方面要向餐廳女侍應和薄餅速遞員致敬,也讓我們令所有參與者更


具競爭力,按照今天的全球標準,而不是過去的本地做法,為顧客提 供更佳、更合理的服務,而非犧牲公 眾利 益,認同甚或恢復過去的保 護主義和歧視性做法。

具競爭力,按照今天的全球標準,而不是過去的本地做法,為顧客提 供更佳、更合理的服務,而非益,認同甚或恢復過去的保 護主義和歧視性做法。