BỘ ĐÈ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI ANH 9 – Tài liệu text


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Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

1.Mục đích của bộ đề:
Đào tạo nhân lực, bồi dưỡng nhân tài là một trong những chủ trương chính sách lớn của
Đảng và Nhà Nước ta nhằm đáp ứng nguồn nhân lực cho công cuộc Cơng nghiệp
hóa,Hiện đại hóa đất nước. Trong nhiều năm qua, các Sở giáo dục và đào tạo luôn tổ
chức các kì thi học sinh giỏi lớp 9 nhằm thúc đẩy phong trào học tập của học sinh khối
THCS. Với tư cách là giáo viên dạy bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi 9, phần nào đó tơi cũng
nắm bắt được trình độ của các em. Tôi biên soạn bộ đề này mục đích làm phong phú
thêm các kiểu đề và dạng đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9 của tỉnh Quảng Nam.
2. Những vấn đề mang tính lý luận và thực tiễn của bộ đề
Nội dung của bộ đề được biên soạn xoay quanh các chủ đề thân thuộc trong chương
trình Sách giáo khoa :The world around us, Men and the environment, You and me …
với các nội dung ngôn ngữ được học trong chương trình Tiếng Anh 9 nhưng ở hình thức
nâng cao.Ví dụ :
Phần Listening : được trích ra từ sách luyện kĩ năng nghe cấp độ B1 .Bài tập này chỉ
dừng lại ở mức nghe hiểu để chọn thơng tin và nghe điền một từ cịn thiếu. Đây là kĩ
năng khó nhất và học sinh ít có cơ hội luyện tập nhất .
Phần Vocabulary ,Grammar,Lexicol:
-Bài tập phát âm được trích ra từ các từ vựng có trong chương trình SGK lớp 9
-Bài tập câu ước ao với If only /It’s time/I’d rather là dạng mở rộng của câu ước ao
khơng có thật ở hiện tại (Unit 1 và Unit 3)
-Bài tập về các câu điều kiện đảo ngữ là dạng mở rộng của câu điều kiện loại 1 và 2
(Unit 4,5,10)
-Bài tập về thể truyền khiến bị động là dạng mở rộng của câu truyền khiến chủ động
với get somebody to do sth (Unit 7, Listen and read)
-Bài tập về cụm động từ là dạng nâng cao của cụm động từ thông dụng trong Unit 7.

-Bài tập về câu hỏi đuôi với câu cảm thán là dạng bài nâng cao của câu hỏi đuôi trong
Unit 5.
-Bài tập về cụm giới từ là dạng bài tập nâng cao của giới từ xuyên suốt chương trình.
-Bài tập về đại từ quan hệ which /that /where là dạng nâng cao của đại từ quan hệ
who/which/that trong Unit 8,9
-Bài tập về tìm từ thừa là một dạng bài tìm lỗi sai trong câu nhưng được nâng cao hơn,
địi hỏi sự thơng thạo tổng hợp về ngữ pháp,từ vựng của học sinh .
-Bài tập về cho hình thức đúng của từ là dạng bài khơng những địi hỏi học sinh thơng
hiểu về ngữ pháp mà cịn có kiến thức sâu về các từ gia đình .Nội dung cho bài tập
này xoay quanh những chủ đề như Computer ,Sports,Health
Phần Reading
-Các dạng bài thông thường như đọc hiểu một bài văn 300 từ và chọn một trong bốn
phương án,nhưng bài tập 1 áp dụng dạng đề của PET : mười tin nhắn, email, thông
báo, lời chỉ dẫn….. từ hai mươi đến hai mươi lăm từ và chọn một trong ba phương án
-Bài tập điền từ vào chỗ trống là dạng bài phổ biến, đòi hỏi học sinh có vốn từ vựng
phong phú, và kiến thức ngữ pháp sâu rộng .
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

– Bài tập điền câu vào đoạn văn là dạng bài nâng cao ,đòi hỏi học sinh hiểu ngữ cảnh
sâu sắc và tư duy logic.

Phần Writing
-Bài tập viết lại câu là những dạng thông dụng nhất để kiểm tra kiến thức về câu trúc
-Bài tập thêm từ để hồn thành câu là dạng bài thơng dụng ,được áp dụng nhiều trong
SGK 9 (Unit 3,9)
-Bài tập viết thư mà cũng là dạng thơng dụng trong chương trình (Unit 1,4,6,8),
nhưng học sinh thể hiện khả năng viết của mình trong giới hạn từ 120 đến 150 từ với
những mẫu câu ,từ vựng phong phú.
3. Phạm vi và đối tượng sử dụng:
Như đã trình bày ở trên ,phạm vi và đối tượng ứng dụng của bộ đề là dành cho học sinh
giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9 cấp Tỉnh hoặc học sinh thi vào lớp 10 chuyên Tiếng Anh
trường PTTH chuyên trong tỉnh Quảng Nam.

Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu


Chủ đề


Nội dung

a conversation


Thôn Vận dụng
g hiểu



Reading(4 đ)


1.Multiple choice
-Wishes with If only /It’s time/I’d
-Prepositional phrase
-Inversion in conditional sentences

– Tag question
-Phrasal verb
-Relative pronoun
-Verb form(3)
3.Word forms


1.Multiple choice( 10 twenty-five
-word texts)
2.Inserting correct words into a








2.Using word cues to write
3.Wrting a 120- 150-word letter

Tổng(20 đ)


3. Inserting 5 sentences into a

1.Transformation sentences

Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An



A text

Vocabulary ,
Lexicol(8 đ)



35 15 10
c c c


Năm học:2013-2014


1,4 đ


Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

Question 1:You will hear an interview with a singer called Nick Parker,who plays in a
band called Krispy with his sister Mei.Choose the best answer(1pt)
1.When Nick and Mei were younger,…
A.they studied music at school. B.their parents took them to live concerts.
C.their mother encouraged them to play music.
2. When Nick and Mei started writing music together,they…
A.disagreed about the style they should have.
B.didn’t want to be the same as other bands.
C.were influenced by different kinds of music.
3.The band Krispy was started after…
A.Nick began studying at music school.
B.two other musicians heard Nick and Mei playing.
C. Nick and Mei advertised for the band members.
4.In the band’s first year together ,…
A.concert audiences liked their music.
B.they designed a recording contract.
C.their national tour was very successful.
5.What disappointment has the band had?

A.They haven’t yet had a number one single.
B.Their first album sold under a million copies.
C.A health problem delayed their album recording.
Question 2: You will hear a man called Ben,from a young people’s organisation,telling
a youth group about a course they can do on Saturdays.Listen and complete the missing
Name of Ben’s organisation :……………………(1)
Aim of the course :Discovering ………………….(2)
Closest course location for this group :……………………..(3)
Length of the course : 12 weeks
Examples of activities we will do :
 Learn how to climb
 Cut up wood
 Make a ……………………………(4)
 Design ……………………(5) to take home.
Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your

answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (3pts)
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

1. Which of the following words has the main stress placed differently from others?
B. magnificient C.participate
2. Which of the following words has the underlined part pronounced differently?
3.I’d rather you ….the kids drop bits of pizza all over my new sofa.
A.don’t let
B.aren’t letting C.won’t let
D.didn’t let
4.The horse has been…training for the race for over a year.
A. on
C. in

5…. still a head teacher , he would not permit such bad behaviour.
A. If Mr Morgan were
B. Were Mr Morgan
C. Mr Morgan were
D. Both A and B are correct
6. How silly the idea was,…?
A.wasn’t it
B. was it
C. itsn’t it
D.is it
7.He wanted to get to the town center but he got….the wrong bus and ended up at the
B.out of
8.-Have you seen Jason Green’s latest film?-Is that the one in… joins the FBI ?
A.which he
B. that he
C.whom he
9. Their group leader suggested they …..for the beach.
B.had made
D.have made
10. I am really going to try …. these exams.
B. to pass
C. passing

D. passed
11.Why don’t you get a doctor …. at your arm?
A.to look
12.As soon as the boat left the …. , the storm began.
13. I think it’d be a good idea to send in your …..as soon as possible.
B.application form C.certificates- D.degrees
14. Betty hadn’t done her French homework. That afternoon, she missed her French
class on purpose.
A.She wanted to miss the class.
B.She thought her class was late.
C.She missed her class by accident. D.He got someone else to go to her class.
15. One of the special ingredients in the spice cake is cinnamon. I think the others are
nutmeg and cloves.

Question 2: Read the text below and look carefully at each line. .Some of the lines are
correct, and some have a word should not be there. If a line is correct ,put a tick ()in
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

the space by the number. If a line has a word should not be there, write the word in the
1. ………………… It is often been said that the secret of good comedy is timing.
2. …………………. As a comedian myself, I know that’s not true. The secret
3. …………………. of good comedy is to be funny! I was told that a joke the other
4. …………………. day about a man whose his dog has no nose. When asked how

5. …………………. it smells, the man replies ‘Terrible!’. The problem here is
6. …………………. that, despite of the joke having fairly clever punchline,
7. …………………. no one finds it a funny. However good your timing is, you
8. …………………. can’t make out people laugh at that joke. I get my friends to
9. …………………. tell to me jokes all the time. If I’ve never heard them before,
10 …………………. and if they make me laugh it out loud, I might consider
…………………. using them in my comedy act. I am like jokes that rely on
11. …………………. word play (even though the joke was about a noseless dog
12 …………………. is rubbish!). My mum’s from Cuba and my dad’s from
…………………. Iceland so I guess that makes me up an ice cube . Now
13 …………………. that’s a classic joke however you tell it. Comedy is made not
just to do with timing!
Question 3: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space
provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. (2pt)
When the boom in the (0)… Information …technology (IT)
industry was at its height in the late 1990s, it was easy for (1)….
young computer (2)………to get jobs without having any formal
qualifications. In those days, (3)………..and experience were as

more valuable by (4)……….than certificates. Indeed, enthusiastic
teenagers often knew as much, if not more, about the latest (5) ….
than university graduates. Today, an (6)………..computer fan is
much less likely to get a job than someone who has done a (7)…
course of some kind, at least with any of the large (8)… .But
young peole who have (9)……….hands-on experience may still
get work, (10)……….with smaller companies with may also be
willing to help them further their education.
Question 1: Look at the text in each question.What does it say? Choose the correct

A.Lost locker keys can be replaced for a charge
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An
Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

of 6€.
YOUR 6€ DEPOSIT FOR LOCKER B.You cannot collect your locker key until you
KEYS WON’T BE REFUNDED IF have paid a 6€ deposit.
C.We cannot return your 6€ deposit if you lose
your locker key.
Can you get me a ‘Fast Boys’ T-shirt A.Hannah has got a purple ‘Fast Boys’ T-shirt
from their concert tomorrow? I like
and wants one in another colour.
the purple ones, but another colour’s B.Hannah would rather have purple ‘Fast Boys’
OK if they haven’t got one in my
T-shirt if possible.
C.Hannah only wants a ‘Fast Boys’ T-shirt if it’s
a purple one.
3.Class 5 Garden Party
17 july

What has changed about Class 5’s party?
Because of bad weather, tomorrow’s
A. the time
party will now be in the School Hall.
B. the place
Please give party food and drink to
C. the refreshments
Mrs Bloom by 11am.
Don’t forget your Annt Jane’s
Mum is writing to
coming to stay tonight, so can you
A.tell Becky to stay at home to see her aunt.
make sure the house is neat when
B.ask Beck to tidy the house before she leaves.
you go out this afternoon?
C.remind Becky to go to her aunt’s house.
The school fitness centre will
5.School Fitness Centre
A.change its opening hours at the end of August.
From the end of August, the fitness
B.have shorter opening hours until the end of
centre will be closed during the
weekends and evenings.
C.open again to students at the end of August.
A. The English class must take their workbooks
6. Mr Wright’s English lesson today

to the language laboratory.
will be in Room 24D beside the
B. The room for English lessons is changing
language laboratory. He’s off sick, so
because of the test.
use the lesson to revise for the test.
C. The usual English teacher cannot attend
Bring your workbooks!
today’s lesson.
A. Application forms are unavailable after 1st
7. Trip to New York
Application forms will be available
B. The earliest that students can pick up their
from the school office from 1
application forms is 1st November
C. Students should give in their application
forms on 1st November.
8. Having a great holiday!
A. Louis went windsurfing after he went to
Went windsurfing today after playing
the funfair yesterday.
beach volleyball.
B. Louis played beach volleyball before he
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

Stopped for barbecue on the way to
the funfair yesterday.
See you soon!

went windsurfing.
C. Louis went to the funfair before he had

9. Jungle café
Tables at the front of the café are
reserved for a birthday party.

A. Don’t sit at the front of the café unless
you’re attending the party.
B. Only people invited to the party can come
into the café
C. If you’re coming to the party you
shouldn’t use the tables at the front

10. From: Maire

A. Marie is offering to lend Sylviane a book.
Subject: Science Textbooks
B. Marie wants to return one of Sylviane’s
Thanks for lending me that biology
books to her.
book- I’m glad you got it back OK.
C. Marie is asking Sylviane to give back a
You can borrow my chemistry one
book she has borrowed
and return it next week if you want.
Question 2: Read the text below and fill each gap with ONE suitable word. Write your
answer in the numbered box.( 1pt)

The T-shirt is a simple item of clothing. It is called a T-shirt because it is just (1)……a
capital T in shape, with a round neck and short sleeves. Most of us (2)….worn one at
some stage in our lives, and most people keep quite (3)…….few in their wardrobe. This
is because T-shirts are cheap to buy, easy to look after and hard-wearing. Some people
use old ones that are (4)…..shabby to wear as cleaning rags, others use oversized ones

to sleep in. Also, (5)…of the logos that appear on them, people use them to tell the
world where they’ve been on holiday, (6)…..is their favourite football team or band, or
even something about their political views.
The T-shirt began life, many centuries ago, as underclothing. It was intended to protect
delicate skins (7)……. rough outer clothing, and was definitely (8)…. designed to be
seen. Nineteenth-century sailors were the first underwear (9)…….outwear. The United
States Navy uniform included a V-necked pullover cut to reveal an undershirt. It wasn’t
(10)…the 1940s, however, that sailors began to wear a cotton T-shirt without the
pullover on top.
Question 3 : Read the text below. Choose the sentence (A – H) that best fits the gap(15). There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. Write your answer
in the numbered box. (1pt)
A.So I asked them to write a letter to the artist, asking how much it would cost to buy
the giraffe .
B. Meanwhile the pupils at Grangetown High are very happy with their new classmate.
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

C.‘It was the most uncomfortable bike ever created,’ admits Tom, ‘so I gave up making
bicycles and went into sculpture instead.’
D. It soon began to attract attention from passers-by.
E.Giraffe is their favorite animal.
F. But he had always been a keen artist.
G. ‘We’re going to hold a competition to give it proper name’ ,said one girl. ‘Everyone
likes the expression on its face, perhaps that will give us some ideas.’
H.The giraffe is a huge metal sculpture made by a local artist.
Metal giraffe arrives at school!
The pupils of Grangetown High have been busy getting to know their newest and tallest
classmate- a 7-metre-tall giraffe outside their school.
…(1)… The school’s headmaster noticed the sculpture in the artist’s garden as he drove
past one day, and though it would be perfect for his school. ‘ I knew everyone would
love it,’ he said, ‘because our basketball team is known as the Grangetown Giraffes, and
they wear giraffes on their shirts….(2)…. He was very kind and got it ready to deliver
in six weeks-all for nothing! He arranged for it to arrive one Sunday morning, so that
the pupils would see it when they got to school on the Monday- at that stage they had
no idea that we were getting it.’
The artist, Tom Bennett, was a university professor of chemistry before he retired in
2006 and only took up metalwork a couple of years ago…(3). ‘I’ve always drawn
pictures’ he said. ‘I can even remember doing it on my first day at school – I drew a
horse. I wanted it to be the best horse picture ever but I don’t think I succeeded!’
Tom’s first project using metal was a bicycle for two that he and his wife could go
cycling on together. ….(4)…

‘The first metal sculpture I ever did was of a lion, which now also lives at a school. It
started out as a cat, but it just didn’t look right, so I made it into a lion and put it in my
front garden. …(5)…Some small children wouldn’t walk pass the lion unless they could
have a turn sitting and playing on its back. I think children feel that my sculptures look
like actual live animals, and that’s what I want.’
*** Answers
Question 1:Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
one, using the word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must use
between TWO and FIVE words, including the word given. (1.6pts)
1. Why don’t you return the sweater to the shop you got it from?( back)
Why don’t you ………………………………………shop you got it from?
2.It can be very worrying when you owe money to the bank. (debt)
It can be very worrying when you …………………………………the bank.
3.I expect Adrian did a lot of revision .(must)
a lot of revision.
4.I was on the point of leaving the house when the telephone rang.( about)
I ……………………………………the house when the telephone rang
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

5. It would be difficult for me to finish the work by the end of the weekend.(finishing)
I ………………………………………the work by the end of the weekend.
6.I’d like to thank your brother for his help.(to)
I am ……………………………..your brother for his help.
7. Success depends on hard work. (harder)
The harder ………………………………you are.
8. They recruited very few young engineers.( hardly)
………………………………..young engineers.
Question 2: Make any changes and addition to build the sentences from the cues given.
1.Air pollution, together /litter/cause/problem/our city /today.
2.flood /high that /they/had/live/roofs/days.
3.teacher /tell /there /examination /following week.
4.principal /declare /ceremony / soon /all / graduates / guests /be/seat.
5.Sue say /good bye/grandma/before /leave.
6. If they/ left the house earlier, they not/ be/ so late /get/ airport /they / not check /
7.Learn /foreign language/like/English /necessary /us/get/job.
Question 3: The ceiling fans in your classroom do not work .Write a letter(120 -150
words) to your principal complaining about this problem.
Question 1: You will hear an interview with a teenager called Simon about going to an
indoor climbing center. Choose the best answer(1pt)
1.Simon’s mum decided to take him to the climbing center because …

A. she had enjoyed going there.
B. her friend had recommended it.
C. Simon had been there with his school .
2.Before he went to the center, Simon was…
A.worried about going climbing there. B. interested in seeing the climbing wall.
C. disappointed to hear it was all indoors.
3.Simon says that at the center there were …
A. lots of people when it opened.
B. many different types of people .
C.no other people at his age.
4.What did Simon think about the climbing wall?
A. He thought it looked very high.
B. He was afraid he might fall.
C. He found the foot holes helpful.
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

5.What does Simon feel he learnt from climbing at the center?
A. how to improve his fitness.
B. to think before he does something .
C. the best way to work with other people.

Question 2:Listen and complete the information in the box.(2pts)
The international horse show will be held in the month of ……………….(1) ,just after
Hannah’s birthday.
The family will travel from Poland to the horse show in…………………(2)
The person who will ride Griffon round the ring in the international horse show is
Two weeks ago, Griffon won some money as a prize.
Hannah’s ambition is to work as a ………………………..(4)
When Griffon wins a competition, he is given some ………………….(5) by the family.
Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your
answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (3pts)
1.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others
2. Which of the following words has the underlined part pronounced differently?

3.I’d have been able to say goodbye to Trish if only I…. to the airport in time.
A. get
C.have got
D. had got
4.I am writing ….. response to the letter from Mrs A Taylor.
5….. to beat Romania , they would face Italy in the final.
A. If Germany were
B. Were Germany . C. Germany were
D.Both A and B are correct
6. I wish they didn’t put down this old building,…?
A.may I
B.do I
C. should I
D.shall I
7.His girl friend left him in March and he still hasn’t got….. it .
8. .-Could you lend me some money ?
-I’d like you to give me one good reason ….. I should.

9.I suggest she ……………… the garbage every two days.
A. empty
B. empties
C. emptied
D. has emptied
10.My sister ….her ears pierced.
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

11.Jared attended Chichester Comprehensive and then went on …..Philosophy at
B. studying
C.to study

D. studied
12.The wind was blowing so much that we couldn’t ….our tent.
B.put up
C.make up
D. build
13.When you left the job, you had to hand in your ….three weeks beforehand.
A.application form B.dismissal
14. The cleaner removed all the dirt from the coat. It looked like new again.
A.refused to take away
B.took away
15. The cross is a sacred symbol of the Christian. A lot of people bow their heads when
they see it.

Question 2: Read the text below and look carefully at each line .Some of the lines are
correct ,and some have a word should not be there . If a line is correct ,put a tick ( )in
the space by the number. If a line has a word should not be there, write the word in the



Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An

I had a great week at school! We were been having a media
studies lesson when our teacher told to us that we were going
to make a radio advert for the school! I was really keen on
to be involved because I’ve always had been interested in a
career in the television. She asked us to plan our advert in
detail and to write a script. Most people found it out difficult
to come up with ideas, but I didn’t. I decided that I would have
interviews with people who were used to go to the school,
commenting on how they had benefited them from going to that
school. My teacher thought it was a great idea and said I should

to see if I could find some ex-students. I asked the head and
she gave me a few phone numbers. When I called them and
explained them what I wanted to do, they were all happy to
help. I am going to visit them with a tape recorder and record
that what they say, Media studies is definitely turning out to be
my favourite subject!


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

Question 3: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space
provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. (2pt)

People have always seen mountains as symbols of
long-lasting (0)…strength…The media has often
focused on (1)……..mountaineering feats, and on the
(2)……and endurance of those who climb mountain.
Yet a different view of mountains is beginning to
It is that they are fragile; endangered by (3)………
and climate change, made into giant litter bins by
uncaring (4)………, easily damaged by (5)……
projects, and in many countries harmed by
deforestation linked to population (6)……… Also

there has been increasing concern over the quality of
life of mountain people, and over the (7)…….. of
many of their (8)……… cultures.
Thankfully the global (9)…..of such issues has been
recognised by the United Nations, who declared
2002 the (10)…… Year of Mountain, raising
awareness of mountains all over the world.








Question 1: Look at the text in each question. What does it say ?Choose the correct
1. Francesco!
Whose textbook does Natalie want to borrow?
Problem- Maria’s borrowed my
A. Ken’s
history textbook and she’s away.
B. Maria’s
Could you lend me yours?
C. Francesco’s
Leave it with Ken when you see
A. Users must lock the car park after leaving.
AFTER BUSINESS HOURS EACH B. People can park here while they are at work.
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

C. This car park is for employees only.
A. The basketball team only wants to see
For Friday’s basketball match against
experienced players.
Barton College. Can you help the
B. There aren’t enough team members
team? Come to the gym at 3 p.m.
available on Friday.
today, whatever your level.
C. The Barton College team will visit the
gym later today.
5. To: Charlotte
From: Giacomo
What time does your flight arrive
tomorrow? Can’t pick you up if it’s
earlier than midday as I’m holding a
meeting at our office.Sorry.
6. To:All students

From: College Secretary
Monday 6 May
Can I remind you that all essays are
due this Friday. No late work will be
accepted unless accompanied by a
doctor’s letter

8. Ben,
Why not bring your new game round
tonight ? We can use my brother’s
PC. I’m playing football till 7.00, so
any time after that.
(Owner moving back to New
Zealand )
Must have transport collect from
John any evening this week. Phone
452611 to arrange a suitable time.
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An

A.All Sunday evening tickets are already sold.
B.You must book tickets for Sunday in
C.A ticket is not necessary for Sunday evening.

A. Giacomo will be able to see Charlotte
early tomorrow morning.
B. Charlotte needs to arrive in time for
Giacomo’s meeting tomorrow.
C. Giacomo can collect Charlotte from the
airport tomorrow afternoon.
A. The college secretary will post students
their essays on Friday.
B. Students may hand in their essays after
Friday if they can prove illness
C. Unless your essay is due by Friday, you
do not need to reply
A. Take the tablets regularly until the bottle is
B. Take one tablet every day until they are
C. Take three tablets after meals until you feel
Kim suggests
A. meeting at the football match.
B. going to Ben’s house later.
C. playing on his brother’s computer.
A. John can deliver the sofa if the time is
B. Anyone wanting this sofa must pick it up
this week.
C. Call John with advice on how he can
transport his sofa.
The hire charge covers all the costs
A. including fuel and insurance.


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9


GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

B. except insurance
C. apart from fuel.

Question 2: Read the text below and fill each gap with ONE suitable word. Write your
answer in the numbered box.( 1pt)
From the city of Perth in Western Australia (1)……..is two thousand miles to the
nearest large centre of population. This is not, (2)……….., a forgotten backwater. On

(3)…..contrary, Perth is a sophisticated modern city that offers a (4)….deal in term of
entertainment and places of interest. The first thing you notice (5)……..you land at
Perth Internation airport (6)……the quality of the light. Bright white sunshine fills a
sky that seems (7)…… much larger than the one you left at home. Transfers to the city
centre, (8)……..is just sixteen kilometres away, are quick and easy and you’ll probably
head (9)… the suburb of Freemantle which contains most of the tourist attractions,
including excellent beaches as (10)…as a good range of international restaurants and
Question 3 : Read the text below. Choose the sentence (A-H)that best fits the gap(1-5).
There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. Write your answer in
the numbered box. (1pt)
A. Everywhere I looked, all I could see was dolphins, swimming under me and round
B. However, the sky soon turned blue, and we raced across the waves in the sunshine
until we finally reached the place where we were supposed to go swimming.
C. As I got dry I noticed that everyone on board was smiling and I realized what a very
special moment we’d had.
D. I’ll always think of Kaikoura as the place where I finally achieved my lifelong
ambition- to swim with wild dolphins.

E. So I did and actually heard them making similar sounds, as if they were trying to
answer me
F. The first evening it seemed a rather dull place.
G. All I could see were first everywhere- there were more than a hundred dolphins, all
swimming toward our boat!
H.After that, we toured around for a while before ending up by chance in Kaikoura, a
small town on the coast.
Dolphin Trip
My family and I set off on a dolphin trip on a cold, grey day with a number of other
people on a small boat….(1)… To my surprise, this was more than 40km from land. I
was quite cold by this time, and really starting to wonder why my family had made me
come all the way out there, when suddenly someone shouted ‘Dolphins!’.
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

…(2)…Many of them were jumping around in the water as if they were asking us to
come and play. I put on my snorkel and jumped into the sea ….(3)… Then I
remembered the guide had told us to make sounds in the water to attract them….(4).. I
even made eye contract with one dolphin, and watched it carefully as I swam round in a
circle. Amazingly, the dolphin almost followed me, but then changed its mind, although
it kept eye contact with me all the time. It really made me realise how intelligent and
beautiful these creatures are.

Then after an hour of swimming the guides called us to get back onto the boat.
Although I had enjoyed myself, I was keen to leave the water by then as I was very
I’ll never forget that experience, and Kaikoura will always have a special place in my
Question 1:Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
one, using the word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must use
between TWO and FIVE words, including the word given. (1.6pts)
1.I paid for the CD using notes and coins and then left the shop.(cash)
I paid for the CD ……………………….… left the shop.
2.I found the photo by chance when I was tidying my room.(across)
I…………………………. photo when I was tidying my room.
3.It was wrong of you to allow a four-year-old child to walk home.( should)
You………………………… a four-year-old child to walk home.
4.Their daughter was on the point of getting off the car when her mobile phone rang.
Their daughter ……………………………the car when her mobile phone rang.
5. It is so late so it would be difficult for us to catch the bus home (in)
It is so late so …………………………………the bus home .
6.We all pitied Stephen.( for)
We ………………………………………….Stephen.
7.I work better if I am pressed for time .(less)
The ………………………………………….., the better I work .

8.Fiona was so disappointed that she could not keep on working .(such)
…………………………………………that she could not keep on working
Question 2: Make any changes and addition to build the sentences from the cues given.
1.doctor /talk/man/ wife/ injured/accident /moment.
2.I hope /English /considerably /improve /end/ course.
3.Daren /think/ wear /suit/work/be/appropriate.
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

4. We / write/ suggest/ cars should / ban/ center / city / soon / possible.
5. arrive /flight 472 /Amsterdam/have/delay/one hour
6.They /not /have/ accident if / driver / front/ not /stop/ suddenly.
7. Mike wished/ editors /permit/ copy /some /their material.
Question 3:You can not go to your close friend’s party. Write a letter (120 -150
words) to him/her .
Question 1:You will hear a radio interview with a teenager surfer called Abby
Fielding. Choose the best answer (1pt) :
1.Abby first decided to go surfing when …
A.her dad offered to teach her.

B.she saw some local competitions .
C.her mother gave her money for a surfboard.
2.What did Abby discover when she started surfing?
A.Her local surfing school was expensive.
B.She needed more equipment than she’d expected .
C. It was good to try different surfboards.
3.What does Abby say about surfing in the winter ?
A.The sea is warm enough where she lives.
B.She wears a special suit for winter surfing. C.The beaches are very quiet then.
4.How did Abby feel about surfing the enormous wave ?
A.disappointed she didn’t have the right board .
B.worried at first by the size of the wave. C.scared about talking off her board.
5.What does Abby want to do next ?
A.find out about surfing as a career.
B.study surfing science at university.
C.train for the next surfing competition.
Question 2: Listen and complete the information in the box.(2pts)
Caspar and the Circus Family
Caspar’s mother dances across a ……(1) in the circus.
Caspar’s brother is in an act where as many as……(2) people balance on a motorbike.
Caspar’s dad is a good circus boss because he is …………(3) and has a strong voice.
Caspar starts the show by marching in front of the ………(4)
There are no animals in the show except a rabbit.
One of Caspar’s jobs is selling ………..(5).

Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your
answer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (3pts)
1.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others ?
2. Which of the following words has the underlined part pronounced differently?

3.It’s about time you…thinking about setting up your own business.
C.to start
4. .The Cyborg D423 had been …development for over ten years.
5…. to leak ,a large area of the sea would be contaminated.
A.Were the chemicals
B. If the chemicals were
C. The chemicals were
D.Both A and B are correct
6. I wish I got on with my neighbors,……………….?
A.may I
B.do I
C. should I
D.shall I
7.That jumper looks so old and dirty. When are you going to get….of it ?
8. I think we should go somewhere ….. has plenty of sun and sand this summer.

9.The monitor suggested they ….. turn off the computers after use.
A. turn
B.should turn
D.Both A and B are correct
10.My teeth were a bit yellow so I ….by the dentist.
A.had cleaned them
B.had them cleaned
C.was cleaned them
D.cleaned them
11.I forget … up for my driving test yesterday. How silly!
B.to turn
C. turning
D. turned
12.If you have to travel on company business, we’ll pay your ….
13.When you go to a/an ….,you pay one price for everything.
A.package tour
14. He told her that job openings were scarce , and that they’d be lucky if they found
B.found easily

15. Did Sean discover the person who broke open his locker ?He was very upset when
he told me about it.
B.bother about
C. question
D.find out

Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9

GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu

Question 2: Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct ,and some have a word should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick ( )in
the space by the number. If a line has a word should not be there, write the word in the
space. There are two examples at the beginning(0 and 00).(3pts)

…  …..
… to …..


As a country girl from the Australian out back now studying at
university in Perth, I am often asked whether I prefer to living in the
country or the city. My answer is for always the same: you
just can’t begin compare things that are totally different. Back home
in the tiny settlement of Wooloonga I am often have to help out on
our ranch, as grooming the horses or bring in the sheep. It’s
70 kilometres to the nearest town of any size, and it feels like
if our ranch is in the middle of nowhere. I went to a little school
in the village nearby, but all my old friends are in the same one
position as me now – they’ve moved on and gone to big cities in
search of the jobs and qualifications. I’m studying drama in
Perth, so I tend to hang around with a lot of very friendly people.
We go to the theatre twice a week to see us the latest perfomances.
It took me a while to get used to all the traffic, and at first people

always seemed too be busy to stop and have a chat, but now it
feels getting like a second home. But I’m always happy to go
back to my first home when the university on vacation comes!

Question 3: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space
provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. (2pt)
The fishing town of Kinsale is one of the biggest tourist (0)… attraction
in Ireland. Located on the south coast, it is famous for its (1)……food
such as Clonakilty pudding and smoked salmon. The choice of (2)……..
local delicacies seems (3)…….., as every second building in the town
centre seems to be a restaurant or food shop.


The views from the cliff tops which (4)……..the bay of Kinsale are
magnificent. They are often painted by local (5)……. Their water colours
and prints can be bought in the shops at very (6)……..prices. To the west
of Kinsale, there are (7)……..beaches which never seem to be
(8)…….., even in the middle of tourist season.


The sea near Kinsale also holds a particular (9)…….. for divers. Over
two years there have been many shipwrecks because of the (10)……..
coastline, and the divers come in search of treasure amongst the wrecks.


Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9



GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu




Question 1: Look at the text in each question.What does it say ?Choose the correct
1. What a fantastic city! We found A. Elena and Tim have discovered another good
the restaurant you recommended
but it was shut ! Menu looks good
B. Elena and Tim think the restaurant’s prices are
value, so we’ll definitely go before reasonable.
we leave.
C. Elena and Tim will have to try the restaurant
Elena and Tim
on their next visit.
A.All City Bus journeys cost exactly the same.
Please have ready the exact fare for B.You need to have the correct money when you
your journey.
board the bus.
C.You must keep your ticket ready for checking.
3. Frank, Rabbit Records phoned.
Why did the record shop phone?
The CD you ordered arrived today, A.to apologise for a mistake with Frank’s order.
but someone sold it. They’re really B.to suggest Frank comes in later this week.
sorry! They’re reordered- available C.to say that Frank’s CD is ready for collection.
next Monday at the latest. Jane
4. The Pizza Place

A.you can buy a meat for only £3 at lunchtime.
Between 12 and 2 pm, minimum
B.A charge of £3 is added to each bill at
charge £3 per person
C.Each customer will have to pay at least £3 at
5. To: Dr Hatton’s students
A. Students should check when this
From: College secretary
Thursday’s lecture begins.
Dr Hatton would like to remind you
B. Dr Hatton had forgotten to announce the
all that Thursday’s lecture is to
change on Thursday.
take place in the library (this week
C. The location of Thursday’s lecture will be
only). Start time unchanged.
different from usual.
A. There will be a class photo if enough
To order your class photograph,
people sign here.
sign below. £8.50 each, 20%
B. Your photo will cost less if you pay the
discount on three or more copies
office in advance
(payment to office immediately,
C. The price per photo is reduced if several

are ordered at once.
7. Company Security
A.The company insists office workers carry an
Office staff must have their identity identity card.
cards with them at all times
B.Show your identity card when asked to do so.
C.Staff identity cards are available at the office.
A. Swimming is not pemitted where people are
B. You must not dive into the pool where the
Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An


Năm học:2013-2014

-Bài tập về câu hỏi đuôi với câu cảm thán là dạng bài nâng cao của câu hỏi đuôi trongUnit 5.-Bài tập về cụm giới từ là dạng bài tập nâng cao của giới từ xuyên suốt chương trình.-Bài tập về đại từ quan hệ which /that /where là dạng nâng cao của đại từ quan hệwho/which/that trong Unit 8,9-Bài tập về tìm từ thừa là một dạng bài tìm lỗi sai trong câu nhưng được nâng cao hơn,địi hỏi sự thơng thạo tổng hợp về ngữ pháp,từ vựng của học sinh .-Bài tập về cho hình thức đúng của từ là dạng bài khơng những địi hỏi học sinh thơnghiểu về ngữ pháp mà cịn có kiến thức sâu về các từ gia đình .Nội dung cho bài tậpnày xoay quanh những chủ đề như Computer ,Sports,HealthPhần Reading-Các dạng bài thông thường như đọc hiểu một bài văn 300 từ và chọn một trong bốnphương án,nhưng bài tập 1 áp dụng dạng đề của PET : mười tin nhắn, email, thôngbáo, lời chỉ dẫn….. từ hai mươi đến hai mươi lăm từ và chọn một trong ba phương ánđúng.-Bài tập điền từ vào chỗ trống là dạng bài phổ biến, đòi hỏi học sinh có vốn từ vựngphong phú, và kiến thức ngữ pháp sâu rộng .Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội AnNăm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu- Bài tập điền câu vào đoạn văn là dạng bài nâng cao ,đòi hỏi học sinh hiểu ngữ cảnhsâu sắc và tư duy logic.Phần Writing-Bài tập viết lại câu là những dạng thông dụng nhất để kiểm tra kiến thức về câu trúccâu.-Bài tập thêm từ để hồn thành câu là dạng bài thơng dụng ,được áp dụng nhiều trongSGK 9 (Unit 3,9)-Bài tập viết thư mà cũng là dạng thơng dụng trong chương trình (Unit 1,4,6,8),nhưng học sinh thể hiện khả năng viết của mình trong giới hạn từ 120 đến 150 từ vớinhững mẫu câu ,từ vựng phong phú.3. Phạm vi và đối tượng sử dụng:Như đã trình bày ở trên ,phạm vi và đối tượng ứng dụng của bộ đề là dành cho học sinhgiỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9 cấp Tỉnh hoặc học sinh thi vào lớp 10 chuyên Tiếng Anhtrường PTTH chuyên trong tỉnh Quảng Nam.B. PHẦN NỘI DUNGTrường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội AnNăm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh ChâuMATRIXChủ đềListening(3đ)Nội dunga conversationNhậnbiếtThôn Vận dụngg hiểuMđtmđc5cT TN LReading(4 đ)Writing(5đ)1.Multiple choice-pronuciation(2)-Wishes with If only /It’s time/I’drather-Prepositional phrase-Inversion in conditional sentences- Tag question-Phrasal verb-Relative pronoun-Verb form(3)-Vocabulary(2)-synonym(2)2.Leavingoutunnecessarywords.3.Word forms15c1.Multiple choice( 10 twenty-five-word texts)2.Inserting correct words into atext10cT TN L1đ2đ2đ1đ5c1d8c7c1c30c3đ2đ102.Using word cues to writesentences3.Wrting a 120- 150-word letterTổng(20 đ)3đ15103. Inserting 5 sentences into atext1.Transformation sentencesTrường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội AnT TN L5cA textVocabulary ,Grammar,Lexicol(8 đ)Tổn35 15 10c c c1cNăm học:2013-20141,6đ1,4 đ2đ91c/20đBộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh ChâuBỘ ĐỀ 1SECTION ONE: LISTENING (3pts)Question 1:You will hear an interview with a singer called Nick Parker,who plays in aband called Krispy with his sister Mei.Choose the best answer(1pt)1.When Nick and Mei were younger,…A.they studied music at school. B.their parents took them to live concerts.C.their mother encouraged them to play music.2. When Nick and Mei started writing music together,they…A.disagreed about the style they should have.B.didn’t want to be the same as other bands.C.were influenced by different kinds of music.3.The band Krispy was started after…A.Nick began studying at music school.B.two other musicians heard Nick and Mei playing.C. Nick and Mei advertised for the band members.4.In the band’s first year together ,…A.concert audiences liked their music.B.they designed a recording contract.C.their national tour was very successful.5.What disappointment has the band had?A.They haven’t yet had a number one single.B.Their first album sold under a million copies.C.A health problem delayed their album recording.***Answers1. 2: You will hear a man called Ben,from a young people’s organisation,tellinga youth group about a course they can do on Saturdays.Listen and complete the missinginformation.(2pts)SATURDAY COURSEName of Ben’s organisation :……………………(1)Aim of the course :Discovering ………………….(2)Closest course location for this group :……………………..(3)Length of the course : 12 weeksExamples of activities we will do : Learn how to climb Cut up wood Make a ……………………………(4) Design ……………………(5) to take home.***Answers1. TWO: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (8 pts)Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write youranswer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (3pts)Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội AnNăm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu1. Which of the following words has the main stress placed differently from others?A.accommodationB. magnificient C.participateD.brochure2. Which of the following words has the underlined part pronounced differently?A.alienB.preparationC.mineralD.temperature3.I’d rather you ….the kids drop bits of pizza all over my new sofa.A.don’t letB.aren’t letting C.won’t letD.didn’t let4.The horse has been…training for the race for over a year.A. onB.atC. inD.under5…. still a head teacher , he would not permit such bad behaviour.A. If Mr Morgan wereB. Were Mr MorganC. Mr Morgan wereD. Both A and B are correct6. How silly the idea was,…?A.wasn’t itB. was itC. itsn’t itD.is it7.He wanted to get to the town center but he got….the wrong bus and ended up at thestation.A.inB.out ofC.onD.off8.-Have you seen Jason Green’s latest film?-Is that the one in… joins the FBI ?A.which heB. that heC.whom heD.which9. Their group leader suggested they …..for the beach.A.madeB.had madeC.makeD.have made10. I am really going to try …. these exams.A.passB. to passC. passingD. passed11.Why don’t you get a doctor …. at your arm?A.to lookB.lookC.lookingD.looked12.As soon as the boat left the …. , the storm began.A.platformB.runwayC.quayD.harbour13. I think it’d be a good idea to send in your …..as soon as possible.A.qualificationsB.application form C.certificates- D.degrees14. Betty hadn’t done her French homework. That afternoon, she missed her Frenchclass on purpose.A.She wanted to miss the class.B.She thought her class was late.C.She missed her class by accident. D.He got someone else to go to her class.15. One of the special ingredients in the spice cake is cinnamon. I think the others arenutmeg and cloves.A.mixturesB.listC.itemsD.values***Answers: 2: Read the text below and look carefully at each line. .Some of the lines arecorrect, and some have a word should not be there. If a line is correct ,put a tick ()inTrường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội AnNăm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh Châuthe space by the number. If a line has a word should not be there, write the word in thespace.(3pts)1. ………………… It is often been said that the secret of good comedy is timing.2. …………………. As a comedian myself, I know that’s not true. The secret3. …………………. of good comedy is to be funny! I was told that a joke the other4. …………………. day about a man whose his dog has no nose. When asked how5. …………………. it smells, the man replies ‘Terrible!’. The problem here is6. …………………. that, despite of the joke having fairly clever punchline,7. …………………. no one finds it a funny. However good your timing is, you8. …………………. can’t make out people laugh at that joke. I get my friends to9. …………………. tell to me jokes all the time. If I’ve never heard them before,10 …………………. and if they make me laugh it out loud, I might consider…………………. using them in my comedy act. I am like jokes that rely on11. …………………. word play (even though the joke was about a noseless dog12 …………………. is rubbish!). My mum’s from Cuba and my dad’s from…………………. Iceland so I guess that makes me up an ice cube . Now13 …………………. that’s a classic joke however you tell it. Comedy is made notjust to do with timing!1415Question 3: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered spaceprovided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. (2pt)A CAREER IN COMPUTERSWhen the boom in the (0)… Information …technology (IT)INFORMindustry was at its height in the late 1990s, it was easy for (1)….GIFTyoung computer (2)………to get jobs without having any formalPROGRAMMEqualifications. In those days, (3)………..and experience were asABLEmore valuable by (4)……….than certificates. Indeed, enthusiasticEMPLOYteenagers often knew as much, if not more, about the latest (5) ….DEVELOPthan university graduates. Today, an (6)………..computer fan isQUALIFYmuch less likely to get a job than someone who has done a (7)…TRAINcourse of some kind, at least with any of the large (8)… .ButORGANISEyoung peole who have (9)……….hands-on experience may stillUSEget work, (10)……….with smaller companies with may also beSPECIALwilling to help them further their education.***Answers: 3: READING(4pts)Question 1: Look at the text in each question.What does it say? Choose the correctanswer(2pts)1.STUDENTS!A.Lost locker keys can be replaced for a chargeTrường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội AnNăm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh Châuof 6€.YOUR 6€ DEPOSIT FOR LOCKER B.You cannot collect your locker key until youKEYS WON’T BE REFUNDED IF have paid a 6€ deposit.KEYS ARE LOSTC.We cannot return your 6€ deposit if you loseyour locker key.2.JoCan you get me a ‘Fast Boys’ T-shirt A.Hannah has got a purple ‘Fast Boys’ T-shirtfrom their concert tomorrow? I likeand wants one in another colour.the purple ones, but another colour’s B.Hannah would rather have purple ‘Fast Boys’OK if they haven’t got one in myT-shirt if possible.size.C.Hannah only wants a ‘Fast Boys’ T-shirt if it’sThanks.a purple one.Hannah3.Class 5 Garden Party17 july3.30pmWhat has changed about Class 5’s party?Because of bad weather, tomorrow’sA. the timeparty will now be in the School Hall.B. the placePlease give party food and drink toC. the refreshmentsMrs Bloom by 11am.4.Becky,Don’t forget your Annt Jane’sMum is writing tocoming to stay tonight, so can youA.tell Becky to stay at home to see her aunt.make sure the house is neat whenB.ask Beck to tidy the house before she leaves.you go out this afternoon?C.remind Becky to go to her aunt’s house.MumThe school fitness centre will5.School Fitness CentreA.change its opening hours at the end of August.From the end of August, the fitnessB.have shorter opening hours until the end ofcentre will be closed during theAugust.weekends and evenings.C.open again to students at the end of August.A. The English class must take their workbooks6. Mr Wright’s English lesson todayto the language laboratory.will be in Room 24D beside theB. The room for English lessons is changinglanguage laboratory. He’s off sick, sobecause of the test.use the lesson to revise for the test.C. The usual English teacher cannot attendBring your workbooks!today’s lesson.A. Application forms are unavailable after 1st7. Trip to New YorkNovember.Application forms will be availableB. The earliest that students can pick up theirstfrom the school office from 1application forms is 1st NovemberNovember.C. Students should give in their applicationforms on 1st November.8. Having a great holiday!A. Louis went windsurfing after he went toWent windsurfing today after playingthe funfair yesterday.beach volleyball.B. Louis played beach volleyball before heTrường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội AnNăm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh ChâuStopped for barbecue on the way tothe funfair yesterday.See you soon!Louiswent windsurfing.C. Louis went to the funfair before he hadlunch.9. Jungle caféSORRY!Tables at the front of the café arereserved for a birthday party.A. Don’t sit at the front of the café unlessyou’re attending the party.B. Only people invited to the party can comeinto the caféC. If you’re coming to the party youshouldn’t use the tables at the front10. From: MaireTo:SylvianeA. Marie is offering to lend Sylviane a book.Subject: Science TextbooksB. Marie wants to return one of Sylviane’sThanks for lending me that biologybooks to her.book- I’m glad you got it back OK.C. Marie is asking Sylviane to give back aYou can borrow my chemistry onebook she has borrowedand return it next week if you want.***Answers: 2: Read the text below and fill each gap with ONE suitable word. Write youranswer in the numbered box.( 1pt)THE T-SHIRTThe T-shirt is a simple item of clothing. It is called a T-shirt because it is just (1)……acapital T in shape, with a round neck and short sleeves. Most of us (2)….worn one atsome stage in our lives, and most people keep quite (3)…….few in their wardrobe. Thisis because T-shirts are cheap to buy, easy to look after and hard-wearing. Some peopleuse old ones that are (4)…..shabby to wear as cleaning rags, others use oversized onesto sleep in. Also, (5)…of the logos that appear on them, people use them to tell theworld where they’ve been on holiday, (6)…..is their favourite football team or band, oreven something about their political views.The T-shirt began life, many centuries ago, as underclothing. It was intended to protectdelicate skins (7)……. rough outer clothing, and was definitely (8)…. designed to beseen. Nineteenth-century sailors were the first underwear (9)…….outwear. The UnitedStates Navy uniform included a V-necked pullover cut to reveal an undershirt. It wasn’t(10)…the 1940s, however, that sailors began to wear a cotton T-shirt without thepullover on top.***Answers: 3 : Read the text below. Choose the sentence (A – H) that best fits the gap(15). There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. Write your answerin the numbered box. (1pt)A.So I asked them to write a letter to the artist, asking how much it would cost to buythe giraffe .B. Meanwhile the pupils at Grangetown High are very happy with their new classmate.Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội AnNăm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh ChâuC.‘It was the most uncomfortable bike ever created,’ admits Tom, ‘so I gave up makingbicycles and went into sculpture instead.’D. It soon began to attract attention from passers-by.E.Giraffe is their favorite animal.F. But he had always been a keen artist.G. ‘We’re going to hold a competition to give it proper name’ ,said one girl. ‘Everyonelikes the expression on its face, perhaps that will give us some ideas.’H.The giraffe is a huge metal sculpture made by a local artist.Metal giraffe arrives at school!The pupils of Grangetown High have been busy getting to know their newest and tallestclassmate- a 7-metre-tall giraffe outside their school.…(1)… The school’s headmaster noticed the sculpture in the artist’s garden as he drovepast one day, and though it would be perfect for his school. ‘ I knew everyone wouldlove it,’ he said, ‘because our basketball team is known as the Grangetown Giraffes, andthey wear giraffes on their shirts….(2)…. He was very kind and got it ready to deliverin six weeks-all for nothing! He arranged for it to arrive one Sunday morning, so thatthe pupils would see it when they got to school on the Monday- at that stage they hadno idea that we were getting it.’The artist, Tom Bennett, was a university professor of chemistry before he retired in2006 and only took up metalwork a couple of years ago…(3). ‘I’ve always drawnpictures’ he said. ‘I can even remember doing it on my first day at school – I drew ahorse. I wanted it to be the best horse picture ever but I don’t think I succeeded!’Tom’s first project using metal was a bicycle for two that he and his wife could gocycling on together. ….(4)…‘The first metal sculpture I ever did was of a lion, which now also lives at a school. Itstarted out as a cat, but it just didn’t look right, so I made it into a lion and put it in myfront garden. …(5)…Some small children wouldn’t walk pass the lion unless they couldhave a turn sitting and playing on its back. I think children feel that my sculptures looklike actual live animals, and that’s what I want.’*** Answers1. 4:WRITING(5pts)Question 1:Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the firstone, using the word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must usebetween TWO and FIVE words, including the word given. (1.6pts)1. Why don’t you return the sweater to the shop you got it from?( back)Why don’t you ………………………………………shop you got it from?2.It can be very worrying when you owe money to the bank. (debt)It can be very worrying when you …………………………………the bank.3.I expect Adrian did a lot of revision .(must)Adrian……………………………a lot of revision.4.I was on the point of leaving the house when the telephone rang.( about)I ……………………………………the house when the telephone rangTrường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội AnNăm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu5. It would be difficult for me to finish the work by the end of the weekend.(finishing)I ………………………………………the work by the end of the weekend.6.I’d like to thank your brother for his help.(to)I am ……………………………..your brother for his help.7. Success depends on hard work. (harder)The harder ………………………………you are.8. They recruited very few young engineers.( hardly)………………………………..young engineers.Question 2: Make any changes and addition to build the sentences from the cues given.(1.4pt)1.Air pollution, together /litter/cause/problem/our city /today.2.flood /high that /they/had/live/roofs/days.3.teacher /tell /there /examination /following week.4.principal /declare /ceremony / soon /all / graduates / guests /be/seat.5.Sue say /good bye/grandma/before /leave.6. If they/ left the house earlier, they not/ be/ so late /get/ airport /they / not check /baggage.7.Learn /foreign language/like/English /necessary /us/get/job.Question 3: The ceiling fans in your classroom do not work .Write a letter(120 -150words) to your principal complaining about this problem.BỘ ĐỀ 2SECTION ONE: LISTENING (3pts)Question 1: You will hear an interview with a teenager called Simon about going to anindoor climbing center. Choose the best answer(1pt)1.Simon’s mum decided to take him to the climbing center because …A. she had enjoyed going there.B. her friend had recommended it.C. Simon had been there with his school .2.Before he went to the center, Simon was…A.worried about going climbing there. B. interested in seeing the climbing wall.C. disappointed to hear it was all indoors.3.Simon says that at the center there were …A. lots of people when it opened.B. many different types of people .C.no other people at his age.4.What did Simon think about the climbing wall?A. He thought it looked very high.B. He was afraid he might fall.C. He found the foot holes helpful.Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An10Năm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu5.What does Simon feel he learnt from climbing at the center?A. how to improve his fitness.B. to think before he does something .C. the best way to work with other people.***Answers1. 2:Listen and complete the information in the box.(2pts)GRIFFON THE HORSEThe international horse show will be held in the month of ……………….(1) ,just afterHannah’s birthday.The family will travel from Poland to the horse show in…………………(2)The person who will ride Griffon round the ring in the international horse show isHannah’s………………………..(3)Two weeks ago, Griffon won some money as a prize.Hannah’s ambition is to work as a ………………………..(4)When Griffon wins a competition, he is given some ………………….(5) by the family.***Answers: TWO: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (8 pts)Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write youranswer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (3pts)1.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the othersA.decomposeB.overheatC.competitionD.satisfactory2. Which of the following words has the underlined part pronounced differently?A.evidenceB.pesticideC.flashlightD.environment3.I’d have been able to say goodbye to Trish if only I…. to the airport in time.A. getB.gotC.have gotD. had got4.I am writing ….. response to the letter from Mrs A Taylor.A.toB.onC.inD.for5….. to beat Romania , they would face Italy in the final.A. If Germany wereB. Were Germany . C. Germany wereD.Both A and B are correct6. I wish they didn’t put down this old building,…?A.may IB.do IC. should ID.shall I7.His girl friend left him in March and he still hasn’t got….. it .A.byB.overC.offD.past8. .-Could you lend me some money ?-I’d like you to give me one good reason ….. I should.A.thatB.whyC.whichD.who9.I suggest she ……………… the garbage every two days.A. emptyB. emptiesC. emptiedD. has emptied10.My sister ….her ears pierced.Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An11Năm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh ChâuA.madeB.gotC.didD.took11.Jared attended Chichester Comprehensive and then went on …..Philosophy atCambridge.A.studyB. studyingC.to studyD. studied12.The wind was blowing so much that we couldn’t ….our tent.A.raiseB.put upC.make upD. build13.When you left the job, you had to hand in your ….three weeks beforehand.A.application form B.dismissalC.noticeD.references14. The cleaner removed all the dirt from the coat. It looked like new again.A.refused to take awayB.took awayC.repeatedD.replaced15. The cross is a sacred symbol of the Christian. A lot of people bow their heads whenthey see it.A.forgottenB.happyC.everydayD.holy***Answers1. 2: Read the text below and look carefully at each line .Some of the lines arecorrect ,and some have a word should not be there . If a line is correct ,put a tick ( )inthe space by the number. If a line has a word should not be there, write the word in thespace.(3pts)…………………………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….………………….Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội AnI had a great week at school! We were been having a mediastudies lesson when our teacher told to us that we were goingto make a radio advert for the school! I was really keen onto be involved because I’ve always had been interested in acareer in the television. She asked us to plan our advert indetail and to write a script. Most people found it out difficultto come up with ideas, but I didn’t. I decided that I would haveinterviews with people who were used to go to the school,commenting on how they had benefited them from going to thatschool. My teacher thought it was a great idea and said I shouldto see if I could find some ex-students. I asked the head andshe gave me a few phone numbers. When I called them andexplained them what I wanted to do, they were all happy tohelp. I am going to visit them with a tape recorder and recordthat what they say, Media studies is definitely turning out to bemy favourite subject!12Năm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh ChâuQuestion 3: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered spaceprovided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. (2pt)People have always seen mountains as symbols oflong-lasting (0)…strength…The media has oftenfocused on (1)……..mountaineering feats, and on the(2)……and endurance of those who climb mountain.Yet a different view of mountains is beginning toemerge.It is that they are fragile; endangered by (3)………and climate change, made into giant litter bins byuncaring (4)………, easily damaged by (5)……projects, and in many countries harmed bydeforestation linked to population (6)……… Alsothere has been increasing concern over the quality oflife of mountain people, and over the (7)…….. ofmany of their (8)……… cultures.Thankfully the global (9)…..of such issues has beenrecognised by the United Nations, who declared2002 the (10)…… Year of Mountain, raisingawareness of mountains all over the world.STRONGDRAMABRAVEPOLLUTETOURISMDEVELOPGROWAPPEARANCETRADITIONIMPORTANTNATIONAL***Answers: 3: READING(4pts)Question 1: Look at the text in each question. What does it say ?Choose the correctanswer(2pts)1. Francesco!Whose textbook does Natalie want to borrow?Problem- Maria’s borrowed myA. Ken’shistory textbook and she’s away.B. Maria’sCould you lend me yours?C. Francesco’sLeave it with Ken when you seehim.Thanks,Natalie2. THIS CAR PARK IS LOCKEDA. Users must lock the car park after leaving.AFTER BUSINESS HOURS EACH B. People can park here while they are at work.Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An13Năm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh ChâuDAY.C. This car park is for employees only.3. PLAYERS WANTEDA. The basketball team only wants to seeFor Friday’s basketball match againstexperienced players.Barton College. Can you help theB. There aren’t enough team membersteam? Come to the gym at 3 p.m.available on Friday.today, whatever your level.C. The Barton College team will visit thegym later today.4. JAZZ ON A SUMMEREVENINGNO TICKETS LEFT FORSUNDAY’S PERFORMANCE5. To: CharlotteFrom: GiacomoWhat time does your flight arrivetomorrow? Can’t pick you up if it’searlier than midday as I’m holding ameeting at our office.Sorry.6. To:All studentsFrom: College SecretaryMonday 6 MayCan I remind you that all essays aredue this Friday. No late work will beaccepted unless accompanied by adoctor’s letter7. TAKE ONE TABLET THREETIMES A DAY AFTER MEALS.FINISH THE PRESCRIPTION8. Ben,Why not bring your new game roundtonight ? We can use my brother’sPC. I’m playing football till 7.00, soany time after that.Kim9. FREE SOFA!(Owner moving back to NewZealand )Must have transport collect fromJohn any evening this week. Phone452611 to arrange a suitable time.10. BOAT HIREINSURANCE INCLUDED FUELTrường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội AnA.All Sunday evening tickets are already sold.B.You must book tickets for Sunday inadvance.C.A ticket is not necessary for Sunday evening.A. Giacomo will be able to see Charlotteearly tomorrow morning.B. Charlotte needs to arrive in time forGiacomo’s meeting tomorrow.C. Giacomo can collect Charlotte from theairport tomorrow afternoon.A. The college secretary will post studentstheir essays on Friday.B. Students may hand in their essays afterFriday if they can prove illnessC. Unless your essay is due by Friday, youdo not need to replyA. Take the tablets regularly until the bottle isempty.B. Take one tablet every day until they arefinished.C. Take three tablets after meals until you feelbetter.Kim suggestsA. meeting at the football match.B. going to Ben’s house later.C. playing on his brother’s computer.A. John can deliver the sofa if the time isconvenient.B. Anyone wanting this sofa must pick it upthis week.C. Call John with advice on how he cantransport his sofa.The hire charge covers all the costsA. including fuel and insurance.14Năm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9EXTRA NO HIDDEN CHARGES.GV:Trần Thị Minh ChâuB. except insuranceC. apart from fuel.***Answers: 2: Read the text below and fill each gap with ONE suitable word. Write youranswer in the numbered box.( 1pt)PERTHFrom the city of Perth in Western Australia (1)……..is two thousand miles to thenearest large centre of population. This is not, (2)……….., a forgotten backwater. On(3)…..contrary, Perth is a sophisticated modern city that offers a (4)….deal in term ofentertainment and places of interest. The first thing you notice (5)……..you land atPerth Internation airport (6)……the quality of the light. Bright white sunshine fills asky that seems (7)…… much larger than the one you left at home. Transfers to the citycentre, (8)……..is just sixteen kilometres away, are quick and easy and you’ll probablyhead (9)… the suburb of Freemantle which contains most of the tourist attractions,including excellent beaches as (10)…as a good range of international restaurants andhotels.***Answers: 3 : Read the text below. Choose the sentence (A-H)that best fits the gap(1-5).There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. Write your answer inthe numbered box. (1pt)A. Everywhere I looked, all I could see was dolphins, swimming under me and roundme.B. However, the sky soon turned blue, and we raced across the waves in the sunshineuntil we finally reached the place where we were supposed to go swimming.C. As I got dry I noticed that everyone on board was smiling and I realized what a veryspecial moment we’d had.D. I’ll always think of Kaikoura as the place where I finally achieved my lifelongambition- to swim with wild dolphins.E. So I did and actually heard them making similar sounds, as if they were trying toanswer meF. The first evening it seemed a rather dull place.G. All I could see were first everywhere- there were more than a hundred dolphins, allswimming toward our boat!H.After that, we toured around for a while before ending up by chance in Kaikoura, asmall town on the coast.Dolphin TripMy family and I set off on a dolphin trip on a cold, grey day with a number of otherpeople on a small boat….(1)… To my surprise, this was more than 40km from land. Iwas quite cold by this time, and really starting to wonder why my family had made mecome all the way out there, when suddenly someone shouted ‘Dolphins!’.Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An15Năm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu…(2)…Many of them were jumping around in the water as if they were asking us tocome and play. I put on my snorkel and jumped into the sea ….(3)… Then Iremembered the guide had told us to make sounds in the water to attract them….(4).. Ieven made eye contract with one dolphin, and watched it carefully as I swam round in acircle. Amazingly, the dolphin almost followed me, but then changed its mind, althoughit kept eye contact with me all the time. It really made me realise how intelligent andbeautiful these creatures are.Then after an hour of swimming the guides called us to get back onto the boat.Although I had enjoyed myself, I was keen to leave the water by then as I was verycold….(5).I’ll never forget that experience, and Kaikoura will always have a special place in myheart.***Answers: 4:WRITING(5pts)Question 1:Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the firstone, using the word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must usebetween TWO and FIVE words, including the word given. (1.6pts)1.I paid for the CD using notes and coins and then left the shop.(cash)I paid for the CD ……………………….… left the shop.2.I found the photo by chance when I was tidying my room.(across)I…………………………. photo when I was tidying my room.3.It was wrong of you to allow a four-year-old child to walk home.( should)You………………………… a four-year-old child to walk home.4.Their daughter was on the point of getting off the car when her mobile phone rang.(about)Their daughter ……………………………the car when her mobile phone rang.5. It is so late so it would be difficult for us to catch the bus home (in)It is so late so …………………………………the bus home .6.We all pitied Stephen.( for)We ………………………………………….Stephen.7.I work better if I am pressed for time .(less)The ………………………………………….., the better I work .8.Fiona was so disappointed that she could not keep on working .(such)…………………………………………that she could not keep on workingQuestion 2: Make any changes and addition to build the sentences from the cues given.(1.4pt)1.doctor /talk/man/ wife/ injured/accident /moment.2.I hope /English /considerably /improve /end/ course.3.Daren /think/ wear /suit/work/be/appropriate.Trường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An16Năm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh Châu4. We / write/ suggest/ cars should / ban/ center / city / soon / possible.5. arrive /flight 472 /Amsterdam/have/delay/one hour6.They /not /have/ accident if / driver / front/ not /stop/ suddenly.7. Mike wished/ editors /permit/ copy /some /their material.Question 3:You can not go to your close friend’s party. Write a letter (120 -150words) to him/her .BỘ ĐỀ 3SECTION ONE: LISTENING (3pts)Question 1:You will hear a radio interview with a teenager surfer called AbbyFielding. Choose the best answer (1pt) :1.Abby first decided to go surfing when …A.her dad offered to teach her.B.she saw some local competitions .C.her mother gave her money for a surfboard.2.What did Abby discover when she started surfing?A.Her local surfing school was expensive.B.She needed more equipment than she’d expected .C. It was good to try different surfboards.3.What does Abby say about surfing in the winter ?A.The sea is warm enough where she lives.B.She wears a special suit for winter surfing. C.The beaches are very quiet then.4.How did Abby feel about surfing the enormous wave ?A.disappointed she didn’t have the right board .B.worried at first by the size of the wave. C.scared about talking off her board.5.What does Abby want to do next ?A.find out about surfing as a career.B.study surfing science at university.C.train for the next surfing competition.***Answers1. 2: Listen and complete the information in the box.(2pts)Caspar and the Circus FamilyCaspar’s mother dances across a ……(1) in the circus.Caspar’s brother is in an act where as many as……(2) people balance on a motorbike.Caspar’s dad is a good circus boss because he is …………(3) and has a strong voice.Caspar starts the show by marching in front of the ………(4)There are no animals in the show except a rabbit.One of Caspar’s jobs is selling ………..(5).***Answers1.ường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An17Năm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh ChâuSECTION TWO: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY (8 pts)Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write youranswer (A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (3pts)1.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others ?A.permanentlyB.residentC.accessibleD.rivalry2. Which of the following words has the underlined part pronounced differently?A.distinguishB.priorityC.JewishD.efficiency3.It’s about time you…thinking about setting up your own business.A.startB.startingC.to startD.started4. .The Cyborg D423 had been …development for over ten years.A.underB.onC.inD.of5…. to leak ,a large area of the sea would be contaminated.A.Were the chemicalsB. If the chemicals wereC. The chemicals wereD.Both A and B are correct6. I wish I got on with my neighbors,……………….?A.may IB.do IC. should ID.shall I7.That jumper looks so old and dirty. When are you going to get….of it ?A.awayB.throwC.wasteD.rid8. I think we should go somewhere ….. has plenty of sun and sand this summer.A.whoB.whereC.whenD.that9.The monitor suggested they ….. turn off the computers after use.A. turnB.should turnC.turnedD.Both A and B are correct10.My teeth were a bit yellow so I ….by the dentist.A.had cleaned themB.had them cleanedC.was cleaned themD.cleaned them11.I forget … up for my driving test yesterday. How silly!A.turnB.to turnC. turningD. turned12.If you have to travel on company business, we’ll pay your ….A.costsB.expensesC.needsD.bills13.When you go to a/an ….,you pay one price for everything.A.package tourB.voyageC.expeditionD.cruise14. He told her that job openings were scarce , and that they’d be lucky if they foundwork.A.frequentB.found easilyC.limitedD.unlimited15. Did Sean discover the person who broke open his locker ?He was very upset whenhe told me about it.A.concealB.bother aboutC. questionD.find out***Answers2.ường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An18Năm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 9GV:Trần Thị Minh ChâuQuestion 2: Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines arecorrect ,and some have a word should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick ( )inthe space by the number. If a line has a word should not be there, write the word in thespace. There are two examples at the beginning(0 and 00).(3pts)00101112131415…  …..… to …..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..COUNTRY GIRL IN THE BIG CITYAs a country girl from the Australian out back now studying atuniversity in Perth, I am often asked whether I prefer to living in thecountry or the city. My answer is for always the same: youjust can’t begin compare things that are totally different. Back homein the tiny settlement of Wooloonga I am often have to help out onour ranch, as grooming the horses or bring in the sheep. It’s70 kilometres to the nearest town of any size, and it feels likeif our ranch is in the middle of nowhere. I went to a little schoolin the village nearby, but all my old friends are in the same oneposition as me now – they’ve moved on and gone to big cities insearch of the jobs and qualifications. I’m studying drama inPerth, so I tend to hang around with a lot of very friendly people.We go to the theatre twice a week to see us the latest perfomances.It took me a while to get used to all the traffic, and at first peoplealways seemed too be busy to stop and have a chat, but now itfeels getting like a second home. But I’m always happy to goback to my first home when the university on vacation comes!Question 3: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered spaceprovided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. (2pt)KINSALEThe fishing town of Kinsale is one of the biggest tourist (0)… attractionin Ireland. Located on the south coast, it is famous for its (1)……foodsuch as Clonakilty pudding and smoked salmon. The choice of (2)……..local delicacies seems (3)…….., as every second building in the towncentre seems to be a restaurant or food shop.ATTRACTTRADITIONTASTEENDThe views from the cliff tops which (4)……..the bay of Kinsale aremagnificent. They are often painted by local (5)……. Their water coloursand prints can be bought in the shops at very (6)……..prices. To the westof Kinsale, there are (7)……..beaches which never seem to be(8)…….., even in the middle of tourist season.LOOKARTREASONDELIGHTCROWDThe sea near Kinsale also holds a particular (9)…….. for divers. Overtwo years there have been many shipwrecks because of the (10)……..coastline, and the divers come in search of treasure amongst the wrecks.***Answers:FASCINATEROCKTrường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An19Năm học:2013-2014Bộ đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anhần Thị Minh Châu3. 3: READING(4pts)Question 1: Look at the text in each question.What does it say ?Choose the correctanswer(2pts)1. What a fantastic city! We found A. Elena and Tim have discovered another goodthe restaurant you recommendedrestaurant.but it was shut ! Menu looks goodB. Elena and Tim think the restaurant’s prices arevalue, so we’ll definitely go before reasonable.we leave.C. Elena and Tim will have to try the restaurantElena and Timon their next visit.2. CITY BUSESA.All City Bus journeys cost exactly the same.Please have ready the exact fare for B.You need to have the correct money when youyour journey.board the bus.C.You must keep your ticket ready for checking.3. Frank, Rabbit Records phoned.Why did the record shop phone?The CD you ordered arrived today, A.to apologise for a mistake with Frank’s order.but someone sold it. They’re really B.to suggest Frank comes in later this week.sorry! They’re reordered- available C.to say that Frank’s CD is ready for collection.next Monday at the latest. Jane4. The Pizza PlaceA.you can buy a meat for only £3 at lunchtime.Between 12 and 2 pm, minimumB.A charge of £3 is added to each bill atcharge £3 per personlunchtime.C.Each customer will have to pay at least £3 atlunchtime.5. To: Dr Hatton’s studentsA. Students should check when thisFrom: College secretaryThursday’s lecture begins.Dr Hatton would like to remind youB. Dr Hatton had forgotten to announce theall that Thursday’s lecture is tochange on Thursday.take place in the library (this weekC. The location of Thursday’s lecture will beonly). Start time unchanged.different from usual.6. NOTICESA. There will be a class photo if enoughTo order your class photograph,people sign here.sign below. £8.50 each, 20%B. Your photo will cost less if you pay thediscount on three or more copiesoffice in advance(payment to office immediately,C. The price per photo is reduced if severalplease.)are ordered at once.7. Company SecurityA.The company insists office workers carry anOffice staff must have their identity identity card.cards with them at all timesB.Show your identity card when asked to do so.C.Staff identity cards are available at the office.8. NO DIVING ALLOWEDA. Swimming is not pemitted where people areEXCEPT AT THE DEEP END OF diving.THE SWIMMING POOLB. You must not dive into the pool where theTrường THCS Nguyễn Du,Hội An20Năm học:2013-2014