Black History Month

Beginning Feb. 10, 2023, the museum will present a second group of portraits from Brian Lanker’s 1989 book project “I Dream a World: Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America.” The Portrait Gallery recently acquired all 75 portraits from the Pulitzer-Prize winning photographer’s series and this exhibition features portraits of women who have made significant contributions to the arts, activism, literature, politics, and sports, among other disciplines.

More about the exhibition

Image Credit: “Althea Gibson” by Brian Lanker. Gelatin silver print, 1988. National Portrait Gallery. Partial gift of Lynda Lanker and museum purchase made possible with support from Robert E. Meyerhoff and Rheda Becker, Agnes Gund, Kate Kelly and George Schweitzer, Lyndon J. Barrois Sr. and Janine Sherman Barrois, and Mark and Cindy Aron. © Brian Lanker Archive