“美國恐怖故事” Be Our Guest (TV Episode 2016) – IMDb
Well thankfully my pain is over with this finale. Finally there is no waiting for the next episode thinking it might get better.
The story of the Hotel Cortez started appealing and encouraging by showing so many freaky scenes, ghosts and mysteries but then comes the 5th episode and things started to get really dull ,, Lady Gaga helped making the show even worst. the show after awhile lost it’s concentrated plot and started to deal with many characters as they’re all meaningful for a minute and then back to the “sadly” queen of the show Gaga.
The screenplay really had so much potentials and could have reached to the level of AHS: Asylum as it’s been most of the time all in one large enclosed set so more unexpected things could have appeared ,, but they kinda ruined it.
The Cast, well again, Hated Lady Gaga,, her excess shaggy sex scenes were kinda of failed and unsuccessful try to patch the many holes in the show ,, like they wanted to convince us that she’s a sex symbol in the show, Well she is not , move on.. but as i said before she would have really fit amazingly in AHS:Freak Show.
The other characters “Acted” okay , and when i say acted it means Just Acted, liked the detective character at first (Wes Bentley) but then they killed it and he just disappeared, wished to see “Dylan McDermott” doing that one and it could have been an amazing and believable link to the first season. And the same for (Gabourey Sidibe) she was like “hello AHS”, “goodbye” !! what !! 😛 also Jimmy Darling role (Evan Peters) they could have focused more one him it would’v been more understandable, but it went one episode where the character shines then on the rack.
The cinematography was really good, many effects appeared in the first half of the show, freaks coming out o’ the bed .. etc, then it just went to a “normal” level.
So after all i don’t really blame the cast for this mess as much as i do blame the writers for making a shattered script and not a well properly flowing diagram where you can feel the peak of the plot.
season 6 is in nine months from now so i hope they make a new story that can be easily followed and creep us the hell out of our minds, and i hope they don’t bring back Gaga or any characters like that, god we know she bought .. i mean she got the golden glob .. but please i LOVE this show and i want to be able to watch it for many years.
Fingers crossed … and the low ratings of the finale comparing to the other ones should be a good enough indication.