at the same point in time – English translation – Linguee

At the same time capacity in the air and on the


ground is increasingly scarce, the environmental impact a growing source


of concern at the local and international levels, while improving safety becomes ever more challenging with increasing traffic levels.

air and on the

At the same time capacity in the air and on the


ground is increasingly scarce, the environmental impact a growing source


of concern at the local and international levels, while improving safety becomes ever more challenging with increasing traffic levels.

n the

68) At the point in time these potential aid


measures were put into place, they hence did not constitute State aid, as


they did not have the potential to distort competition, the relevant markets being closed to competition.

e potential aid

68) At the point in time these potential aid


measures were put into place, they hence did not constitute State aid, as


they did not have the potential to distort competition, the relevant markets being closed to competition.

tial aid

The Norwegian authorities therefore


state that they should be


entitled to use the same principles as laid down in point (54) of the Authority’s Environmental


Guidelines (24 ).

entitled tociples as laidority’s Environmental

The Norwegian authorities therefore state


that they should be


entitled to use the same principles as laid down in point (54) of the Authority’s Environmental


Guidelines (24 ).

entitledass Environmental

Public authorities may inject


capital, but at the same time they must behave in the same way


as a private investor would


behave in similar circumstances.

capital,must besame way

Public authorities may inject capital,


but at the same time they must behave in the same way as a private


investor would behave in similar circumstances.

but athey must behave is a private

Furthermore, in recognising the immediate economic impact of such state


aid interventions, a new


measure must be assessed at the point in time when the aid is granted;


it is the legal commitment


of the state that is synonymous with the granting of aid and not the mere payment thereof.

measure must be assethe aid is granted;

Furthermore, in recognising the immediate economic impact of such state


aid interventions, a new


measure must be assessed at the point in time when the aid is granted;


it is the legal commitment


of the state that is synonymous with the granting of aid and not the mere payment thereof.

measure mustis granted;

The EFTA Surveillance Authority has decided to open the formal investigation procedure provided for in Article 1(2) in Part I of Protocol 3 to the Surveillance and


Court Agreement against Norway regarding the various forms of


contested funding described in the foregoing at point I.2.1.

contested funding descr1.

The EFTA Surveillance Authority has decided to open the formal investigation procedure provided for in Article 1(2) in Part I of Protocol 3 to the Surveillance and


Court Agreement against Norway regarding the various forms of


contested funding described in the foregoing at point I.2.1.

contested fun

Finally, the authorities


have stated that at the point in time of the transfer


of contracts to Mesta AS the contracts were


adjusted to take into account new fiscal and regulatory requirements.

have statedhe transfer

Finally, the authorities


have stated that at the point in time of the transfer


of contracts to Mesta AS the contracts were


adjusted to take into account new fiscal and regulatory requirements.

have statee transfer

At the same time in line with the


foregoing considerations, the Commission has decided to initiate the procedure laid down


in Article 108(2) TFEU with regard to the restructuring plan submitted by the Irish authorities on 30 November 2009 and the associated aid measures, to verify whether the conditions of the Restructuring Communication regarding viability, burden-sharing and measures limiting the distortion of competition are met.

with the

At the same time in line with the


foregoing considerations, the Commission has decided to initiate the procedure laid down


in Article 108(2) TFEU with regard to the restructuring plan submitted by the Irish authorities on 30 November 2009 and the associated aid measures, to verify whether the conditions of the Restructuring Communication regarding viability, burden-sharing and measures limiting the distortion of competition are met.

ith the

W ramach procesu “Konkretna


Chwila” (ang. Point-In-Time PIT), rating


wewnętrzny odzwierciedla ocenę bieżącej sytuacji


kredytobiorcy i/lub najbardziej prawdopodobnej sytuacji w przyszłości w wybranym horyzoncie czasowym.

Chwila” (T), rating

n a Point-In-Time (PIT) process, an internal


rating reflects an assessment of the borrower’s current condition and/or most


likely future condition over the course of the chosen time horizon.

process, an internal

Indeed, this entails that Hurtigruten may provide


the service for the exact same time period as foreseen in the 2004 Hurtigruten



the serviceod as foreHurtigruten

Indeed, this entails that Hurtigruten may provide the


service for the exact same time period as foreseen in the 2004 Hurtigruten Agreement.

service foruten Agreement.

The Authority notes that the funding referred to in the original complaint amounts to NOK 4,5 million (circa EUR 546 000) and is therefore already


above the threshold of EUR 100


000 provided for in the Act referred to at point 1e of Annex XV


to the EEA Agreement (Commission


Regulation (EC) No 69/2001 of 12 January 2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to de minimis aid).

000 providedreferref Annex XV

The Authority notes that the funding referred to in the original complaint amounts to NOK 4,5 million (circa EUR 546 000) and is therefore already above


the threshold of EUR 100 000


provided for in the Act referred to at point 1e of Annex XV to the


EEA Agreement (Commission Regulation


(EC) No 69/2001 of 12 January 2001 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the EC Treaty to de minimis aid).

providedto the

Now here it is not appropriate for the European Union to be engaged in substantial bouts of extra regulation and so on, but here is where the open method of coordination could work properly, in things like work/life balance, childcare and


provision for people to be


able to raise their family and work at the same time, in how we get the best practice in pension


and social security systems across Europe.

able to raise their family andwe get the best practice in pension

Now here it is not appropriate for the European Union to be engaged in substantial bouts of extra regulation and so on, but here is where the open method of coordination could work properly, in things like work/life


balance, childcare and


provision for people to be able to raise their family and work at the same time, in how we


get the best practice


in pension and social security systems across Europe.

provisiable to raise their family and woow we

Europe’s world


market share rose in the same time from 20% to 26%,


whereas the US share decreased due to a weak home market


and the Japanese share increased to 49%.

market share20% to 26%,

Europe’s world


market share rose in the same time from 20% to 26%,


whereas the US share decreased due to a weak home market


and the Japanese share increased to 49%.

market share0% to 26%,

The authorities have


pointed out that at the time in question it had


become clear that the sites would be intended for residential


use in the future and that this had come to the attention of building developers that were prepared to buy them for a much higher price.

pointed outtion it had

The authorities have pointed


out that at the time in question it had become


clear that the sites would be intended for residential


use in the future and that this had come to the attention of building developers that were prepared to buy them for a much higher price.

out that at had become

At this point in the preparation of


this report, two elements strike me as particularly consensual.

aration of

At this point in the preparation of


this report, two elements strike me as particularly consensual.

n of

The Authority believes that this criterion is fulfilled,


therefore, given that the new banks were


created by and (at the time in question) were


fully owned by the Icelandic State.

created bytion) were

The Authority believes that this criterion is fulfilled,


therefore, given that the new banks were created


by and (at the time in question) were fully


owned by the Icelandic State.

by and (at) were fully

Under the terms


of BTPS deed in place at the time of privatisation,


the BTPS was required to provide benefits in respect


of those employed at that time in line with civil service benefits.

of BTPSrivatisation,

Under the


terms of BTPS deed in place at the time of privatisation,


the BTPS was required to provide benefits in respect


of those employed at that time in line with civil service benefits.

terms of BTime of privatisation,

W taki sam sposób


jak serwer poczty elektronicznej może przesyłać te same dane do wielu odbiorców, sieciowy przełącznik wizyjny


może klonować


obraz i używać tych samych danych wielokrotnie.

jak serwer poczty elektronicznej może przesyłaćdo wielu odbiorców, sieciowy przełącznik wizyjny

n the same way that an e-mail server can send the same data to multiple people at the same time, the network


switch has the


ability to clone the video and use the same data multiple times.

hat an e-mail server can smultiple people athe network

That in itself may suggest that the market value of the company’s


shares might at the time in question have


been below their nominal value.

shares mtion have

That in itself may suggest that the market value of the company’s


shares might at the time in question have been


below their nominal value.

shares might at tn have been

Opłaty nałożone przez dostawcę usług płatniczych na użytkownika usług


płatniczych z tytułu płatności


transgranicznych będą takie same jak opłaty nałożone


przez dostawcę usług płatniczych na użytkownika


usług płatniczych z tytułu odpowiednich płatności krajowych dokonywanych w tej samej wysokości i walucie.

transgranicznych będą topłaty nałożone

Charges levied by a payment service provider on a payment service


user in respect of cross-border


payments shall be the same as the charges levied by


that payment service provider on payment


service users for corresponding national payments of the same value and in the same currency.

payments shavied by

We need to do more work on it, because it needs to deliver benefits for business,


otherwise there is no point in having it at all.

otherwise there i

We need to do more work on it, because it needs to deliver benefits for business,


otherwise there is no point in having it at all.


In this regard, the Icelandic authorities emphasise that Stáltak held the majority of


shares in DR at the time in question (65).


shares ition (65).

In this regard, the Icelandic authorities emphasise that Stáltak held the majority of


shares in DR at the time in question (65).

shares in(65).

Zaglądając do wnętrza przedwzmacniacza, znajdziecie tę samą wspaniałą jakość konstrukcji


stosowaną w jego droższych odpowiednikach:


ten sam kosztowny materiał płytek, te same extra-grube miedziane ścieżki obwodów,


a nawet to samo okablowanie od punktu


do punktu oraz ręczne lutowanie części.

ten sam kosztowny materiał płyteka-grube miedziane ścieżki obwodów,

Look inside, and you will see the same beautiful construction quality found in


its more costly siblings: the same expensive board


material, the same extra-thick copper circuit traces, even the same point-to-point


wiring and hand-soldering of parts.

materihick copper circuit traces, event-to-point

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